Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1383: Lei Yan battle! Angry Thunder Sovereign!




  Shenxiao Sect disciple on the side of the Shenxiao Sect's Hall, no matter what situation, even the ancestor at this moment, his legs were soft and he knelt on the ground!

   Sovereign is falling!

   The ancestors fell!

  Do you have to wait to die if you don't kneel now?

I just can’t figure it out, why the patriarch and the ancestors will suddenly release the "Shen Xiao Jing Dian Dian", which is the supreme thunder method that only the patriarchs of previous generations are qualified to practice. Why should it be passed to the world, even if there is any layout There is no plan, but it seems that the layout has not really begun, the lord and ancestors have fallen!

  Is it worth it!

   Those ancestors kneeling on the ground and the disciples of Shenxiao Sect could not understand this moment. The emperor of the Taihuang Immortal Dynasty and the elders of the emperor's robe all looked down.

   They knew who killed the Sect Master of Shenxiao Sect and the ancestor of Shenxiao Sect. They came for the man and came to suppress the man and shoot down the man for cultivation. Only now, they are also a little confused, even if there is blood flowing supremely, even if they have long ignored life and death, they are hesitant at the moment.

   It seems!

   Several of you!

  Just die in vain!

   Even if the power of the bloodline is burned out!

   I am afraid that he will be cut off by that person alone!

   "Seeing the action, he must be waiting for the man behind Shen Xiaozong to show up, we still have a chance, we have no way out!"

  The old robe of the emperor robe is secretly transmitting!

  The emperor of the Taihuangxian Dynasty and several other elders of the Taixianxian Dynasty, at this moment, apart from opening their mouths, they could not find other ways of responding. They could not refute, and they were even less likely to defy the legal purpose passed down above!


  All kinds of thoughts turned into a sigh, and several emperors of the imperial court were completely silent!


   refers to Tian Jianjun's side, Lin whispered.



   The thunder above the Shenxiao Sect together, there had been an enchantment that cut off the outside world. At this moment, when Lei Mang flashed, the enchantment expanded at least ten times and thickened at least ten times!

"this is......"

   Everyone looked up and saw huge thunder **** appearing above the Shenxiao Sect. In the blink of an eye, the thunder ball turned into a thunder pond, and the connection of the thunder and light burst, the enchantment became thicker than a hundred times!

   Other than that!

   There is also a very old atmosphere that permeates!


  The old man in the emperor's robe was very impressed, reminding the emperor of the imperial dynasty that several people acted at the opportunity!


   God thunder sounded!

  A figure appeared out of thin air!

   is just right in the center of nine huge Lei Chi!

  Black clothes!

   black hair!

  Black Hitomi!

   A middle-aged man's face is as cold as a stone sculpture to the extreme!

   Although he did not deliberately release any coercion or something, the monk on the spot only felt it with a glance, and this person was unmatched, even if everyone on the scene joined forces to beat this person!


   This is a genuine Taoist ancestor!

   is the deity!


   Daqian World forbids the arrival of the Daozu deity. Why did this person come, and Heavenly Dao did not appear to expel it!

"I still underestimated your combat power and valued the two wastes. One of the wastes has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it has been infinitely close to the indestructible Taoist ancestor, but you can’t even connect any magic weapon, so I can only personally Come here! This seat is not a person of this era, this place is named Thunder Sage Sovereign, one of the immortals of the immortals, and by chance, got the ancient immortal method, and became an immortal Taoist ancestor. To this day, this seat is immortal. The seventh realm has been stagnant for too long. Ten thousand years ago, another ancient secret law was found. Finally, a law to break the realm was found, but the two wastes were killed by you!"

  The middle-aged man hanging in the center of the Nine Great Leichi did not look at the others. He only stared at the middle of the sky strike warship. It seemed to be able to penetrate the warship ban and saw the people inside the warship!

   "Not a person of our time!"

   "One of the Immortals Ji Sheng Ling Nu Lei Xian Zun!"

"Immortal Seventh Realm...Does it refer to the seventh heavy ancestor? The original ancestors are also divided into layers, I think the ancestors are all the same! Lying trough! The seventh heavy ancestor is so terrible, why is Heavenly Dao not yet? Appeared to expel it, this shouldn't be!"

   Listen to all the people!


The ancestor of the seventh realm!

   This is too terrible!

  How can this creature enter the world of thousands!

  Why doesn't Tiandao appear to expel it!

this moment!

   Almost all the monks present suffered a huge impact!

  Under this shock, let alone revolt, the idea of ​​rebellion is not born! The people who appeared on the scene, that is, the old man in the emperor's robe and the emperor of the imperial dynasty could barely bear the impact. After all, their bloodline was very special. They thought that the inheritance was the supreme bloodline, although the bloodline was impure!

   "Seventh Realm..."

  Kunzong said that even if he knew his origin, he felt a little bit stunned at this moment. This kind of creature should not exist in the world of thousands anyway. Right, the incarnation of the will can come, but the deity cannot come!

   Heavenly way!

  Where is heaven?

   Heavenly Dao should appear to expel it!

   "The ancestor of the seventh realm..."

Tian Jianjun Jiang Shenzi's eyebrows twisted into a line, Jianxiu is usually more courageous in battle, and can usually kill enemies step by step. But in the face of this angry Thunder Sovereign, he can't stand, he thinks that the sword can come out at all No sword!

   The gap is too big!

   That is an insurmountable gap!

   took a deep breath, he secretly said, behind this scene the black hand is so arrogant, Chen Zu should be able to show the ultimate Nine Sword World! Only now there is a problem. Chen Zu used the magic power of Xuanxian to display the Nine Sword Realm. Even if the Ninth Sword Realm can be stacked indefinitely, the Xuanxian mana is the foundation, and the foundation is not strong enough to stack 10,000 times, 100,000 times, millions of times.

do not know!

really do not know!

   can only wait for Chen Zu!

  Wang Yin and Lin Wu were speechless at the moment, Dao Xin also suffered a huge impact, even if Wang Yin had seen more terrible creatures in the Destiny Tomb! But one of the more terrible creatures is the incarnation of the will, the other is the falling of the state, and there are those two creatures that are more terrible than the angry Thunder Sovereign, and did not fight against Chen Zu!

   "Chen Zu will not be defeated...I just can't confirm whether I can kill this angry Thunder Venerable..."

  Wang Yin whispered in his heart, he can be sure that a little bit of angry Thunder Sage could not hurt the grandfather. What is unsure is how terrible the ultimate Nine Sword Realm is, can he kill this seventh realm Taoist ancestor!


   should also show up!

   "Don't you show up yet?"

   Angry Lei Xianzun snorted!


   monk present!

  No matter where it is!

   All of them are spitting blood at the moment!

"You are expecting Heaven to expel this seat? Then you can't see At least it is not seen today. This seat is covered with a large formation of Lei Yan. Originally, most of this seat's deity came before it. Time, but the horror turbulence that fell from the sky before, smashed this world heavenly road, and this world heaven road is repairing itself, and there is no time to control this seat! With this big battle of Leiyan, this body can at least come Yixiangxiang time! Don’t hide and hide, and wipe out those close to you before appearing here!"

   Angry Lei Xianzun hummed again!

   "The ancestor of the seventh realm was really tempered."


   has responded!

   A figure in the Sky Strike Warship came out!


  Zhong Xiu stared at it for the first time, staring at the figure, but only took a glance, more than ninety-nine percent were dumbfounded!


   lying trough!

   How is a mystery!

   This is wrong!

  How could a Xuanxian kill Shenzong Sect Master and Shenxiao Sect Ancestral Sect!

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