Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1537: Back to the cloud world

Gourmet ancestral land.

   "This is how the Holy Beast Realm is."

Chen Zheng received the seven-color divine light. He just swept the holy beast world with the cosmic cantilever. The progress of the cantilever was only forty-nine. Speaking of this world, this world is actually bigger than the world of Xuanhuang. It should be reasonable. There are more Xuanhuang big world, but there is no difference, which makes him a little disappointed.

   This world is described by three words, it is big and empty.


   Xiaohei was a little ignorant.

"Although the Holy Beast Realm is also a big world, but many years ago I took a part of the background, and later the Four Sacred Beasts took another part of the background, so the background is actually so-so. I wouldn’t run if it were not like this Going outside the territory to seek a breakthrough, but was beaten back."

  The little white dog thought that Chen was saying that the heritage of the Holy Beast Realm would not work, and he thought about it and explained it.

   "The old gluttonous injuries have been restored, and the Qilin family has also been destroyed. The family that shook the sky giants, you gluttons will solve it yourself."

  Chen Zheng glanced at the old glutton.


   The old gluttons responded.

   "That... Would you like to meet the Four Sacred Races, maybe some good things are hidden?"

  The little white dog thought of a quick proposal.

   "There is a girl about to be resurrected. Good luck to you all."

  Chen Zheng felt something. He smiled a little at the moment and disappeared after saying a word.


   "Chen Zu!"


   Old gluttons, Xiaohei, Xiaohei elder sister, Shen Yue and the little white dog, this moment is a bit ignorant, Chen Zu left the Holy Beast Realm?

   "I still want to hold my thighs!"

  The little white dog recovered and sighed.


   The big dark sky.

   The deepest part of the colorless sea.

   Inside the Grand Palace.

   "You girl has good luck, just let me recognize that you will change your spirit, or else you sneaked into my palace just now, and I slapped you with a slap!"

   A metal humanoid woman was sitting on the throne, at this moment the metal eyes swept across the girl in the hall.

   "That... Does the Lord of the Colorless Sea know Uncle Chen?"

  The girl's eyes moved, and she thought a little and asked.

   "Chen is my master, do you know if I know him?"

  The metal humanoid woman glanced at the girl.

"Ah? Uncle... Actually you have such a powerful man? I just flew from the Western Emperor Realm to the big dark sky, and I heard people say that the small bone king of the colorless sea is terrible, you will be an uncle. 'S men?"

   The girl blinked for a while.

   "What kind of man, I am the owner's pet, had mixed with the owner on the earth as early as tens of millions of years ago."

  Metal humanoid woman said casually.

"Huh? Pets... tens of millions of years ago... Earth... Wait a minute! Earth! Isn’t there only dinosaurs on the earth thousands of years ago, how could Uncle be that? People of the era, human beings in that era may not have evolved!"

   The girl instantly widened her eyes.

   "My body is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, is there any problem?"

  Metal humanoid girl said lightly.

   "The body is... Ba... Tyrannosaurus... Listening to what you mean, was the uncle riding you to hunt in the era of dinosaurs thousands of years ago?"

   The girl was dumbfounded, and she couldn't imagine how the lord of the colorless sea with a perfect and flawless female body in front of her would be a Tyrannosaurus rex, which makes no sense at all.

   "You girl should be a traverser, talk about your identity, what happened with my master."

  Metal humanoid woman's metal eyes suddenly lit up, looking at the girl with interest.

   "That... my name is Chu Hongyi, a member of the Chu family in the Western Emperor Realm, and I met my uncle outside the wild ancient world..."

   The girl sorted out her thoughts and told everything honestly.


  Cloud world.

  Yuncheng in the cloud.

   The fairy light flashed.

   a figure directly into the sacred place of the feathers in the city of feathers in the cloud.

   "Someone broke in... um? This is... Chen Zu!"

   "Meet Chen Zu!"

   "Chen Zu returns, as quickly as please Yu Yu!"

   The guardians of the holy land were shocked. When they saw the figure clearly, they looked away one by one instantly, kneeling on one knee to salute!

"Get up," Chen Zheng said lightly, and glanced at the fairy tree growing out of Nirvana soil, his brow furrowed slightly: "The spirit of Xutian Shengdi should be here right, where did Xuchangsheng go." "

   "Returning to Chen Zu, the Holy Spirit and the Eastern Saint Supreme War have been drawn into a special space, and now they should be in that special space just like the Eastern Saint Supreme!"

  The holy guards outside the holy land quickly replied.

   "East Saint Supreme?"

   Chen Zheng raised his eyebrows.


   It was also at this time that the fairy light flashed, and a figure plunged into Chen Zhenghuai, this figure was Yuhuangfengfei! Seeing this scene, the guard outside the Holy Land quickly turned around and dared not bother!

   After a moment.

  Chen Zheng learned everything.

It turned out to be the Eastern Saint Supreme of the Supreme Hall, who wanted to avenge his disciples of all creatures, but the Lord came to the Cloud Realm forcibly, and was stopped by the spirit of the Void Heavenly Pilgrimage when attacking the feather city in the cloud, and later urged a space-time weapon , Opened a special space, and now the spirit of the celestial dynasty and the Eastern Saint Supreme are in that special space.

In addition, the Yunjie Wanjia, which is related to the life of all things, escaped from this world after the death of all things. Now it also follows the East Shengzhi to respect the return to the cloud realm, and also awakened the ancient blood veins, and the goal is also the Yuncheng Yucheng .


   is also at this time!

  The sky above the cloud in the city of Yuba cracked!


   It’s not that the sky was broken!

   but a time and space heaven and earth appeared!


next moment!

   A figure popped out!

"Humph! What is the spirit of the celestial dynasty, the celestial dynasty has long been You a pilgrimage spirit really thought that there was once the divine power. In front of the town monument, you are nothing but Prey! This time, this seat not only has to capture the feather city in the cloud to capture the emperor, but also needs to get the creature bred in the Nirvana soil of the feather clan. This seat wants to swallow the creature, as long as it swallows the creature, This seat can definitely go one step further!"


   Another figure appeared!

  East Saint Supreme!

   The second figure is Dongsheng Supreme!

   "Who dares to murder Her Royal Highness, I will let him fall if I die!"

  The spirit of Xutian Holy Spirit responded with cold voice!

   "Make me fall? Oh! You, the spirit of the celestial holy dynasty, will not work, this time the plan is foolproof, even the return of Chen Zu can't stop the seat!"

  East Saint Supreme sneered!

"is it."

   At the next moment, Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and his body appeared with Feng Fei above Yunzhong Yuzhong.

"grown ups!"

   The spirit of the Xutian Holy Pilgrimage saw Chen Zheng, and immediately showed a happy look, and then paid a deep worship to Chen Zheng!

"You!" Dongsheng Supreme froze for a moment, but only for a moment, and then shook his head for a while: "I didn't expect Chen Zu to really return, as if all his mana had disappeared, and Chen Zu's cultivation behavior was also strange. Chen Zu killed that day. My disciples were born with everything, ruining my layout, and today I returned to the cloud world again and saw my body. Shouldn’t Chen Zu return something to me, Dongsheng Supreme?"

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