Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1360: Female color? This trick is useless to Chen Zu!


This is really a monster!

A mystery!

Just kill Emperor and Tai'an Mixed King at a glance!

Swallow the ancient cathode array in one mouth!

This monster is too scary!

"You... are you the incarnation of Daozu?"

The dragon of luck hesitated for a while, and thought of a question one by one at this moment.

Earlier I said that I had let this kid out for that girl's sake. I didn't expect that this kid didn't need to put it on his own. It was completely affectionate. This kid could kill himself easily. This kid was merciful to his men!


Fortunately, I was just smart enough!

Fortunately, this kind of destiny spirit has a natural affection for congenital Taoism!

Otherwise, you are finished!

"I came to Tianyin City. I really just wanted to kill Yin. I really didn't come to destroy the Tai'an royalty."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the dragon of luck, only a word.


The people of the royal family and the immortal guard in the sky below are trembling, and they are trembling at the moment, dare not make any sound!


This monster is really terrible!

Even more terrible is that he killed the emperor and the king of the world as if he had just done a trivial thing!

One more thing!

He said the tone after killing the yin seemed to be the same as killing a ant!

This monster!

What the **** is he?

"That...the queen lives in the cathode underground palace. You swallowed the ancient cathode array. She should know you, but the queen is a half-track ancestor, it is not so easy..."

The Dragon of Qi Yun groaned slightly, but only halfway through the words, he suddenly clicked, and a cold force instantly frozen it! Not only is the dragon of luck, but at this moment, the creatures in the sky are also frozen instantly, one by one as if they turned into ice sculptures!

"Do you want to kill Ben, right? I will wait for you in the cathode palace. Not only will I wait for you, but I will prepare a surprise for you!"

A woman's voice is extremely cold!

"After the Yin!" Ji Chunyu shivered slightly, her congenital body barely resisted that terrible cold force, and after hearing the Yin said there was a surprise, subconsciously reminded Chen Zheng: "Patriarch Grandpa, this woman after Yin is best at what Man, even our ancestral ancestors of the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty were locked up by this woman. Even today, the ancestors did not want to be enemies with this woman, so the ancestors..."

"Female **** is useless to me."

Chen Zheng smiled, and then a pale blue light descended on Ji Chunyu. Ji Chunyu blinked, and the two of them glanced into the cracked entrance of the underground palace in the center of the Tianyin City campus below.


Before entering the underground palace!

Ji Chunyu couldn't help but hug his arms!

She is a congenital Taoist body, and she can perceive that the pale blue light that Chen Zheng hits on her contains the power of the avenue, but even when sheltered by the power of the avenue, as soon as he enters this palace, he still feels a terrible chill! This chill can penetrate the refuge of the avenue, what secret method did the woman practice after the shadow, how could it be so cold!


How could the ancestors be defeated by this woman!

What's the difference between holding this woman to sleep and holding a pile of ice!

Ji Chunyu shook his head for a while.

After a moment.

Deep inside the cathode uterus.


As soon as the two entered the underground ice palace, the gate of the underground palace slammed shut, and the next moment heard a smirk, and immediately saw the clothes flying, the woman lying on the side of the ice jade bed in the center of the ice palace, at this moment Get up, swaying and stepping towards this side step by step!


Ji Chunyu was a little embarrassed, because the clothes she had just danced on were the clothes on the woman. At this moment, the woman came step by step toward the ancestor, and that figure really had an unspeakable charm!

Even as a woman, she was dumbfounded for a while, this woman should be some kind of natural charm body!

"Do you like the slave's son?"

After the yin came, the smile came at the moment.

This laugh!

Ji Chunyu feels a little dry, at this moment it seems to understand why the ancestors worshiped this woman! First of all, this woman is a half-walking ancestor, this woman is naturally charming, if a half-walking ancestor is naturally charming, if you take the initiative to undress you, will you be tempted?


As a woman, I have some things at the moment, will the grandfather master... suddenly thought of it, Ji Chunyu quickly looked at Chen Zheng, seeing that Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, he was relieved instantly, fortunately Grandpa Master didn't feel anything!


Wait a minute!

Is this the grandfather's determination to be strong enough, or is it because the grandfather is not interested in female sex?

Ji Chunyu thought of it again, revealing the color of doubt, almost at the same time, there was a chuckle after the Yin, and there were more than a dozen figures in a flash. Those figures were all after the Yin, and they surrounded Chen Zheng at the moment. All kinds of scratching gestures!

"How do you want to play?"

Asked after the Yin Jiao!

"Female **** is really useless to me."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Is it really useless?"

The color changed slightly behind the shadows, but soon there was a smirk again.

She is naturally charming and cultivates the ancient heritage. She believes that there is a man in this world that can resist her charm, but at least it is the spirit of Taoist level! And this kid in front of him, of course, has strange means, but Xuanxian mana can't be wrong, it can't be Taoist ancestor!

"Your face is quite general, and being flesh is a bit expensive. Unfortunately, I am a person who looks at your face. Your face is barely passing the passing line."

After looking at the shade, Chen Zheng commented casually.

"Just passed the passing line?"

Upon hearing this, Ji Chunyu blinked, and the Master Dao's request was too high. According to the standards of the world, this shady face is not gorgeous, but it is also gorgeous enough.

"I don't believe in the future, I don't believe how much someone can be more beautiful than the future!"

After Yin Yin stared at Chen Zheng several eyes, sneered with open mouth!

"Mrs. Yan."

Chen Zheng shouted lightly.


Fairy light flashes!

A woman emerged!

"The slave-servant visits her master."

As soon as the woman appeared, she respectfully greeted Chen Zhengli.


Ji Chunyu glanced at the woman who appeared, and her eyes widened. In her eyes, the secret charm behind her body had made her feel a little dry, but when she saw the woman who appeared, she looked at her It was compared!

Madam Yan!

The gorgeous lady summoned by the grandfather is at least two grades higher than Yin Yin!

The unintentionally revealed charm on his body is at least three grades higher than Yin Yin!

Do not!

More than three grades!

I am afraid there are five grades!

That's the gap between passing and passing!

No wonder!

No wonder Grandpa said that female **** is useless to him!




Outside the palace!

Thunder shakes!

The power of one avenue hit the Underground Palace!


Ji Chunyu is even more "

Chen Zheng said lightly to Mrs. Yan.


The fairy light flashed on Mrs. Yan's body and disappeared, but she actually retreated into the inner world of Daotu.

"Heavenly expulsion...she... that Yan lady... she is the ancestor of the Dao, she attracted the power of Heavenly Dao!" Yin Hou regained her spirit and stared in wonder at the moment. After Chen Zheng: "You even have the best ancestors of the Daozu ancestry as slaves, you are definitely not a native creature in this world, you are an immortal Taoist monk in the Taixu reincarnation!"

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