Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1587: The soul in the vein of the Shenyu mine

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Don't go back to the outside world yourself!

In the future, I will do it with Brother Chen!

Maybe it will become an era overlord in the near future!

Givenchy's thoughts flashed quickly.

"You... are you going to kill me too?"

The Jinyi teenager over there recovered, trembling and speaking. The old man beside him has sunk his face, although he is a strong ancestor of the Dao Dao, but in the seams of these three realms, it will not destroy the fifth realm at most. Fang Cai’s incarnation of the fairy will also be the fifth state of immortality, but one face was swallowed by a strange ghost, this is too strange, so at this moment, he was staring at Chen Zheng with extreme vigilance.

"Yuan Family...Your ancestors of Yuan Family should have a little friendship with me." Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and looked at the girl with rich makeup and beautiful eyes.


Yuanzu's ancestors have friendship!

Jinyi teenager is stunned!

The old man beside him is also stunned!

"No need for Chen Gongzi to do it, I'll wait for my own destruction!"

The girl from Chanchan gritted her teeth and gave Chen Zheng a deep glance.


All the other disciples in the Changsheng Palace were also wiped out!


The visitors from various forces are a little ignorant!


It seems that these longevity palace disciples are not the body!


None seem to be normal humans!

There was a Fa-phase between the girl of Chanchan and the Fa-face, which was a **** flower, and that seemed to be its body!

Other than that!

It seems that there are still girls who are not good at it!

"Isn’t it right? Why don’t Xiao Hong’s bodies seem to be white bones...when I came to trade a few times ago, weren’t I doing my bones...wrong? Not my white bones. The air!"

Givenchy's face changed!

Many people's face is also changing!

"It's all illusion, immortality, and bliss. This bliss is really unreal to the extreme."

Chen Zheng smiled, and Long Jingyao and Mrs. Yan's second daughter turned into Xianguang to return to the inner world of Daotu. He raised his right hand and touched the Changsheng Palace. The originally magnificent and luxurious Changsheng Palace became a glance. Broken mountain rocks.


Ragged rocks!

Where is the grandeur before?

"All hallucinations!"

"How could this happen!"

"Are we all deceived... But there were strong ancestors who came to Changsheng Palace before, didn't they realize that Changsheng Palace is an illusion!"

Everyone dumbfounded!


Givenchy's expression changed for a while, and he thought of the transactions that had come to the Changsheng Palace. At this moment, he can only sigh in his heart. His own king who annihilated the Protoss is really shameful.

"The illusion of the Queen of Bliss is normal for ordinary people."

Chen Zheng said casually, his right hand was raised again, facing the chaotic rock, only to hear a burst of rumble, and then the mountain cracked the stone, everyone was puzzled, but after counting the interest one by one flashed his eyes!


A divine ore vein is here!

Under this illusory longevity palace, there is a vein of divine jade ore!

"Shen Jade Mine Vein... Sure enough!" Givenchy's eyes were also bright. Although he was the king of the annihilation gods, although the annihilation gods used to be considered one of the top Orthodox schools outside the region, this **** jade The mineral vein is also of great significance to the annihilation gods at their peak.

Shenyu has special effects, the most important point is that it can be used to refine the rune that enters the most mysterious Yuanxu of the Taicang Holy Dynasty outside the territory. Even if the divine ore veins are outside the territory, they are rare, and they are basically controlled by the three royal dynasties and the ten gods and demons.

"It's just... why didn't the queen take this divine jade mad pulse?"

Givenchy thought a little, revealing a puzzled look.

"Unless she is in person, she will not be able to move this vein."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly again, and touched it again. The divine light of the divine ore veins was already extremely lustrous. At this moment, under the divine light, it became crystal clear.



"Someone in the veins of lying trough jade mine!"



Almost everyone was shocked!

There is a creature in the divine vein!


So for an instant!

The creatures in the veins of the Shenyu mine suddenly opened their eyes!


In an instant!

Everyone heard an evil laugh!


next moment!

The creatures in the divine veins disappeared!


Someone rubbed his eyes.

"It's not an illusion, there is a human-shaped pit out of the Shenyu mine veins."

Someone responded quietly.

What I saw just now is not an illusion, because you can see it without supernatural powers at this moment. There is a personal hollow in the veins of the God Jade Ore, so the creature you saw just now is definitely not an illusion!

That creature really exists!



Or disappeared!

That creature disappeared!

Just now!

That creature seems to be smiling evilly at this Chen Gongzi!

That creature seems to know this son Chen!

"Chen...Brother Chen, who was that just now?"

Givenchy also asked in a deep voice, he felt something was wrong, very wrong at the moment, the creature just smiled strangely, as if it was imprinted on the deepest part of his Yuanshen, it could not be erased!

The creature just now!

Its cultivation state should not be under the body of the former fairy queen!


It seems that the era dominance body can't act outside the Taixu!

Was the creature just a body or a will incarnation or something!

"A self-righteous guy is not that powerful."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and took away the Shenyu mine veins.

"Not so great..."

"Is it really......"


The remaining monks whispered.


Chen Zheng casually spoke to Givenchy.

"Ah? Good!" Givenchy returned to God and quickly nodded, thinking about looking at Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, are we going to annihilate the Protoss Land of the God Race now or go somewhere else, except in the Changsheng Palace? In addition.........Earth...The longevity palace is not counted, the longevity palace is just an illusion, to say that there are interesting places in the Three Realms, it is Yes... The ancestors have been restored! The trough! The ancestors are calling me back, Brother Chen, let’s go back to annihilate the Protoss Land!"


Givenchy exclaimed!

He thought he could get away for a few days!

Unexpectedly underestimated the efficacy of Eternal Light Shenshui!

At most one hour has passed!

The ancestor of the ancestor was restored!

"Go back."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Givenchy quickly responded!


Xingcha moved!

Suddenly into the mist!


"Who is he?"

"A has a treasure ship, a mysterious ghost engulfing the will of the era overlord suspected of the Taixu, although he is a Xuanxian means it seems to be more powerful than the ordinary Daozu!"

The people who stayed are all coming from major forces, looking at the mist and whispering at the moment!

"I want to go back and ask if there is such a No. 1 person who has friendship with our ancestors of the Taicang Yuan family!"

Jinyi teenager Yuan Hong took a deep breath and whispered!

"The sentence he just said does not mean that he has a friendship with the Yuan ancestor, but that the Yuan ancestor has a friendship with him, which means that the Yuan ancestor's status is not as good as him."

The old man whispered aside.

"This... how is this possible, but our Yuan family's ancestors..."

Jinyi teenager only reacted at this moment, can't believe it!

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