Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1560: 1 Hammer knocks

Not the eighth!

Who is the eighth!

And who are these three!

It seems that all the creatures ran out of the Prince of God!

Jiang Huan!

Fu Qingqing!

Fu Xuanlong!

Thunder Source Beast!

The face is full of doubts!

"Supreme Breath..."

Ten Thousand Tribulation Thunder Dragon Yuanshen shuddered, and the first time the three appeared, it sensed that breath. The breath of the three men was exactly the same as the boy who claimed to be the Lord of the Hidden Lord!


These are the three supreme beings!


How can this be!

How could there be three supernatural beings in this mysterious fairy goddess!

"You... how can you have the same breath as this master, are you similar to this master?"

The young man's brows were closed, and the previous arrogance above all sentient beings now converged, because he also found that the three people who appeared to be like him were the same kind of creatures at the same level!

"Same kind? You're just a product created by the old **** with a drop of real blood, and it also matches us with a grade? Huh! If the elder sister is retreating, the elder sister's irritability will directly wipe you out!"

Xiao Liu sneered!

"Master, this piece should be a chess piece under the layout of the twelve younger brothers. In this world, in addition to the real blood-derived creation of the old eighth, there should be other real blood creations of the master."

A Jiudu was too lazy to respond to the teenager, and at this moment thought about Chen Zhengdao.

the host?


This is the supreme spiritual breath is that the woman actually called the master to master!

A few people in Jiang Li heard A Jiu's name for Chen Zheng, and each one was dumbfounded. There was a shock in Fu Xuanlong's eyes. Fear after a share!


As for the Thousand Tribulation Thunder Dragon, there was still a last thought. At this moment, the mouth was opened, and the broken Yuanshen shattered completely! An overlord in the thunderous sea of ​​Youdu completely disappeared from heaven and earth!

If it is usually, its fall is definitely the top priority in the Thunder Sea of ​​Youdu, but now no wind and waves have been turned up, and Fu Xuanlong just glanced at it, and looked at Chen Zheng here!

"You...what do you want, this seat is the Lord of the Lord, not what you said is a real blood creation, this seat is resurrected today to regain control of the world! Several of you have the same as this seat Breath, but you are all women, you should help this seat!"

The look of the teenager changed, and now Shen Sheng spoke!



As soon as the teenager opened his mouth, Xiaoliu took out a sledgehammer and knocked on the head of the teenager. He only heard a dull knock, and the teenager fainted when he turned his eyes!

"The real boss is not worthy of us to assist, even I can't take a hammer, you are a hammer!"

Xiao Liu snorted and took the sledgehammer.

"I'm curious if the twelve younger brothers got the elder sister's real blood, did they get out the elder sister's real blood body in this false big world. If they really get the elder sister's real blood body out, That’s interesting. If we are a creature like ours, if we have a chance, we might be better than the body."

Slender smile suddenly.

"Is there any real blood in this world?"

Xiao Liu frowned.

"There should also be my true blood in this world, so the twelve younger brothers laid out such a bureau for the original place? Our tyrants, although creating epochs, although supremely creative, can be on another level. It’s just the thirteen humanoid keys that go into the deepest part of the original land. Do the twelve brothers want to go to the deepest part of the original land in this way."

A Jiu whispered.


Jiang Huan!

Fu Qingqing!

Fu Xuanlong several people!

Listen ignorant!

The face is full of doubts!

"That guy has great ambitions, and the layout in this world is probably not its biggest game." Chen Zheng glanced at the teenager who was knocked out by Xiao Liu, and the seven colors in his eyebrows flashed, and the imprisonment was directly taken away. . He glanced at Ajiu three people, and then smiled lightly: "Since I came to this world, then turn this world upside down, the body of the man is sleeping, can't stop me."

The three nodded and turned into Shenguang's hearts.


Fu Qingqing opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. It seemed that this time he came to the Great Destroyed Leichi, and he had nothing to do with him from beginning to end. He was just a spectator.

"This..." Fu Xuanlong groaned, looked at the fragments of the stone palace suspended in the air, and sighed: "The master of our Fu family suddenly disappeared one day, thinking she was in. In the Great Destroyed Thunder Pond, I thought she was in the stone temple just now, but I didn’t expect to be in this world. She should be related to the Great Destroyed Thunder Pond and the Stone Hall in the Thunder Pond. The teenager should also be related. The old age is curious, what is her identity. Unfortunately, no one has seen her true appearance, otherwise she will reflect her appearance, maybe the son knows her."

"Maybe she is just a real blood body, the real blood body of the heavenly lady."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Yudu Tiannv?"

Fu Xuanlong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to know more.

"The daughter of Youdu Tribulator, whose reincarnated life is my disciple."

Chen Zheng said.

"Like this......"

Fu Xuanlong nodded thoughtfully.

"is it beautiful?"

Fu Qingqing asked suddenly, but only kept silent after he asked, as if the question was completely unnecessary. The daughter of the supreme soul must be a woman of extraordinary beauty.

"Go back to your hometown."

Chen Zheng said.


Fu Xuanlong responded immediately.

After counting interest, Fu Han Shenzhou's light rushed into the endless thundercloud. Although the thunderclouds of Youdu Leihai are still endless, compared with the previous ones, the previous rage is gone.


Fu family ancestral land.

The ancestors of the Fu family, the master of the Fu family, etc., were all waiting on the side at the moment, and they were shocked to see the person who came when Chen Zheng shouted casually. Under their perception, the coming person had no breath of life.


Not the breath of life!

But the breath of living!

The advent has no breath of living!

"This girl is the body of the tenth good man, you take her to Sheng Ji."

Chen Zheng smiled at the advent.


The coming person spoke, and his voice was indifferent, as if born indifferently.


Fu Qingqing froze for a moment, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Retreat in an instant."

Before waiting for Fu Qingqing to come back to The indifferent voice of the coming person sounded again, raised his hand to Fu Qingqing, and then took Fu Qingqing to break the boundary directly.


Fu Xuanlong!

Fu Qi Feng!

The rest of the Fu family are surprised!

"Which...who was that superior just now?"

Fu Xuanlong thought for a moment, but couldn't help asking.

"Bitter sea ferry people."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Fu Xuanlong heard a tremor, his throat stirred, and took a deep breath to Chen Zheng to salute!

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