Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1368: Chasing the dragon? Why should the dragon chase!

Deep in Luna Mountain.

Underground Secret Temple of Luna.

"The people taught by Luna are really erased by her..."

From entering the mountain to the present, I have not seen a luna monk. It seems that the luna church has been gone to the empty space many years ago. Ji Chunyu couldn't help but think of the previous scene, and it was a bit stunned.

"The Emperor Gaishi... is said to be the master of killing, and the decisiveness of killing is also normal." Ling Xiao, the Destiny of the Destiny, said that this light spirit looked towards the heavy seal in the center of the Secret Hall: "It turned out to be a seal with the Dao Dao stone cloth, forcibly suppressing Shilong, but all the people of the Moon God religion were wiped away by the ancient soul of the Emperor of the World, and this Dao Dao Shi seal could not be maintained for a long time. Break out of the seal, Chen Zu directly surrendered to Shilong with the original emperor seal. Don't let Shilong ran out, once Shilong ran out, the worlds wandered around, and Chen Zu was afraid to take a dragon chase journey ."

"Chasing the dragon? Why should the dragon chase."

Chen Zheng listened with a slight smile, and raised his right hand to abandon the Dao stone seal against the center of the secret hall a little. Only with a click, the seal was destroyed by itself. As soon as the seal was destroyed, a ghost came out!


getting bigger!

This underground secret hall itself is an extremely large underground cave. In the blink of an eye, the phantom seems to fill the huge underground cave. Between the dragon shadows surging, a huge faucet is slowly raised, and it is condescending to take a look. Gestures stared at Chen Zheng!

"Tianyun Shilong...!"

At this time, a figure also entered the secret hall, it was the fat man Kong Qi of Ten Immortals Mountain. When he saw the behemoth, he exclaimed!

"You let me go, I can fulfill your wish!"

Shi Long glanced at hole seven, frowning slightly, and then stared at Chen Zheng, although he didn't open his mouth, but a loud voice resounded throughout the huge underground cave!

"Prestige of the Dragon of Heaven!"

Kong Qiyi trembled!

He believes that the combat power is not weaker than the peak ancestor!

But at the moment in front of Shilong without the repression, he felt very small, but there was another voice sneering deep in his heart, as if to say that Shilong hadn't grown up yet. !

For a while!

Kong Qi was a little ignorant!

How could there be a strange sound suddenly in my heart!

Could it be that the young man was true!

One of my life was once a general of the Emperor Geshitian!

"Meet me a wish?" Chen Zheng smiled, looking at the huge Shilong smiled: "I don't have high requirements, I want to be detached, can you satisfy me."




What is this wish!


Ji Chunyu!

Destiny's Spirit Xiao!

Tianyun Shilong and Kong Qi, especially Tianyun Shilong, were stunned!

"This... your wish exceeds my upper limit of ability. I can't realize your wish. You can change it to a wish that can be fulfilled. I can basically satisfy your wishes in the world of thousands of powers, power. Wealth women, etc., are not a problem. After satisfying your wishes, I still have to fulfill my mission. Hurry up."

After a moment of silence, Shi Long said in a deep voice.

"You made a mistake."

This time, Chen Zheng didn't mention any wish, but shook his head gently.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Shilong was slightly startled.

"It seems that your brain is not bright enough for the first time."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"What do you mean?"

Shi Long's face sank, his voice deeper.

"Since I can let you out, things in the world of a thousand worlds are naturally of little use to me. I let you out just to help a person take you first and send it to her, you have little meaning to me. Jane In a word, you can’t get into my eyes."

Chen Zheng said softly.


Can't get into the eye?

Isn't that what it means to look down upon!


Not even Shilong!

This is more precious than saints treasure!

Kong Qiyi listened and blinked wildly. Which of the ancestors who came before did not want to get Shilong. Getting Shilong means having the opportunity to create a holy court to create a pilgrimage. Once the pilgrimage is successful, it will naturally jump out of the world. Is this temptation not big enough!

"Can't get into your eyes...Your mana is just the level of the Xuanxian."

Shi Long remained silent for a long time, staring at Chen Zhengliang for a long time, and then said with a deep voice.


Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and Shi Long revealed a bit of cynicism, but the next moment Shi Long's face changed greatly, because Chen Zheng raised his hand casually, and grabbed it, he felt that he was imprisoned by a great force Stayed, I felt like my neck was clamped by a big hand, unable to move at all!

Not only can't move!

Shilong's huge figure is shrinking with the naked eye!


In the blink of an eye!

Shi Long was pinched into a loach by Chen Zheng!

"you you......"

Shilong looked at Chen Zheng with horror!

"You don't even have the right to add true blood to Zhengyue girl, how can you get into my eyes, maybe when you are fully grown, you can barely fight against Zulong or Epoch overlord, but the upper limit is in that situation. ."

Chen Zheng chuckled and threw Shilong at ease.

"..." Shilong, the size of the loach, stared at Chen Zheng for a moment in horror, and then nodded madly: "Subjugation! I surrender! I will assist whoever you want me to assist, I will listen to you!"


Chen Zheng made a move, and the original Emperor's Seal appeared and directly collected Shilong. Then he took another move and saw that the air was twisted, a red figure appeared, and then Jiao Didi's female voice sounded.

"Boss, everyone's ghost world is almost gone. The boss doesn't come to look at others, they feel wronged!"

The figure in red looked at Chen Zheng with a rather vague look.

"Corpse fairy, help me send the original Emperor Seal to the Kunlun Earth."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Hey, in the eyes of the boss, are people just a errand? Boss, boss, you will be sent to the nether world, Xiangliu ran away, I don't know which one you went to. As for my servant child, he has entered the heavenly emperor Realm, and Liuli, has already inherited the inheritance in that underground palace, and after fully absorbing the power of the Yuanshi, it should be almost able to get to this realm. The strange fairy palace owner who claimed to be my sister before, help me After running away some enemies and talking to me about something, I went to Taixu Land."

The red clothing sighed, received the original Emperor's Seal, and looked at Chen Zheng with a bit of grievance, and said that his body disappeared after a twist.


Who is this?

"The man who was...netherworld just now?"

Kong Qi thought of asked in a low voice.

"Xianji, the main body of the Underworld."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The second head of the Nine Tribulation?" Kong Qi's eyes flashed with surprise, and he suddenly thought of a bit, another blink of an eye, shaking his voice and couldn't help asking: "That... Just now she called your Excellency the boss, isn't that your Excellency........."

Kong Qi said only half of what he said, but he didn’t dare to say it all, because he heard the old monster from Ten Immortals Mountain. A mysterious organization called Jiujiao appeared thousands of years ago. Provoking, that's the leader of the Nine Tribulation!


No one knows who is the boss in the Nine Tribulation!

But now!

I seem to accidentally hit a big secret!

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