Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1569: 1 green leaf falls in Tiangong!

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Big dark sky.

The deepest part of the colorless sea.

"Sister Xiao Bone, who is that woman? It seems a bit powerful."

Chu Hongyi asked in a low voice.

"A female demon emperor, powerful is terrible, but not as good as the elder sister. This female demon emperor has asked me for the third time when my master will come to the dark sky, how do I know when my master will come. This female emperor, At the beginning, I should have had nothing to do with my master. I missed my master and wanted to relive the old dream with my master."

The metal woman on the throne responded.

"Uncle is still amazing!"

Chu Hongyi nodded quickly.

"The host is really powerful. I have also seen many women related to the host, and their identities are very unusual. For example, Yu Fei, the lord of the cloud world, Feng Fei, such as Emperor Shura Xin Yi, has also seen one of the most powerful women. That is the dry daughter raised by the owner. But these are not as friendly as An Jing Su orange on the earth, or An Jing Su orange They are a little bit more human, I don’t know when a few young ladies will come to the upper bound. After a three-year contract, more than a year has passed. Is it really three years before we can see Miss An Jing and their sisters."

The metal lady nodded.

"Uncle... are there so many female friends..." Chu Hongyi bit her lip, and thought in her heart: "Sister Xiao Bone is so powerful, you can always go back to the earth to see some young ladies." , Even if the body can't go back, the incarnation of the will will do."

"I'm afraid to disturb their cultivation, not to mention that this is the three-year period set by the owner, and I can't destroy it at will, or if the three-year period expires, let's talk about it. After two days, I will take you to a place and see that the dark sky is real The eldest sister is big, let her point you to the nine changes of the devil. By the way, girl, are you interested in learning the secrets of my cultivation? After the cultivation, your body will be metallized, of course, if you don’t like metallization, you can always change back ."

The metal woman shook her head, and then mentioned a sentence.

"Metalized... Sister Bone's flesh now has an exotic style and a very special beauty. As far as I know, some perverts like this." Chu Hongyi's eyes lit up, and then thought of Question after question: "Sister Xiao Gu, uncle, does he have this particular hobby?"

"Master? Shouldn't it." The Metal Lady replied with a little thought: "According to my observations while on earth, the master should be the woman who likes the figure of Zuo Qinghong most, of course, only in terms of figure."

"Zuo Qinghong?"

Chu Hongyi froze.

"It's her."

The metal lady came a little bit, a light curtain appeared, and a woman appeared in the light curtain.

"Isn't this the female style?"

Chu Hongyi glanced, then blinked.


Unreal world.

Cang Qingxian City Cang Qingxian Hall.

"The first real blood lord is in the thunder pond of Leihai, the second capital, the second real blood is the ancient immortal you, and the third real blood should be taken in Xuandi Tiangong, Xuandi Tiangong The Rainbow Palace is replaced, then it corresponds to the true blood of the fourth master.

Chen Zheng heard what A Jiu and Cang Qing Gu Xian said and nodded.

"Chen Zu is going to Xuan Emperor's Temple, do you need Cang Qing to go together?"

Cang Qingxian thought a little.

"No need, you should have a lot to talk about with Ajiu. You can continue to talk about yours. I will do it myself." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and looked at Jiang Hua again and said: "In this Cang Qingxian Hall , The road of the Era of Life, you have the same physique as the Devouring God Tianzun, and you have his secret method, and strive to understand something during the time I went to the Xuan Emperor Tiangong."


Jiang Hua focused on the head.

So Chen Zheng got up and walked out of the Cang Qingxian Temple, and as soon as he appeared, the eyes staring at the door of the Cang Qingxian Temple became refreshed, and some people subconsciously wanted to speak out, and Chen Zheng picked the Cangqing Xiancheng Tongtian giant wood. On a green leaf, his eyes fell on Xiao Tingyu on the Xian Pavilion.

"Your physique is actually good, but you can go with me to Xuan Emperor Tiangong."



Xiao Tingyu was shocked!

The rest of them are also shocked!


Qingmang flashed!

Chen Zheng had already taken Xiao Tingyu out of the Cangqing Fairy City!

"Have you heard!"

"Hear and hear clearly, he is going to Xuan Emperor Tiangong!"

"Lying trough! He wouldn’t want to do something about the Xuan Emperor Tiangong, it’s a tyranny that is more powerful than the Qingyue God Religion. The Xuan Emperor is even more mysterious. under!"

"You said he really worked on Xuandi Tiangong, can he win Xuandi Tiangong!"

"He tears up Tianzun Fulu at will, and that Xuan Emperor should not be his opponent, is Xuan Emperor Tiangong going to be delisted after today!"


Almost all monks looked at the direction of Xuan Emperor Tiangong!

After half a scent of incense.

Above Xuan Emperor Tiangong.

A green leaf slowly fell from the sky.


"A piece of green leaves! Hey? How do the green leaves look like the leaves on the giant trees of the Cangqing Xiancheng! Hum? Someone on the green leaves, which is the junior junior of the Cangqing Xiancheng, dare to ride on a green leaf Above our Xuan Emperor Tiangong, do you want to live?"

"Humph! One Daojun, one Xuanxian, don't care! The Tiangong has the guardian of the killing array. These two juniors will be killed by the killing array before they reach the top of the Tiangong! The two ignorant juniors have really eaten the bear heart leopard! "

At first, Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong didn't care, but when he saw the two young men on Aoba, his face instantly cooled down. After a glance, he didn't do anything, only a cold hum!

In their eyes, at most three breaths later, the two boys will be wiped out by the Tiangong killing team!



You Mang lights up!

Celestial Palace urged!




The monks of the Emperor Xuan Emperor saw that You Mang and sneered!



next moment!

Sneers are all frozen!


The Tiangong Killing Array failed to erase the two boys on Aoba!

The Tiangong Killing Array didn't even kill the green leaves!

Aoba leaves floated lightly on the top of Tiangong!

But one of the young people stepped on one stepped on the top of the Tiangong, the vast sacred Xuan Emperor Tiangong violently shocked, and the Tiangong killing array seemed to be crushed by that foot!

"This kid!"

"Quickly tell the elder!"

"Enemies! Enemies!"

Tiangong monk came back and screamed and shouted!


At the top of the Tiangong, above the green leaves, Xiao Tingyu was a little nervous, but more excited. He never thought that he had a little bit, and he could actually step on a green leaf and fall on the top of the Xuan Emperor's Tiangong, which is equivalent to putting Xuandi Tiangong stepped on his feet! If this scene is seen by the world, the world will have to be stunned. This is not a triad, here is Xuan Emperor Tiangong!

I was caught by Master Chen!

Reach the pinnacle of life casually!

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