"No! You can't do this! You are a human race, you are not an alien, you can't do this kind of thing, you can't be so evil! You saved the creatures in this world, you are a kind generation! Kill me, please kill me Me, please kill me now!"


The Purple Skin Magic Demon God howled at Chen Zheng for a while!

"I am a person who talks about credit and said that I will give you a chance to watch the disappearance of the strange demons. I will definitely do it." Chen Zheng smiled again, and wiped it out. Commander, he was imprisoned in an instant, unable to move, unable to make any sound, and each one was no different from stone carving.

"That one......"

What Da Luosha God wanted to say, when Chen Zheng closed his eyes, he took the initiative to close his mouth. I saw Chen Zheng's eyebrows, the seven-color divine light flashed, although the seven-color divine light was only a flash, but the big Ramasha **** and the Luosha girl, both exposed The color of surprise.


That moment!

They felt a breath of unpredictability!

"It turns out that this big universe was really created by you deliberately. The big universe temple and the Shinto alliance are also your indulgence of existence, but I was cut off by pity."

Chen Zheng opened his eyes, and the light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a chuckle.


Big Raksha and Raksha looked at each other, but neither of them understood.

"The progress is forty-two, and it's almost halfway up. All the masters, the gods, and the **** candidates have all appeared one by one. This world is changing a little bit faster."

Chen Zheng said another sentence. When the Da Luosha God and the Luo Sha Nu heard it, they only felt that Chen was talking to himself. There was also a look of doubt in the dark blue eyes beside Chen Zheng, and she didn't understand it either.

Forty-two progress?

what does that mean?

Candidates who rob the Lord?

What kind of creature is that?

Chen Zheng didn't explain, he took it easy and threw the banished purple-skin demon and several demon leaders to Da Luosha God: "You take these guys first, I will meet a few people, and when I come back, you will take me Go to the alien world."

"Ah?" Da Luosha was stunned for a moment. Xingcha Xingmang flashed, and had crossed the void to another star field. Lord Raksha can only sigh, and looked at Raksha female: "The most correct decision I made in my life was to recognize Qinglian as the elder brother. Although I was a unilateral brother, I was young. Brother Lian still recognizes it."


Raksha Nu looked at her father with pride and did not know what to say.


This is a kingdom of God.

This side of the Kingdom is full of vitality.

This is the **** kingdom where life rules Dai Qisi.

In addition to the eclipse of the little demon girl and the evil god, the people of the Chen family in Fanyun, Luo You, Su Youyou, Tian Qi Taoist of Fan Qi Du, and Patriarch Patriarch are all here. The little demon girl tightly grasped Chen Zhengyi's corner, not one hand but two hands, for fear that Chen Zheng suddenly left the world again.

"So it was Chen Zu who returned and killed the army of strange monsters. Those army of strange monsters are also terrible. Even the lowest-level monsters are only the level of Xuanxian, but Jinxian and even Daojun can hardly kill Xuanxian. As for the ancestors of the different ancestors at the level of the ancestors, I tried my best to only hurt their fur. If it were not for the return of Chen Zu, this world might be over.

Pa Pao ancestor said with emotion.

"I'm still right. The Da Luosha God really caused a big disaster. My God's strategy is really a bit accurate."

Tiance Taoist smiled while touching his head.

"I will go back to the big universe this time and take this girl away. By the way, I will also help you to be a wise man."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Ah? Help me? Chen Zu wants to pass on my supreme secret method, or give me a powerful magic weapon?"

Tian Ce Taoist's eyes lighted up instantly, looking forward to Chen Zheng.

"Go slowly and realize it yourself."

Chen Zheng raised his right hand, and a mysterious light hit the eyebrows of Tiance Taoist.

"This... these things...I turned out to be..."

Tiance Taoist's body shook and closed his eyes at the next moment. His face was struggling and whispered. He seemed to want to resist something, but he seemed to have to accept it again.

A moment later, there was an ancient supreme breath in the Tiance Taoist body. In the eyes of everyone's consternation, the ancient supreme breath wrapped the Tiance Taoist, and in the face of everyone, the Tiance Taoist was isolated from the outside world.

"This breath...the palace owner had also..."

Sister Du thought of something and raised a mouth at the moment.

"Tiance Taoist and Fan Qi, like this girl, are the reincarnation of thirteen **** candidates. During the time I left the universe, I went to the universe of heaven and found two **** candidates. This Times, thirteen gods, thirteen **** candidates, thirteen robbery masters should all be present, I want to see what happens when all the robbery gods and candidates are gathered. Of course, there should be a premise that all robbery gods and gods Candidates from God all have to go to one place."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.



Sister Du!

Fan Huang, Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo of the Chen family in Fanyun!

Dominate the ancestor!


Even the Evil God Beast Eclipse was stunned!

"This...the things mentioned by the host seem to be too far away from me... out of reach..."

Chen Huang sighed slightly.

"You find a time, either you go back to the Eight Wilderness Ancient Land by yourself, or take the people from the Chen Family of Fanyun back to the Eight Wilderness Ancient Land to get your belongings back, and the guys I said are not so out of reach."

Chen Zheng glanced at Chen Huang.

"Back to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands..."

Chen Huang fell into thought.

"Is it possible for that demon queen to be..."

Su Youyou thought a little, and asked at the moment.

"Yunluo demon queen shouldn't be, but it's not that simple. When I went to Yunluo Emperor Palace, some things weren't clear. Find a time to go to Yunluo Emperor Palace to see clearly."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Don't read it clearly? Does it refer to the body of the demon queen?"

Su Youyou's eyes turned and she opened her mouth.


Life rules Daisy!

Luo Lan, goddess of life!

Fan Qidu's Sin God Beast Eclipse and so on!

Gaze at Fan Qi!

Then stared at Chen Zheng again!

There is a little curiosity in my eyes at the moment!

"When Tiance Taoist wakes up, he should leave this realm, and you should find some time to leave this world, Fan Qi." Chen Zheng didn't respond to Su Youyou, his eyes moved to Fan Qi.


Fan Qi hesitated and nodded.

"Maybe when the girl is willing to accept the past, thirteen candidates will get together."

Chen Zheng looked at the little demon girl~www.NovelMTL.com~The little demon girl was a little confused, so Chen Zheng could only rub the girl’s head, and then got up, took the little demon girl out, and stepped on. Out of this kingdom of God.

"To Chen Zu!"

Chen Huang!

Fan Qi!

Sister Du!

Dominate the ancestor!


Chen Conglong!

Chen Luoluo!

Quickly and respectfully worship!

"This is gone, don't you want to stay for one night?"

Only the life ruler Dai Qisi looked at the void outside the kingdom of God, and the exquisite face was full of grudges!

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