Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1502: Black Mountain

"East Emperor actually fell"

"Isn't that possible? There are three emperor divisions in the East Emperor's Palace. The three emperor divisions are not ordinary people. Besides, there are ancient emperor monuments beside the emperor. I haven't seen this generation of Emperor Emperor. How come it fell. "

"The man in the East Emperor's Palace said that it was related to the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts. The fall of the three emperors and the East Emperor was related to the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts. But can the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts be a seven-star Academy of Sciences. Is the seven-star Academy of Palace so profound? "

"Then it is unknown, it is said that the Temple of Stars has also been destroyed. It seems that the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts and Wuxing Mountain of the Star Temple are not far apart. I don't know if it is also related to the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts."

"What you said reminded me. Not long ago, the Earth Blessed Holy Land fell and went to a lot of people of all denominations, but no one dared to say how the Blushed Holy Land fell. Could these forces fall in The same person?"

The second day.

Not only the Imperial Polar Realm, but the slightly famous practice forces in the Xuanhuang Great World, all got the news that the East Emperor of the East Emperor’s Palace had fallen, and the three emperors had also fallen, and this news was still released by the people of the East Emperor’s Palace. What came out has made many monks of various forces have many associations.


At the beginning of the Southern Palace.

"Almost all of the top fighting power of the East Emperor's Palace has fallen. This is already afraid. This is to protect yourself by taking advantage of it."

Shang Tianyang felt some emotions. Over the night, the tyrannical Taoism of the East Emperor's Mansion declined, and the reason was that it caused this Chen Zu in front of him. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, it was really unimaginable. An understatement ruined a strong cross system.


This Chen Zulai came to the Imperial Polar Realm, not only ruined a strong cross system, but also destroyed the Star Temple! Strictly calculated, the background of the Star Temple is still above the East Emperor Mansion!

This Chen Zu is terrible!

I am afraid that the fall of the Biluo Holy Land may be related to Chen Zu!

"Principle of the Palace, Yingtian Xuegong came the law!"

Then a voice suddenly sounded outside the hall.


Ying Tian Xue Gong?

Shang Tianyang frowned slightly, and turned to see a dharma has fallen on the door of the hall. He saluted him, and the dharma opened automatically. Shang Tianyang glanced at it only, and he was shocked: "Xuan Huang Sheng Mountain, Wen Dao Zhibao is the world, the main palace palace master must go to Xuanhuang Shengshan! This last world Dao Wendao Treasure, achieved Kong Sheng, this time there is Wen Dao Treasure, this few Yasheng to be sanctified Now!"

"The greatest treasure!"

Wen Beast's eyes also lighted up, staring at Dharma Purpose!


The purpose of the law is broken!

"Chen Zu"

Shang Tianyang turned around and looked at Chen Zheng.

"I'm not interested in Wendao Zhibao, but Xuanhuang Shengshan can go shopping and maybe find surprises."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Senior please!"

As soon as Shang Tianyang heard it, he immediately showed a happy look.

The battle for the treasure of the Tao of Literature is definitely not that simple. It is a battle of life and death. If you go to the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain this time, even if you can't get the treasure, but if Chen Zu goes, your life should be worry-free!

Of course, in addition to the treasures of the Tao, Xuanhuang Shengshan, if there is something that can help Chen Zu restore his mana, then it would be better, so as to avoid Chen Zubai going!

After a moment.

A warship swooped out of the Southern Beginner's Palace and went straight to Xuanhuang Shengshan.

Xuanhuang Holy Mountain.

Located in the center of the imperial polar boundary.

The reason why it is called the holy mountain is not because the spirit of the fairy here surpasses other places, but because it has been the treasure, and it is said to be the place where the ancestors of the Xuanhuang Great World prospered.


"The people from Nanchu Academy are here!"

"That's Shang Tianyang, that's his female merchant Rongrong, that's the patron saint of the Nanchu Academy of Fine Arts! Hey? Who is that fat man, and who is another man and a woman, as if they are all Xuan Xian, that little girl The spear he is holding seems a little unusual!"

As soon as the warship of the Southern Academy Academy crossed over, the monks of the major forces outside the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain stared at it, and instantly became the focus.

"Shang Tianyang, you evil thief, also returned the orders of the three great emperors and the East Emperor!"

On a warship on the upper right, just hearing a low growl, I saw a figure rushing in, but was stopped!

"Eastern Emperor's House Emperor Hao Yue Hao!"

"Dongfang Haoyue is the pinnacle of Daojun, it is impossible to beat Shang Tianyang, and the top fighting power of the East Emperor Mansion is almost completely destroyed. Only the previous generation of East Emperor is there, but the last generation of East Emperor seems to be in a closed life!"

"When it comes to the ability of Shang Tianyang, it is impossible to cut the three great emperors, let alone the East Emperor, but this time the people brought by Shang Tianyang seem to be vulnerable except him! Then the question arises, who exactly cut the three emperor divisions and the Eastern Emperor, and it is also very strange. Yesterday, there did not seem to be much fairy wave fluctuations in the direction of the Nanchu Academy, that is, there was no outrageous war!"

All kinds of sounds!

The monks from all forces came to know who cut the three emperors and the emperor!


At this time!

The immortal light in the mysterious Xuanhuang Holy Mountain lights up!

"Xuanhuang Shengshan has opened!"

"Wonderful treasure is here!"

"Who killed the three emperors and the East Emperor is no longer important, what is important is the treasure of morality!"

In a blink of an eye, all the people from the university palaces swarmed into the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain!

"These guys hum!"

Wen Zheng lying next to Chen Zheng snorted softly, and secretly those guys changed too quickly. They were still talking about the beasts of the three great emperors and the East Emperor at the previous moment. ! I originally planned to tell the truth to these guys. Since these guys don't want to listen, they are too lazy to talk!

Shang Tianyang looked at Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng nodded lightly, so Shang Tianyang moved and took a few people into the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain.

"Brother Xinghe, is that the one you mentioned?"

"It is indeed him. It was him who was the Xuanxian that I saw in the Bitter Realm Tomb. It seemed to be the fifth-order Xuanxian or the sixth-order Xuanxian. It was less than half a month later.

After all the people from the university palaces entered, two figures appeared. It was Kong Xinghe and Lu Qiankun in Yingtian Academy. At the moment, they had a simple conversation, and both frowned.

"This person is too weird. This time Confucius won't come, and several Asian sages haven't appeared yet. It seems that Du Shaoling, who has already practiced the Taoist Word, hasn't come yet. If this person wants to help Shang Tianyang get the treasure, I'm afraid no one can compete with him, and I don't know how Shang Tianyang got involved with him."

Kong Xinghe pondered for a moment.

"Kong Sheng will not come, a few Yasheng will definitely come. I have been taught by Zhuang Sheng, and there is a mysterious Qiankun ancestor next to Zhuang Sheng. To be honest, I hope Zhuang Sheng can get the treasure of literacy this time. Be sanctified!"

Lu Qiankun's changing expression also lowered his voice.

"Although Zhuang Sheng Qiankun's ancestor Zhuang Sheng is Yasheng, he should have already had a fighting power comparable to the I don't know if he will show up this time. Compared to several Yasheng, I look forward to one more point, that is, the ancestors. If this time the ancestors appeared, they could get the ancestors’ guidance, even if the treasures were not with us, they would be of great value."

Kong Xinghe nodded faintly, his body swept in, and Lu Qiankun quickly followed.


As soon as the two entered Xuanhuang Shengshan, they heard a sigh and an old man and a girl appeared.

"Why did the ancestors of sage sigh?"

The girl asked curiously.

"A terrifying and incomparable person has arrived. It is impossible for us to achieve the greatest treasure in the Academy of Heaven."

The old man shook his head gently.

"How terrible is the terrible great man? Can it be compared to the palace lord, can it be compared to me? Xianshu ancestor said, Jiang Zhi is also a reincarnation!"

When the girl heard her head, her face was filled with disapproval.

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