Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1327: Why don't you believe it!

"Miss II?"

"This demon emperor is also a creature in the Tomb of Destiny? Isn't it possible for the creature in the Tomb of Destiny to go out!"

"Miss II, Miss II, she is the second daughter of Master Destiny's Tomb!"

Wind Demon Emperor's cry!

In addition to Chen Zheng!

Everyone else at the site of inheritance was dumbfounded!

Even Hua Qianzhu himself was ignorant!

Miss II?

Is this his previous life identity?

But there is no impression at all!

"Miss Two"

As for the Moon King Shengzi, who was called by the white-faced young moon god, when he came back to this moment, his body shook, his face was whiter, his throat stirred a while, and he only felt a little cold behind his head!

She thought the soon-to-be-successed Banshee Empress was the second lady of Destiny's Tomb, and she seemed to have caused a character who should not be provoked!

This Nima!

Are you going to finish this time?

"Isn't Miss II Missed from the moment she was born? How could she be the Master Miss Fengfeng Demon Emperor, you wouldn't be the wrong person, would you please ask the Miss Master to confirm it, or wake up the Master to recognize it?"

The Yin Emperor spoke, and the look revealed by the Broken Yuanshen obviously wanted to struggle again.

Of course, he knew that there was a second lady in Destiny's Tomb, but Miss II was said to have disappeared when she was born, so she only had the name of Miss Two, but no one of them, the subordinates of the Master of Destiny's Tomb, basically saw Miss II!

Now the Wind Devil Emperor suddenly recognized a foreign banshee emperor as the second lady, to tell the truth Yin emperor is really hard to believe!

"Will the master's plan tell you! You're barely restored to the ancestor's cultivation behavior only a hundred years ago, and you are not qualified to be emperor, so the master is asleep, Missy is busy deducing the destiny, your uncle smiles and forcefully Give you the royal title, you dare to question this seat!"

Wind Demon Emperor glanced indifferently.

"I'm wooing, uncle woke up, uncle help!"

The Yin Emperor shuddered and shouted suddenly against the dark cliff on the right.


The dark cliff wall was shocked!

I saw the dark cliff wall cracking!

A cloud of evil appeared in the crack!


The wind is blowing!

A lot of Yinsha condensed a human figure!


This humanoid appeared, the wind rose again, and many foreign monks in the inheritance area only felt that the Yuanshen was frozen for a moment, and could not move at this moment!

no doubt!

This Yinsha condensed soul and the Wind Demon Emperor are at least one level!

And it seems more ruthless than Wind Devil Emperor!

"Uncle save me!"

As soon as the Yin Emperor saw the figure, the broken Yuanshen flew over and hid behind the creature!


The Wind Demon Emperor got up from the ground, frowning and staring at the figure. The original figure condensed into Yinsha is also one of the emperors of the ancient times buried in the Destiny Tomb. Its name is Yinsha Emperor!

"Miss II has grown up." Emperor Yinsha did not respond to Fengmodi, even ignoring Fengmodi. He looked directly at Hua Qianzhu and suddenly said with a smile.

This sentence!

Sounds friendly!


Hua Qianzhu frowned upon hearing it!

This Yinsha Emperor gave her a very uncomfortable feeling!

"She really is Miss II? But how could Miss II grow up outside?" Yin Huang shuddered, her thoughts turned sharply, and she suddenly noticed Chen Zheng who was indifferent, and then quickly said: "Uncle! The nephew is not right. Miss II is disrespectful, the nephew just wants to tease this humanoid kid, because this kid looks similar to that terrible creature! By the way, Miss II seems to be close to this person, it must have been deceived by this humanoid kid, and his uncle knows the destiny better than his nephew It’s a rule, like this kind of mischievous kid who deceived Miss II should be killed!"

do not care!

It doesn't matter whether the Queeness is Miss II or not!

Please ask Uncle to kill the kid first!

I am so embarrassed now!

Thanks to this kid!

Damn this kid!

Yin Huang thought crazy cry!

"This human race does look similar to that one, but it can't be that one, even if it's just a thought incarnation, it can't be without power. Everyone is afraid of that one. Has no courage. But looking at you at this moment, looking at you who is similar to that look, this seat also wants to slowly play with you."

Yinsha Emperor's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng, and after a few glances, he suddenly smiled.


This laugh!

The rest of the people were trembling!

This Yinsha Emperor smiled as if to eat people!

"Kill him! Kill him! Please kill him!"

At the moment, Yuejing Shengzi was also crying wildly in his heart. He saw that the Wind Demon Emperor and Yinsha Emperor clearly did not deal with it, so even if the Banshee Emperor really was the Miss of the Second Destiny, but if Yinsha Emperor was going to kill the kid, then the female The demon emperor could not have sheltered the kid!

As for the Yin Emperor and Yin Cha Emperor, both mentioned that the kid is similar to a terrible creature, but Yin Yin and Yin Cha Emperor also mentioned that the kid is only similar in appearance to the terrible creature, not the terrible creature at all! And it is precisely because of this that Yin Chadi wants to start more!

This idea is very familiar to the son of Moon King because he has done something similar before! He has a brother who has been crushing him since he was a child. He was extremely upset but he couldn’t help his brother. Later, when he went out to practice, he saw a guy who was similar to his brother in a small town. He slowly played and died. Guy, use this to vent your hatred for his brother!

no doubt!

Yin Chadi is such a thought at the moment!

"This Child"

The Wind Demon Emperor's eyes moved, and when he saw Chen's face was indifferent, he didn't seem to care about what was happening around him. What he wanted to say was silent at the moment. Because there is indeed a rule in the Destiny Tomb, it is forbidden that the creatures in the Destiny Tomb have too much contact with outsiders. This is a rule set by the master, and no one can disobey.

"Your human race is calm, since you are so calm, then this seat will not pinch you to death, this seat will now send you into the Destiny Orb, if you can pass the Destiny Orb Trial, this seat can temporarily spare you Life! As for your life and death, after the master wakes up, the master will decide for himself!"

Emperor Yinsha smiled again at this moment, raising his hand and forcibly sending Chen Zheng into the middle of the nine destiny beads.

"Fate of Destiny is too small to bear my size. I advise you to give up this idea."

At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Destiny beads are too small?

Can't bear the big boy?

What does this mean?

The public listened for a moment!

"Uncle, this kid is scared. This kid is afraid of failing the trial of Destiny Bead. Uncle sent him in!"

Yin Emperor Yuanshen's eyes lit up. In his opinion, the kid in front of him was afraid, because the inner world of the Destiny Bead in the middle was the most dangerous. The ancestor of the ancestor did not dare to guarantee that he would come out alive!

"Can't bear your big? You look too much to yourself! The inner world of any Destiny Bead is comparable to the big thousand world outside. How big can a human race in your area be!"

Emperor Yinsha sneered, then raised his hand, the law of time and space emerged, enveloped Chen Zheng, and forcibly sent Chen Zheng into the middle bead!

"Haha! Go in and die!"

Yin Huang laughed!

"It's finally done!"

Seeing this scene, Yuezi Shengzi also smiled!



At the next moment!

Just when Chen Zu was forced into the Destiny Bead by the law of time and space, it was a blink of an eye!

Horrible crackling sounded!


That fate bead broke!


Dazzling light burst!

At this moment Zhong Xiu's eyes widened!

Because they seem to have seen a world broken!


They heard a soft laugh!

"I've always told the Why don't you believe it?"

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