Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1371: I am above them!

"Why are these colossus familiar?"

"What are two? Didn't you recognize that I am also a deity of colossus? Huh! I don't even know Liu Liutian, and dare to claim to be the master successor. You are a hammer.

"The ten colossus colossus, I thought it was back to the original place, this is just a big thousand world, it can't be the original place. And there are only ten colossus colossus, three less colossus colossus, the less is just Sister, the twelve and eleven colossus colossus. These colossus colossus...not from the twelve hand but from the eleven hand, let me take a closer look, it turned out to be from the eleven hand. But the question is coming again. Twelve is the master of this era, it is impossible to know that there is such a thing in the world, so is twelve joining forces with eleven?"

The three sounds are Ajiu, Xiaoliu and Xiaoyao. Ajiu and Xiaoyao are adult forms, which can be recognized at a glance and correspond to the two statues of the ten immortals. Xiao Liu is in the form of a girl, but if you look closely, you can see that it corresponds to a giant statue of Ten Immortals.

"Join? Is it useful?"

With a cold snork, it was a little doll made of chemicals. She raised her hand freely in the lotus seeds of the lotus, and all the ten immortal giant statues that had cracked collapsed into ashes!

Ten Immortals Mountain!

Cultivation is speechless!

The ten ancestors and another old man, and the rest of the ten monks who saw what happened on the ancient platform after the enchantment broke down, have been scared!


Ten Immortals Colossus at the base of Ten Immortals is gone!

All gone!

Turned into ashes!

Zongyue's ancestors!

He seems to have caused people who should not provoke!

"Oh my God......"

Ji Chunyu, the soul of the destiny, was screaming at the moment, fainted, and the light spot did not enter Ji Chunyu's spirit, it was also scared!


Ji Chunyu opened her mouth and secretly aimed at A Jiu Xiaoliu and they were even more shocked at this moment. Grandpa Patriarch Yuanshen actually lived with so many women. How many women lived in the former Madam Yan, Grandpa Patriarch Yuanshen!


So these are the masters!

" do I feel like I'm dreaming..."

Kong Qi raised his hand violently, gave his head a slap, and slammed the whole person backwards!

See you today!

Too unreal!

Just sleep first!

Waking up should be able to wake up!

"A bunch of stinky fish rotten shrimp, Chen Zheng you solve it yourself, where do we need to call us out, isn't our time? Huh!"

The little doll made a grunt, and the gray light flashed, covering Ajiu San, and suddenly fell into Chen Zheng's eyebrows.

To this, Chen Zheng only smiled slightly, and then a piece of Taishi chair emerged, and then a set of tea set appeared. He sat in Taishi chair and began to make tea in front of everyone.


Ten ancestors saw this scene, subconsciously opened his mouth to drink, just shouted a word and shut up! The Ten Immortal Tribulation Array has been broken, the Ten Immortal Colossus is all destroyed, and the foundation of the Ten Immortal Mountain has been destroyed by this kid. How do you feel that this time Zongdao has attracted a terrible guy!

"I just want to know a little bit now!"

Zong Yue originally stroked a long beard with one hand. At that moment, the hand fell down, and the double pupils stared at Chen Zheng's voice, lowering it to the extreme!


Chen Zheng was making tea and responded with a faint voice.

"The Lord of Tribulation is inanimate, it is the creation of heaven and earth. It is already the most extreme creature in the world. Why is the Lord of Tribulation living in your primordial spirit, and what point do you rely on to make the Lord of Tribulation live in your primitive spirit? , Why choose you as the spokesperson as the heir!"

Zong Yue almost asked with a roaring voice!

"You still don't understand."

Chen Zheng heard this question and only smiled.

"Don't understand? What did you don't understand? What did you mean just now...the forgery is not true? You created a few forgeries using the secret method and deceived the ten immortals?"

Zong Yue stunned, and subconsciously thought a little and asked with a low drink! Actually, the following consciousness thinks this way, because he does not believe that it is true in his heart. He hopes that it is just a coincidence. He hopes that this young man has applied a weird mystery in front of him and happened to deceive the ten immortals!

"You're wrong again." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, said to pick up the tea cup and began to drink tea. After a sip of tea, he reminded Zong Yue a little bit: "Tea cools ten immortals."


Chaliang Shixian Mountain died!

Is this kid going to destroy Shixian Mountain after drinking tea!

The next look at Ten Immortal Mountain sinks instantly!

"You... this one is a pinnacle ancestor anyway, I don't believe you can kill this one at will!"

Another old man beside Zong Yue, his expression changed for a while, staring at Chen Zhengyi with a cold eye!


Chen Zheng ignored him directly!


The old man showed his anger, but he didn't dare to do it, and continued to stare at Chen Zheng with a cold sleeve!

"Where am I wrong!"

Zong Yue thought for a moment and yelled again to ask!

Where is wrong?

What is wrong with Zong Dairen?

Ten Immortals Shanxiu couldn't help thinking at this moment!

"You think I am the main spokesperson of the master, and they are the masters of the master, but they respect me, I am not under them, I am in front of them, you should be able to understand."

Chen Zheng chuckled.


Not the master spokesperson!

Nor is it the master of succession!

It is the master of the master!

This... is this true or false!

Monk Shixianshan heard this instincts of his necks shrank back, and suddenly he felt a chill that could not be expressed!


Zong Yue opened his mouth. His expression told everyone he was unbelievable, but after three breaths, his figure suddenly moved and suddenly turned into a fairy light!

This fairy light is not rushing towards Chen Zheng!

This fairy light is flying towards the bridges of the heavens!

Zong Yue fled!


"Greater Zong!"

"Zongdairen escaped... escaped!"

The monk of Ten Immortals Mountain was shocked to the extreme, looking at the sky domes one by one, and he felt a moment of sorrow at the next moment, and all thought of a little. It's not a lie!



Two immortals rise to the sky!

That is the ten ancestors and another old man!

Run away!

They also escaped!

Shixianshan Monk dumbfounded!

All of Zongmen's top combat powers have escaped!


It was also at this time that Chen Zheng chuckled lightly. He put down the tea cup and waved his right hand towards Fang. I saw a purple awn rising into the sky, and suddenly a strange purple triangle phantom appeared in the sky dome!


Just listen to three wailing sounds at the same time!

The three bodies fell down from the sky!




The three flesh bodies all fell on the top of the Ten Immortal Mountain, and three human-shaped pits were smashed out. The ancestor's flesh body is extraordinary. It can be said that there is no injury, but the three flesh bodies have not sensed any breath of Yuanshen at this moment!

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