Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1520: Someone comes to the next book!

   A life river is a million years old!

   One hundred lives are 100 million years old!

   Thousands of Daoming River are billions of years old!

   This... is really unimaginable. I am afraid that only the oldest creatures in the wilderness period can live for so long, and only the legendary innate gods and deities can live for so long!

  Chen Zu's body is a congenital demon!

   "That... Chen Zu's bone age really seems to be in his early twenties, but why is the life wheel several billion years... This seems to make no sense..."

  Xiaohei suddenly noticed a little and couldn't help asking.

   "Huh?" Lu Qitian kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head and stared at Chen Zheng: "Your kid moved his hands and feet on the life wheel, right, your kid deliberately deceived this seat!"

   "The era collapsed and restarted, and many things have changed."

  Chen Zheng took the life wheel lightly and was too lazy to explain.

   "The era collapsed and restarted?"

   "Does this era refer to our time? Chen Zu means that our time has collapsed, but it has been repaired again by mighty power?"

   "Did the legendary mass extinction have happened once?"

   Shen Yue!

  Little black!

   Little black elder sister is surprised!

   "Pretend to be fooled, make nonsense, do you think you can fool it by just writing a reason?"

   Lu Qitian apparently didn't believe it, got up from the ground at this moment, and also received the life wheel to stare at Chen Zheng!

However, Chen Zheng was too lazy to pay attention to Lu Qitian, and looked at the old glutton in the divine light. After a few glances, his brow slightly raised: "The person who seriously injured the old gluttons has the ability to cut the old gluttons. After the death of the old gluttons, a special poison was planted in the old gluttonous gods, which specially eroded the old gluttonous gods. When the old gluttons could not support it, they would get out of control. A family, and then exploded to death. I have heard a long time ago that Qilin is a holy beast and a beast. I did not expect the Kirin in this world, and my mind was so malicious."


   "There is such a way!"

   Xiaohei and his elder sister were surprised again!


"Poisonous species? What kind of poisonous species? Why didn't you find this seat, this seat is the first medical immortal in the Holy Beast Realm, this seat also brought a longevity mirror, the longevity mirror is to shine out all the poisonous things, your kid must be in the Hu Make up!

   Lu Qitian's eyebrows were also picked up, followed by another hum!


And at this moment, the old gluttons were lying on the ground in the divine light. At this moment, a sudden burst of violence, the little black people had not recovered, they heard a scream, and Lu Qitian was bombed out. !


next moment!

   is another horror roar!

  The old man's eyes turned fiercely, staring at Shen Yue, and it was a flurry towards Shen Yue!

this moment!

  Shen Yue or Xiao Hei, or Xiao Hei is silly!


On the occasion of a thousand shots, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and slapped out with a slap, and the old gluttonous air burst into an uproar. The old glutinous beast hung in the air for a moment, smashed to the ground, and fainted again. !


  Xiaohei people glanced at the old gluttons on the ground, and then to Chen Zheng.

"You... you just stopped the old gluttons, why didn't you stop the old gluttons, and let the old gluttons fly this seat... Cough cough, you guys are deliberately trying to Is this seat right?"

   A figure flew over, it was Lu Qitian, but his face was pale and he coughed up blood repeatedly.

   "How could your little means hide me, if you really helped the old gluttons stabilize the Yuanshen, do you think you can live to the present?"

  Chen Zheng glanced at Lu Qitian indifferently.


   Lu Qitian was startled, then shuddered, his face was even paler, his throat stirred abruptly, and he went back silently!



  The old man on the ground opened his eyes again, and his pupils instantly turned into blood, and the tyrannical blood gas broke out again!


Seeing that the old gluttons were about to violently hurt again, Chen Zheng snorted with a sneer, and caught a drop of Yin Hong blood beads in the head of the old gluttons, but this drop of blood beads was more violent than the tyrannical blood released by the old gluttons. , Between crazy twists, suddenly exploded and turned into a unicorn ghost!


  Kirin phantom roar roar!

"This... what is this... Did the Kirin family know that this seat secretly came to the gluttonous ancestor? After this, this is over, our long-lived deer family is finished, causing great trouble. Ah... it’s all over..."

  Lu Qitian saw kylin ghost image, screaming at this moment trembling!


  Kylin phantom is another roar!

  Blood awn flashes!

   A flutter towards Chen Zheng's eyebrows!

   "Chen Zu!"

   Shen Yue, Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei elder sister exclaimed!

  Chen had no fluctuations in front of him, he grabbed the unicorn phantom that was thrown, and squeezed the unicorn phantom to life, only to hear a bang, the unicorn phantom was completely transformed into nothingness!


   Lu Qitian was stunned for a few moments, his mouth was just one sentence, and he turned and flew out of the gluttonous ancestral land!


   Little black elder sister's eyebrows are tightly locked, she has already felt the situation now, the old gluttons should be fine, but it seems that this is the beginning of the real life and death of the gluttonous family!

  The Kirin family is afraid to do it themselves!



   Outside the ancestral land!

   Land of dozens of miles!

   a flash of blood!

"Do not!"

next moment!

   came a scream!

   That was Lu Qitian's voice!


   "That's...blood pupil!"

   "No! That's not blood pupil, that's blood unicorn! It's really here, the unicorn family really started!"

  The gluttons outside the cave house looked in that direction, only one glance, and the neck collapsed involuntarily! When Lu Qitian was killed, one face turned into blood mist, and the whole body of blood was swallowed by the murderer, and the murderer was Kirin!

   A blood unicorn!

   Not long ago, this **** unicorn beat the old gluttonous into a serious injury!

   "Kirin I am waiting for you!"

  An indifferent and ruthless female voice penetrated the guardianship of the gluttonous ancestors and directly passed into the cave house!


Who are you waiting for?

   Could it be that Blood Unicorn is writing a book for that human tribe!

The gluttons outside the cave house are puzzled!

   "Blood Unicorn knows Chen Zu?"

   Little black in Dongfu was surprised.

   "This blood unicorn once went to the spirit world and had a son with a demon king in the spirit world. The son died in my hand. Now he recognizes me and wants to avenge me."

   Chen Zheng casually said.

"This..." Little Black Sister stunned, and then pondered in a deep voice: "The Qilin clan had previously obtained the present artifact. The Qilin ancestral land was guarded by the Divine Array. It is said that if it was not the Qilin bloodline , Then the Qilin ancestral land will be suppressed by the Divine Array, at least it will be cut down to a big realm, Chen Zu is still..."

"I now have a mana vacuum period, there is no mana originally, and it has no effect on me. Furthermore, she has a blood unicorn, even if she has the power of Daozu, it will not hurt me. When the old man wakes up, you will follow me to the Qilin ancestral land. A trip, then it’s time to kill and bury."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   Several people were shocked again!

  The killing should be buried!

  Chen Zu said this sentence lightly, but it sounds like an indescribable overbearing!

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