Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1397: Unknown Tablet

If it is so!

Isn't the strange demons finished?

Lord Shimo is also eaten by this guy!

Do not!


Find a way to notify the three patriarchs!

Let the three patriarchs completely seal the sky cave!

Can't let this guy go to the sky cave!

Several alien leaders, the thought flashed in their hearts at this moment, but the mana was banned, and they only had the ability to speak. This is the farthest south of the foreign land, and the sky cave is the farthest north of the foreign land. It is more than a million miles apart. Mouth shouting, how could the news be passed back!

The eyes of several strange demons commanded all of them, and they all looked at the primordial spirit of ghost demonic commander Guifang. At this moment, Guifang was almost ashamed, as if he had completely given up his resistance!

For a while!

There are only a few desperate commanders left in despair!

Oh shit!

Of the guys who came to the foreign land before, which one is not trembling, which one is not arrogant and stealing life! This human race is good. Once the exotic land swallowed the magic wave once every 100,000 years, and then let a little girl swallow the Dongji Moyan to take out the Hongzi Shenbei, and now the Undead Tree Demon has become the little he carried with him. The slave of the demon!

This Nima!

This is the crushing of foreign countries from beginning to end!

"Red Dust Fairy House..."

The Great Rakshasa came back to him. At this moment, he whispered. He had not heard of the Red Dust Fairy Mansion. His understanding of Chen Zheng was actually limited to the identity of Qinglian Saint in the Honghuang era. But when I thought of the original Lich War, Chen Zheng came to the flood land from the outside with a green lotus. Perhaps before entering the flood land, the Red Dust Fairy House had been created.


It's not that the Red Dust Fairy House was founded!

Instead, he instructed the little demon girl's first life to create the Red Dust Fairy House!

"Red Dust Fairy House...I have seen the wind lady and the blue bird before in an ancient magic pit world, and they are just going to find the lost Red Dust Fairy House. Get up, this girl is not willing to accept In the first life, I was also forced to wait. When the time came, or when I saw the Red Dust Fairy Mansion, this girl might think that she was not called a fairy, but called Jingshichen."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Jingshi Dust Girl... Red Dust Fairy Mansion... Ziwu was born after Zu Yao, Feng Niang and Blue Bird, so I have never seen the ancestor... I want to be the owner's red dust Xianfu is so transcendent, but encountered a terrible creature, with the identity and cultivation of the master, there is no backhand in front of that terrible creature! Ziwu thinks at the moment, it is also terrifying!"

The old man transformed by the undead tree demon got up and thought of some past, his eyes showed fear.

"How scary can it be?"

The evil **** beast on the shoulder of the little demon girl moved her eyes and asked.

"How terrible..." The undead tree demon pondered for a moment, then the voice was lowered to the extreme: "The owner is a clean world dust girl and a disciple of the ancestor. At that time, in the first era, it can be said that it was already the top The creatures that can surpass that of the master can be counted with one hand! However, in front of that terrible creature, the master was taken away in one face, the Red Dust Fairy Palace fell, and I raised the world's strange species planted by the master It also fell, and the incognito was buried for a period of time, hoping to find the reincarnation of the master! I was forcibly sent into this alien land by a guy, and Xiu fell to several realms, and the trapped world could not break free! Alas, if not today The ancestor took his master into the foreign land, Ziwu was afraid that he would never see his master again, Ziwu was ashamed!"


The most top creature in the world!

I was taken away in one photo!

Where is that terrible creature!

The evil **** beast eclipse, the big Raksha, and the Raksha girl listened to it, all frowned, and a few strange demons commanded to hear it. At this moment, they screamed wildly, hoping that the terrible creatures mentioned by the undead tree demons would come to the foreign land and directly send these guys. Take it all away, then the strange demons will be saved!


That's just a few delusions led by different demons!

"That terrible creature, maybe only the first ancestor can fight one at the peak..." The Undead Tree Demon glanced at Chen Zheng and said, after a pause, he said: "The first ancestor entered a foreign land this time. It’s for those three monuments. The magic flame sea in the East Pole seals the Hongbei, the Ziwu has a desert stele here, and the northern sky cave has a monument. The Ziwu presents the stele."

The Undead Tree Demon suddenly closed his eyes, chanting an ancient mantra in his mouth, opened his eyes a moment later, and suddenly opened a mouth on his forehead. I saw a pale green light, and he flew from the Undead Tree Demon forehead the next moment. Come out!


The pale blue light flashed!

Turned into a party monument!

The shape of this monument is almost the same as that of the Hongzi monument obtained by Chen Zheng before. The only difference is the color and lettering. This side of the monument is engraved with a wild word, and the atmosphere is extremely ancient!

"Hong Zibei, Huang Zibei, aren't these combined to be Honghuang? Is this something related to the ancient Honghuang? But in that era, I saw the opening of the world and the lich war, the Honghuang broken, I have never seen this Things appear in the world? Wait a minute, the northern sky cave is sealed with the Eunuch stele, shouldn't there still be a U word stele, together it should be a cosmic flood?"

Big Raksha whispered, thinking of a little eyes and looked at Chen Zheng!

"Cosmic Flood?"

"Cosmic Flood!"

Raksha Nu and Sin God Beast Eclipse also pronounced these four words!

"It should be so, except that there are only three monuments in the foreign land, namely, Zhou, Hong, and Huang, and the Yuzi monument is not in the foreign land. This is sure to be Ziwu. The guy who forcibly sent Ziwu into this world should also want this. Three monuments. These three monuments contain extremely terrible power. Ziwu can only rely on a small part of the power of Huangzi to maintain the seventh realm of Taoist ancestors. Without Huangzi, the Ziwu realm falls. "

The undead tree demon nodded, and after he gave away the inscription on the sparse word, the realm fell obviously, and now it has fallen to the level of the second realm ancestor.

Several strange demons took a look at the undead tree demon at this moment, and their eyes lit up, because the realm of the undead tree demon at this moment, the three major patriarchs are more than this state, that is to say, the undead tree demon has been abandoned, the undead tree The horror deterrence is gone!

it is good!

This is the best!

Without the terrifying deterrent of the undead tree demons!

Maybe there is still hope for the strange demons!

It is absolutely impossible for that race to lay down the Heaven Cave so easily!

"Four Taoist monuments in the universe, who left this thing."

Chen Zheng looked at the Huangzi Tablet and asked softly. Everyone present was silent, because they didn't know the answer.

"How does this thing feel related to the original place? But it always feels not a good thing, like it is used to suppress the character and other lords. This character feels that the lord's big formation is born out of these monuments!"

In his mind, the suspense of the little baby doll sounded.

"The universe is full, and you should know what it is for."

When Chen Zheng heard the voice of the little doll, he smiled a little at the moment, and enlisted the inscription.


"Sky Cave is not so easy to lay down, especially the Undead Tree Demon has lost its deterrent power!"

"If I leave you here now!"

A few strange demons commanded to see this, they were all They knew that this human race's next step was to go to the heavenly cave!


Xingcha Xingmang twinkle!

Do not know how many miles to cross in an instant!

Just a few blinks later!

A giant mountain appeared in front of everyone!

"Sky Cave!"

"Alien Sky Cave!"

"Sky Cave!"

Several strange demonic leaders saw the giant mountain and showed a happy look for the first time, but when they thought of their present situation, they gritted their teeth one by one, and the **** came to the heavenly cave!

That **** is going to attack the sky cave!

Can the three patriarchs stop this bastard!

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