Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1516: Super freak!

Heart of the universe!

what is that!

The little doll made a hum in Chen Zheng's mind!

In fact, she knows that this stuff is definitely not simple, otherwise the Universe Cantilever will not immediately collect this thing, she is a little uncomfortable, Chen Zheng this guy has got a terrific thing outside the universe, and it seems that the universe The heart and the cantilever of the universe are originally related things! If Chen Zheng is a little stronger, he may not be able to escape the shackles of this man in the future, and his own plan to destroy the world and end all his fears will be stranded!

"No trading with this woman!"

So subconsciously, the little doll is a cry, but the next moment violently reacted, he seems a little gaffe, hummed silently!

"The deal is concluded."

Chen Zheng accepted the news of the cantilever spirit about the heart of the universe and nodded with a smile.

"Your current mana is too weak, drive this thing to force us out, your mana should be exhausted, and I am afraid that there will be a longer period of mana vacuum, but your fellow physical flesh is not generally tyrannical, You guys are not only passive and invincible in the Great Reincarnation, but even outside the Great Reincarnation, there are very few creatures that can hurt you! Unfortunately, time does not allow, if time allows, I really want to borrow your seed of life!"

Shen Huangtian thought deeply, staring at Chen Zheng suddenly and mysteriously smiled.

"You woman is thinking of stealing as soon as she opens her mouth. It's not a good thing!"

Originally the little doll was silent. This time when I heard this sentence, it was a cold hum directly, and without any cover, it sounded directly in the temple.

"At our level, how can the ethics and morals in the Great Reincarnation restrain us! I'm looking for this guy to borrow the seeds of life and what it has to do with you. Your spirit of fortune has been the strongest and half a step Where is the detachment, who is eligible to intervene!"

Divine Phoenix Sky showed disdain.

"You! What happened to you being a transcendental creature, and now the state of the world can not be stabilized to the level of the overlord of the era, what do you pretend to be!"

The little doll made an instant ruffle back.

"My peak is better than your peak!"

Divine Phoenix smiled.


The little doll made a big mouth.

"Okay, don't be noisy, I will use the cantilever to send the two out."

Chen Zheng spoke at the moment.


The metallic woman immediately disappeared from Shen Huangtian's complexion, and Shen Huangtian also sat away from her side and said the same word to Chen Zheng.


The universe cantilevered!

The seven-color divine light hit!

Instantly shrouded two girls!

In an instant!

Seven-color Shenguang took the second daughter and broke through the temple directly, ignoring all time and space, instantly broke through all the road blockades in the Hongmeng universe, and then crossed the barrier of the universe and went to Yuwai!

"Well... the wall of origin of the chaotic realm..."

Chen Zheng felt something and was a little surprised because he had been to the wall of origin in the realm of chaos and walked to the end of the wall of origin, but he did not perceive the existence of any'exit' at that time.

"Why not suppress those two women?"

The indifferent voice of the little doll sounded.

"Suppression? How can it be so easy, this kind of detached soul, although the state fell, but the physical spirit is similar to mine, it is still the strongest state. I could not send it with the universe without the power of the universe’s heart. They go out, or the cantilever of the universe absorbs the power of the heart of the universe, and unlocks the third form before they can send them out."

Chen Zheng shook his head.

Forcibly sending the two out of the Hongmeng universe, although the cantilever of the universe has unlocked the third form, it has almost exhausted the accumulated energy. At this moment, the spirit of the cantilever has slept, and his mana is exhausted, and will enter a period of mana vacuum. .

Of course, this is not a problem. It is the heart of the universe that allows the cantilever of the universe to unlock the third form, and it has already paid back. This transaction should be more than a profit.

"The third form, what effect?"

The little doll for stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, she had a bad hunch.

"What's the effect... I can only tell you that it is related to the complete Great Reincarnation vein, and it is not the first or second weight."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.

"Third complete complete samsara context? Let's look at nature, and let's look at nature quickly!"

The little doll made a rush!

"Wait until my mana is restored, and wait until the cantilever will be sober."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Okay Chen Zheng, don't you want to let nature be seen?"

The Dahua Xiaowa was upset.

"How come, thirteen, but I treat you as my own. You have helped me a lot. I will definitely share some good things with you."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Share a fart, don't take it for granted. I don't know what your idea is! Hum!" The little doll made a cold hum, thinking again and again: "Since your universe cantilever has unwrapped the third form, and it can also put People sent out the Hongmeng universe, so you should have no problem if you want to enter Taixu?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just forcing the cosmic cantilever to enter the ruins. One is to consume the cantilever's energy, and the other is that the mana will fall into a vacuum period. Now that the ninth-order Xuanxian, conventional means will kill the second most important ancestor. It doesn’t make much sense to enter the Taixu with a bit of fighting power. When the time is right, enter the Taixu and push the Taixu straight."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"That’s fine, the guys in Taixu should have ended in nature, if you kill those guys first, the nature will be much more faceless! Well, nature should be closed for a while, don’t disturb nature. !"

The chemical doll responded indifferently, and actively disconnected Yuanshen.

Chen Zheng just smiled at this. In fact, the moment the universe cantilever absorbs the heart of the universe to unlock the third form, he already has the complete context of the third major cycle in the depths of the Yuanshen, and it is almost in the interest. Enlightenment within.

In short, he is now a super freak!

In his self-understanding, his Yuanshen had already been stronger than his flesh, and he was so strong that even if it was the appearance of Yu Rongtian's Darong naive body, even if Da Rongtian was at his peak, he would not hurt him. Even when the first major reincarnation and the second major reincarnation are all destroyed, his physical body may follow, but the Yuanshen still exists, and he will not die!


After a few hours.

The red lotus fire within the nine days of the mysterious flame world has been swallowed by red lotus, and the red lotus has returned to the internal world of Daotu, and Mo Xin has not come in this has also absorbed a lot of eternal fire , To further stimulate the power of the blood of the heavens.

"That...since both the owner and Divine Phoenix Sky have left this realm, it's no fun for us a few fire spirits to stay in this realm, will the son take us by the way? Although we are younger, we are Fire Spirit, we are also very good at warming the bed!"

The narcissistic fire spirit eyes moved and blinked at Chen Zheng for a while.

"I can fully absorb the magic fire contained in this world, but it is inconvenient to absorb the mana vacuum period. In this case, I will receive this fire world first. When the mana vacuum period has passed, it will just be used to restore mana."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, then lifted his right hand, grabbed it, this mysterious flame world, which suddenly became the size of a slap, was also included in the internal world of Daotu.

"This... the last time Taishi Ancient Land was also collected by Chen Zu, what magical power is this?"

The Holy Tree Spirit pondered for a moment and asked curiously.

"The universe in the palm, a supernatural power created by a guy named the First Emperor."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"The universe in the palm..." The Spirit of the Holy Tree whispered, thinking and shaking his head: "Please return Chen Zu to the ancient place of Taishi."

Chen Zheng nodded his head, and the Spirit of the Holy Tree was also sent into the inner world of Daotu. The ancient land of Taishi is also inside the Taotu, but it is also in a miniaturized state. In Taishi ancient land.

"Chen Zu..."

At this time the song of the Holy Rhinoceros Saint Orioles shouted.

"I thought you were the key to the world of fire, but now it doesn't seem to be. The teenager named Panzao wants to use your previous life as a blue light to open a special place. Where is the blue light?"

Chen Zheng looked at Yingge and showed his thoughts.

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