Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1535: Self-eating!


   "Aren't you without any mana!"

   "How could you cut off the transmission!"

  Fan Jianxin several people suddenly recovered, his face changed a lot, first stared at the huge magic shadow that came out of the forbidden ground, and then stared at Chen Zheng, and snarled at Chen Zheng with fierce anger!

   "That... the big demon has come out, can you temporarily put down the grudge and seal the big devil first?"

   A disciple who was banned in the sky said tentatively.

   "Boy, I will cut you off!"

A sword was sacrificed by a sword repairing ceremony in Langhuan's House of Swords, and a glance of Jianmang flashed, hitting Chen Zheng's body in an instant, and at the next moment, the sword's light flashed again, passing through the monk of Langhuan's Sword House. Head!


  Lang Huan Jianfu monk's eyes widened, his eyes disappeared in both eyes, the whole person fell backward!


   Yuanshen shattered!

   This sword repair fell!

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Chitian Forbidden Land retreated involuntarily and looked back at Chen Zheng. The demonized sword repairs in the past seemed to be counter-killed like this, and now the sword repairs in Lang Huan Jianfu were also counter-killed!

   Is it!

   This guy's physique can rebound Jianxiu's attacking method!

   Many people's minds came up with a thought, Chi Xiankuang also thought of this, showing a sudden enlightenment. At this moment, I understood that this kid would say a sword to him!

   It turns out!

   This kid has a special physique!

   If I really gave this kid a sword!

   I may have been killed again!

   "This kid has a special physique, can rebound his sword skills, and the actual combat power is very weak, so as long as he does not show his sword skills, then he will not be counter-killed! We do not have to shoot, naturally there is a big devil to pin this kid!"

   So Chi Xian stared at Chen Zheng coldly, just one sentence!

   "Rebound Sword Skill!"

   "It turns out so!"

   "This weird!"

   disciples from Chitian forbiddenly exclaimed, and several other Langmao Jianfu monks frowned.

"Is this your card? If it's limited to this, then you can't save yourself. Seeing that big demon head is not there, it is the ancient demon that was sealed in the Chitian Forbidden Land in the age of destruction. This demon head has been broken. Three The Great Excalibur can no longer suppress him, so you are about to die. As for us, it doesn’t matter if we can’t suppress the Big Devil, we can escape, even if the Holy Beast World is destroyed by the Big Devil. Anyway, the Holy Beast Realm has nothing to do with our Langhuan Sword House."

  Fan Jianxin smiled suddenly at the moment.


  The world's sword ancestor!

   Chitian forbidden disciples!

   Several old people!

   looks all sinking!

   Sure enough!

   The foreign monk is not a good thing!

   "It's not necessarily my end."

  Chen Zheng only smiled faintly.


What does    mean?

   Everyone was stunned, and it was also at this moment that the big demon head who had come out from the depths of the forbidden ground suddenly opened its dark double pupils, and this open devil's flash immediately locked Fan Jianxin!

   "Come to Lao Tzu!"

   No one came back. The big devil raised his hand and grabbed at Fan Jianxin. A horror magic power immediately enveloped Fan Jianxin. Fan Jianxin came back to this moment and gritted his teeth to show his sword skills!


   The dazzling sword awns soar!


   It's a pity!

   was crushed by Mowei in one photo!


  Fan Jianxin was caught in the air by the big devil, and his flesh exploded into a blood mist, and saw a sword order emerged, sheltering his Yuanshen, but it was only a shelter, and his Yuanshen could not get rid of Mowei's suppression!

   "Why... would Brother Fan Jianxin be stared at?"

   asked a disciple of Lang Huan Jianfu.

   "Does that kid know the big devil?"

   asked another disciple of Langhuan Jianfu.

"A group of idiots, the big devil was suppressed by the three great swords. Why did Fan Jianxin just use the secret method to collect the three great swords, and now the three great swords are in their primordial spirits, and the big devil will naturally focus on when he is born. Three Great Sword Holders! You idiots, think that the Big Devil will be the first to shoot my master, and your head is too scum!"

  People were puzzled, Zhengyue girl snorted softly!


  In an instant!

   Everyone showed a sudden enlightenment!

According to common sense, the big devil came out of the seal, and it must have been shot against the person closest to him, that is, the boy with no power, but how can the big devil use common sense to infer, so he and others have inferred wrong , The big devil must first kill the three great sword holders, and the big devil must take revenge!

   "This is the consequence of being smart and self-righteous, and it can also be reduced to an idiom. That idiom is called self-eating. Have you idiots learned this idiom?"

   Zhengyue girl hummed again!


   "Self-eating evil?"

   "Have you learned? Seems to have learned..."

Many disciples nodded subconsciously at the moment.

   "Self-eating evil fruit..."

  The ancestor of the Beast, the little white dog whispered thoughtfully, thought of some of his own encounters, but soon shook his head and stared at the big devil there.


Fan Jianxin, who was under the protection of the sword order, suddenly screamed. The three gods of the gods flew out. It was the three great swords in Chitian Forbidden Land. The three great swords stabbed towards the big devil. The demon showed a very disdainful color, and he took a slap shot, and the three great swords were blasted!


next moment!

As soon as the big devil and the devil were crushed, the sword order protecting Fan Jianxin's Yuanshen was suddenly cracked. Fan Jianxin's Yuanshen was terrified, and his eyes suddenly moved with unbearable brilliance towards Chen Zheng. Your kid will be pinched to death by the big devil too!"


this moment!

  The flash of divine light!

  Broken Li Jian fell in front of Chen Zheng!


   The big devil's face sank, and the huge head moved, and the dark magic pupil stared at Chen Zheng!

"This son is the master of breaking off the You want to take revenge on the big devil, you should kill this son first! I am just relying on the sword order to help the master of the Langfu sword house. The three great swords, the three great swords have nothing to do with our Langhuan Sword House, what suppresses you is Chitian Forbidden Land, nor our Langhuan Sword House!"

   is also the moment, Fan Jianxin's double pupils light up at once, seeing the opportunity now!


   The old gluttons looked a little bit dark!

  The world's sword ancestors also looked sinking!

   And the little white dog is staring at Chen Zheng, it has a hunch, Chen Zheng should be out of other cards, so he is very much looking forward to it!



   Little white dog guessed right!

  Chen Zheng took a move, a dark throne appeared, he said nothing, stepped on the dark throne, when sitting on the dark throne, the three great swords made a sound of swords, that was a trembling cry!


  Everyone was a little bit dumbfounded. I saw a woman emerge on the dark throne. The woman knelt in front of her body and glanced at the big devil! The big devil trembles and kneels with a pop!

   "Don't kill those garbage yet!"

   The woman spoke!

   The voice is extremely cold!


   The big devil was shaking again, and raised his head violently at the next moment, his big hand caught Fan Jianxin Yuanshen and pinched Fan Jianxin Yuanshen directly!

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