Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1377: Shengtian Daoren: I am just a thief!

no taste!

Only to raise a realm!

disappoint others!


What are you talking about?

Is this what people say!

Just opened the last page of the fairy scroll, the word "annihilation" appeared immediately, the terror and turbulence rushed into this world, and the heaven and earth of this world had no power to parry. The guy in front of him swallowed the word "annihilation", and actually said that The two hidden forces in the world let him down!

This Nima is too popular!


Nine Pages Patriarch bleeds blood!


Then he fell down and knelt!

"You... you are not human!"

The Confucian Xuying came back to the gods, screamed like a lady, and the phantom shuddered out of control. At this moment, Chen Zheng looked like a terrifying humanoid beast!

"Second Order Xuanxian, my mana recovery is too slow." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, his eyes moved to the Confucian phantom: "What kind of master do you have to win the sky, is there any such fairy roll, There is no such thing as the word annihilation, how much do I want, you invite your master's mind and will, and I talk to him."

"You... you are humiliating me!"

The Confucian phantom shivered and screamed like a girl!

"Grandpa Master...Your stomach is too strong. Just now, those things, Chun Yu thought it was a legendary quantity robbery. Chun Yu thought that the world of heaven and luck would be blown into nothingness... .."

Ji Chunyu stared at Chen Zheng with both eyes, except for worship, only worship. As for the Xiaoming of Destiny, it was imprinted on Ji Chunyun's eyebrows in the form of light dots at this moment. At this moment, Chen Zheng was already speechless.


Still underestimated Chen Zu!

The robbery caused by the word annihilation just now crushed the world of heaven!

That force is absolutely more terrifying than what I just saw!


Chen Zu swallowed that force with a single mouth!

By the way, the most critical point!

After Chen Zu swallowed that power, he even raised a small realm, from the first order Xuan Xian to the second order Xuan Xian. This is definitely not that Chen Zu did not absorb that force, this is Chen Zu's flesh. special!

How strong is Chen Zu's physical body!

For a time, Xiao was full of doubts.

"Give you a chance to live, but you feel that I am humiliating you, I will kill you and slap you to death. How could you survive to the present. Don't waste time, lament your master, please."

At this time, Chen Zheng did a trick, a set of tea set appeared, and in the presence of the Confucian imaginary shadow and the nine-page ancestor began to make tea. Nine Pages ancestor only glanced at the tea and froze, and then a wry smile appeared on the dead wood face.

Go Tao Tea!

This young man brought out the Taoist tea!

Before, I wanted to cheat this young man with Wudao tea!


It has long been seen by this young man!

It turned out that I had already revealed a big flaw!

"You... you are humiliating me, you are humiliating me deliberately, you destroy my primordial god, I will not invite my master to come! I know you want to deal with my master, I will not give Your chance, you will kill me, I don’t want to live, I won’t give you any clues to find my master!"

The Confucian phantom stared at Chen Zheng and shook his head frantically at this moment!

"Oh? If you want to die, you will destroy the Yuanshen. If you destroy the Yuanshen, I can also find things related to your master from the fragments of the Yuanshen."

Chen Zheng responded lightly to this.

"You!" Confucian Xu Ying's face solidified instantly, staring at Chen Zheng for a long time, and then screaming like a spoiler: "You bastard, did you decide to eat me, why do you bastard?" Bullying me like this, I just want to live another life!"


Confucian cry!


Seeing this scene, Ji Chunyu couldn't help but roll her eyes. She secretly said that she still wanted to kill the grandfather before it. Now you are crying and grieved. Are you qualified to be grieved!

"Give you a tea time."

Chen Zheng said nothing.

"You...I...I...please come the master!"

The Confucian phantom shuddered, and the look on his face changed wildly, seeming to be extremely entangled, but after a few breaths, he gritted his teeth and shouted to the sky, and at the same time an ancient seal was formed!


Fairy light flashes!

A figure is coming!

Fairy wind bones!

Breath of breath!

Just look at it and know that it is not an ordinary person!

"Woo, woo, lord, the slave is also forced, the servant is forced to help the master to come! Master, this kid is terrible, this kid not only opened the last page of the Shengtian fairy roll, which caused terrible destruction. The robbery of the world swallowed the robbery of the world! The minion didn’t want to reveal any clues to the master, but in front of this kid, the minion could only kneel! Ooo! Owner must save me, the owner took me away directly This world, this world is terrible!"

When Confucian Xu Ying saw the coming person, wooing and crying again.

"This style has become too fast..."

Ji Chunyu whispered.

"Painting style?"

It was the first time that Destiny's Spirit Xiao heard the word, and he was stunned.

"Uh... I often pop up some strange words in Yuanshen, just get used to it."

Ji Chunyu also froze for a moment, but when she thought about what happened to her before, she didn't think about it.

"Swallow the world?"

The person who came was originally a transcendent supreme posture, and a face was even more indifferent. At the moment, listening to the Confucian imaginary shadow, the supreme posture converged, and the indifferent color on his face also disappeared. Directly stared at Chen Zheng! When looking at Chen Zheng's face clearly, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, but he quickly shook his head and seemed to recognize Chen Zheng's identity, but he quickly denied it!

"Your name is Shengtian, right, I will let your men please come, I just want to ask you a little bit, if there is anything like that on the last page of the fairy roll, that thing has no taste, maybe it will restore me to cultivation, you have How much I want."

Chen Zheng took a sip of tea, put down the tea cup at this moment, and smiled at the person who came.

"..." The advent person opened his mouth subconsciously, but soon he was silent. This silence is the time of Banzhuxiang. After half a year of incense stick time, the advent person Shen Shen said: "Although I am called Shengtian Daoren, although it is also a bit of identity in Taixu, but about those two words... It's just a thief. The last page on the fairy roll was stolen by me from a terrible creature. At that time, that terrible creature was fighting with another creature. I took advantage of it... I was afraid of that terrible creature. The creatures found revenge, so they secretly let their people send that thing into the world. That kind of power is not the power I can control. I can only tell you that the terrible creature is the oldest **** in the eternal mountain, if there is more There are so many pages that contain the power of terror, so there should be only the ancient God Mountain."

"Stolen... Stolen..."

The Confucian emptiness spoke blankly, and he was dumbfounded. In his eyes, his master was supreme, but at the moment these things that his master said, the image of Supreme Wei'an collapsed at once!

"Stolen? How can your deity be an epoch Why doesn't it feel a bit domineering over the epoch overlord."

Chen Zhengduo glanced at the advent, and shook his head.

"That... my era dominance is actually stolen."

Unexpectedly, the coming person opened his mouth.


The era of epoch overlord is also stolen!

This can also be stolen!

Even Chen Zheng, hearing this sentence, has nothing to say for a while!

"Fuck! This can also be stolen!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the little doll was originally not interested in ignoring these. At this moment, when he heard the response of the advent, he couldn't help but burst out!

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