Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1545: Enchanting Fairy City

"Chen front is Yingxian Xiancheng. Yingxian Xiancheng is also the only human race city in our world that can enter and exit without checking identity."


   Jiang Hua pointed to the front.


   "Fantasy Goddess..."


  Chen Zheng looked at the fairy city in front, and at a glance he could see the huge statue of the enchanting goddess standing in the immortal city. Sure enough, the statue of the enchanting goddess had no face, just like what Jiang Hua mentioned on the road.


"It is said that the goddesses can be transformed into all kinds of gods, and they are also the sisters of the gods, so even if the main line of the main palace is the tradition passed down by the goddess, when the statue was set up, he would not dare to squeeze the face of the goddess. ."


   Jiang Huan said softly.


  Fantasy City is related to Fantasia, and the Legend of Fantasia is the sister of Tianzun who can't mention the name, so the statue of Fantasia is the faceless.


  Intriguing goddess!


   Do not desecrate!


   "Your world is indeed a little special."


  Chen Zheng scanned the fairy city shrouded by the fairy light in front, showing a smile.




  Jian Hua did not know how to answer, and could only lead the way silently. After a while, the two entered the fairy city, Xianwei clearly knew Jiang Hua, and also showed some unexpected looks.


"Alas." Jiang Hua sighed lowly after entering the city: "People in the Immortal Mansion stared at the implements inherited from our Jiang family. Although they didn't dare to confuse Xiancheng robbers, but once our people in Jiang family were out of confusing Xiancheng, will be stared at by the Xianxian Mansion. Behind the Xianxian Mansion is the Xuan Emperor Tiangong, which is the most top-class Taoism like the Yu Family. Now I only hope that the Xuan Emperor Tiangong monk will not intervene, otherwise the city main palace will not For our little Jiang family offended Xuan Emperor Tiangong, although the main palace offended Xuan Emperor Tiangong."


   "Changsheng Lake, there is a mysterious Taoist preaching, preaching the mysterious method, everyone go and listen!"


   This time!


   Suddenly came a loud cry ahead!




   "Did that Taoist show up again?"


   "Hurry up and go to Changsheng Lake! Let the city's main house acquiesce in the people who preach in Changsheng Lake. That Taoist must be a powerful monk. Was he expelled early!"


   The vocals are booming!


  In an instant!


  A long street has less than half of its creatures!


"The Changsheng Lake Taoist..." Jiang Hua was also surprised when he heard it, and he groaned a little: "Does Chen Gongzi go to Changsheng Lake to see it first? The Taoist fairy city who came here half a month ago claimed to be Green Willow Daoist, when he came to Xiancheng that day, he went to Changsheng Lake to preach and instructed a lot of people. My father got the Daoist's guidance before he entered Daojun Realm."


   "No need, just go to Jiang's house."


  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


   "This... is also good."


   Jiang Huan was slightly surprised, but soon nodded. In the meantime, the time of Banzhuxiang was not enough, and Chen Zheng followed Jiang Hua into the Jiang family.


"Jiang goes upstairs, don't talk too much nonsense, your daughter Jiang Huan was chased by the people of Mingxian Mansion. Although he is not dead yet, he must have been arrested and went to Mingxian Mansion anyway! The secret of your Jiang family is already Known by the Immortal Mansion, the Immortal Mansion will definitely come to confuse the Immortal City next time, and try to get the magical instrument of your Jiang family! You, an early Daojun monk, could not hold the magical instrument, Look at the part where you and I went to Taishang Heavenly Demon Territory together, you gave me that magical instrument, let me take you to Leihai, you to help Jiang family resolve this disaster! That’s the most heavenly realm, I have Leihai, but I have an ancestor in town!"


   As soon as they walked through a promenade, they heard a voice from Jiang Family Hall, and Jiang Huan's face was instantly cold when he heard it.


   "Yudu Leihaishi Qianjue!"


  Jian Hua said a name in a low voice.


   "Yudu... It's a coincidence, first confusing, and now there is a Yudu, is there still Cang Qing, Liuyu, Futu and the like."


  Chen Zheng chuckled.


   "This... in this world, there are indeed Cang Qing Xian City and Liuyu Futu City."


   Jiang Huan froze for a moment and responded in a low voice.


   "Huh? Really?"


   When Chen Zheng heard it, he was slightly stunned. He smiled deeply at the next moment.






  Jiang Family Hall is already fighting!


   You mang flashing!


   The Jiang family vibrates!


Jiang Huan's complexion changed a lot, and he rushed in quickly. When he entered the hall, he saw Jiang's housekeeper, who looked pale and covered his heart, and his face instantly became cold. Middle-aged people, that is, the capital of Leihai Shiyou!


"Sister Jiang-Liu!" Next to Shi Qian, a young oil-faced young man saw Jiang-Li, and then he froze for a moment, then his eyes were unscrupulously swept on Jiang-Li: "Seeing Sister Jiang-Liu safe and sound, Brother Yu will be relieved. .Sister Jiang-li don’t have to worry, my uncle and uncle Jiang just have a discussion, after all, how can the friendship of hundreds of years also stand the test."


"Your girl actually escaped the Purse of the Immortal Mansion, but it made me a little surprised." Shi Qianjue glanced at Jiang Hua, and then moved his eyes to Chen Zheng, who was slowly walking into the hall at the moment. After a few glances He smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Jiang Niu's niece, don't tell me that this kid saved you. This kid is a ninth order Xuanxian, not even as good as your girl, or is it the elder of this kid's teacher Did you? Jiangye niece, don't be fooled by this kid, maybe this kid is also a monk of the Immortal Mansion. The Immortal Mansion made a special bureau, when the niece was deceived and the Jiang family was deceived. That was a tragedy!"


   "Xuan Xian? What stinky fish rotten shrimp, sister Jiang Hua can also be approached, get out of this boy!"


   The young man with oily noodles also swept Chen Zheng, raised his hand and hit a ghost, which spurred Chen Zheng's eyebrows!




  You Mang hit Chen Zhengmei's heart!


   But nothing happened!


  Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at the young people with oily noodles. Under the eyes of the people in the hall, he found a chair and sat down!


  What does this mean?


The people in the hall, except Jiang Hua, all showed doubts!


   "A little Xuanxian dared to put on makeup, you are really tired, eat a sword!"


  Youth with oily noodles is extremely uncomfortable. You glanced at the eyebrow, and another ghost was shot. This time it was not as simple as the ghost. This time it was a sword soldier and a ghost sword shadow!


   "Black Sword!"


   Jiang Huan was shocked, just about to remind Chen Zheng, he was stunned for the next moment! Not only was she stunned, but the rest of the hall was also stunned. The face of the young oil-faced young man was completely frozen!




   The ghost sword that hit Chen Zheng bounced back!


  Pierced young head with oil noodles!




  Youth noodles and young people couldn't even say their last Yuanshen broke down in an instant, and then the whole person fell back, listening to the puff, and there was no interest!




   What is the situation!


   The people in the temple!


   This time even Jiang Hua was surprised and inexplicable!


   Did not understand!


   didn't understand it at all!


   How did this fight back!



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