Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1518: I am the enemy of sword repair in the world!


The rest of the giants shook the sky back!

Young patriarch!

It was defeated!

And still lost to a mortal under the status of the giant god!

Even his arms exploded into blood mist!



Why did the mortal change the giant **** of the young patriarch!


"How did you resist this!"

"He's not a mortal? I understand, he just doesn't have mana, he's a self-cultivator, a very rare physical practice in this era!"

The gluttonous party was also very shocked. Looking at Chen Zheng's back one by one, at first thought that this little human race mortal is dead, now I realize that this is a hidden big brother!




"That...does it need God's pet, will it become the kind of long-legged beauty?"

The elder sister of gluttonous little black looked at Chen Zheng's back and suddenly opened his mouth. The next moment he suddenly turned back to his eyes and looked at Xiaohei with a whimper. Seeing that little black was not shocked at all, he showed that everything was reasonable. The look in her, she understood at the moment, her little brother really invited a human race to come back!

This time!

The gluttonous family has been saved!

"I am the chief prince and prince of the Shaotian Clan, who are you, why do you want to help the gluttonous clan, do you not know that in the Holy Beast Realm, all the beasts must listen to the Qilin Clan! You are an outside human race to come to stir the Saint The thing of the beast world, even if you are a rare physique in the world, but that does not mean that you are invincible, my young king is in the holy beast world, and it is just a second-rate chief of the minor race! You can’t afford the Kirin family, I am shocked The Tian family is just a vanguard, and the one who really wants to destroy the gluttonous family is the Qilin family, you understand!"

The golden light flashed on the giant giant, and instantly returned to the body of the thousand feet. The missing arms instantly grew out, but one face was obviously white, and at this moment he stared at Chen Zheng!

"There is not much time left for you and your family. There are at most ten days. You should cherish the remaining ten days."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


What does it mean!

Is this a threat!

The Giants who shook the sky listened, and all their brows were frowned. For a moment, they didn't understand the meaning of Chen Zheng's words very much. In fact, the gluttonous family basically didn't understand it here, but Shen Yueyue and Xiaohei understood it instantly.

Ten days!

Up to ten days!

Chen Zu's mana vacuum will be lifted!

At that time, when Chen Zu's mana comes back, even if it is only the level of Xuan Xian, he can freely grab half a trail ancestor! If Chen Zu is not a mana vacuum at this moment, then these eyes can wipe out these giants who shake the heavens. These guys are lucky, and have encountered Chen Zu mana vacuum period!

"The Clan of Heaven never fears threats, and you can't threaten me! If you could kill me, you would have done it for a long time, instead of waiting until now! You have a physical technique, there must be flaws, your physical body is extremely It’s terrible, but it’s just passive, you can’t take the initiative to release the power of the flesh! So you, the alien race, have been seen by me, as long as you bypass you, as long as you don’t shoot you, as long as you ignore you, then... Still want to destroy! Shake the Tian clan, ignore this son, continue to attack the gluttonous ancestral land!"

The young chieftain Kui Shaohuang stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, his eyes suddenly flashed, and then came a stern order!



The Giants who shook the sky bypassed Chen Zheng, flew towards the gluttonous, watching the war break out again, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and only a little anger broke out, and the anger burst, and in a moment he penetrated The rest of the young patriarchs shook the giants!



Those giants who shook the sky crashed to the ground!


The gluttonous family were shocked when they saw this scene, and their heads shrank back!


This humanoid cattle!

Even if there is no mana!

But there are other forces!

That should be a special power just now!


Really scary!

One face-to-face will wipe out the Shaotian family who came this time!

The only thing left is the chief prince and prince!

"Your bloodline is a little special, and it can stop me from being hostile. But if I were you, I would turn around and run away, and then go back and tell your father, take the clan and escape directly from the Holy Beast Realm. How far. My current state can only be released with such a little anger, and I can almost recover after ten days."

Chen Zheng gave a friendly smile to the young patriarch who shook the sky.


The head of the minority clan Kui Shaohuang screamed violently, and then turned around and fled, only a ghost in a few blinks!


The gluttonous family froze for a moment, and then blinked wildly, secretly saying that this human race is really a cow, and he scared away the young patriarch who shook the sky family in just one sentence! However, if you reverse the identity of the young patriarch of the Shaotian family, you will definitely turn around and run away!

The terrible hostile energy just now was only a bit of hostile energy. If all the hostile energy in this human race was released, then it would be so terrifying. Isn't it just a matter of thinking that the whole Tiantian family will be crushed into nothingness!

"Brother, don't introduce this clan son yet!"

Xiaohei's elder sister recovered, and quickly gave Xiaohe a glance.


Xiao Hei smiled, just about to introduce, his face suddenly changed, staring at the upper right!


The gluttons felt that they also stared at the upper right!




The sword rang!


A red flame is long!

The mighty force is pressing towards this side!

"Chitian has no sword back!"

"That's the wandering Daoist in Chitian Forbidden Land!"

"Ancient sword repair!"

Gourmet exclaimed!

A horrible look at the moment!

One by one!

"Be That's the ancient sword trick!"

Little Black Sister reacted and exclaimed!

"There is actually sword repair in this holy beast world. I thought all beasts were fighting for hegemony. They didn't expect to have sword repair." Chen Zheng smiled faintly, looking at the majestic red flame pressed from the sky, and saw it. The figure that had appeared in the sky, and then a smile: "You sword repair, use sword skills to deal with me, don't you find yourself dead, I am the enemy of sword repair in the world."


The enemy of Jianxiu in the world?

What does it mean?

Chi Tian Wu Hui Jian is so terrible!

How could it be to death!

All the gluttons were puzzled, and Xiao Hei and Shen Yue also showed their doubts, and the dangling figure only responded with a cold hum: "You are a physical practitioner, and you dare to claim to be the enemy of sword cultivation in the world. The pure physical strength cannot deal with you, but this This ancient sword skill can't deal with you! You said that this seat is looking for death, but this seat is to see how you can take over this Chitian Wuhui sword!"


Wanli Chiyan suddenly changed!

Instantly turned into red swordsmanship!

All, all came towards Chen Zheng!

this moment!

The gluttonous people all hold their breath!

Chen Zheng not only did not retreat, but suddenly stepped forward, letting the dense red swordsman be killed, when many gluttons thought that Chen Zheng was going to be penetrated in an instant, a strange scene appeared, the red color hit Chen Zheng Jianmang suddenly bounced back and suddenly penetrated the sky-hanging people!


Not piercing!

Instead, the man was shot out of thin air!

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