Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1301: Holy gun? Come come! Just shoot!

this moment!

Only then did the Emperor Realm Immortal Master suddenly understand what it meant to snap a finger, and one snap finger went down, this time following his Tianmen disciples to ashes, if it was not for him to have a real dragon magic weapon to protect the Yuanshen, just that moment The gray smoke is extinguished!

"Aren't you really afraid of Tianmen!"

Heaven Emperor Realm Master's face changed for a while, staring at Chen Zheng Shen with a roar!

"You might not believe it, I have all watched the Tianjian of your Tianmen, but Tianmen will definitely not give it, so it will be destroyed sooner or later, why should I be afraid."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"..." Heavenly Emperor Realm Master was stagnant, and after a few rests, Shen Sheng roared again: "You are a demon, and you want all Tianjian swords of Tianmen, and you want to destroy Tianmen. You are talking about dreams in idiots! In the Universiade, there has been a heavenly gate since the immortal dynasty, the immortal dynasty was born, and only the heavenly gate is immortal from generation to generation! No one can destroy the heavenly gate unless heaven is the heaven and earth!"


Chen Zheng answered a word lightly, and wiped away the Lianshan Formation.

"Mortal Uncle!" In front of Lianshan Lianhu, Shaoyan shouted to Chen Zheng first, then flew out, and rushed to the head of the eyeball tribe, hugged the head of the eyeball tribe with **** flesh on his back: "Father !"


The head of the Divine Eye tribe opened his mouth. He took a deep breath at the moment and looked up at what Chen Zhenggang was about to say. He saw that Chen Zheng was hit by a mysterious light, and he recovered from his injury instantly.

"Thank you... Master Lianshan!"

The head of the Divine Eye tribe was startled, and then some excitement was paid to Chen Zheng.

"An ancestor of my Tianmen is coming from the Holy Ship. Your means are indeed a bit weird, but you can’t be the opponent of my Tianmen ancestor with Qianzhu Demon Emperor, not to mention the Heavenly Ship and the Holy Gun, you know Why should the holy gun be named holy gun? Because it is specifically used to deal with the saint! The power of the holy gun, the saint should also avoid its sharp edge! Even if you still have the means to bypass the true dragon magic weapon to destroy my soul, you are doomed Dying! Ningya saint, Moya Tianmen, have you heard this sentence!

Heaven Emperor Realm Immortal Master Yuanshen is changing again, and then drinking again at Chen Zheng!

"Ningya saint, don't provoke Tianmen...There is indeed such a saying in the world of heaven."

Hua Qianzhu frowned slightly after listening.

"Tianmen...Tianjian...True Dragon Fate... Lord of the Immortal Dynasty...Gai Shi Tian Di... This Tian Men seems to be the same as Ga Shi Tian Di related!"

The red lotus whispered for a moment, and suddenly thought a little.

"Your demon girl is still a bit knowledgeable. The reason why my Tianmen exists is to wait for the birth of the Emperor Gai Shi! The Emperor Gai Shi, that is the supreme figure, the quasi-holy ancestor sages should also avoid it when they see the Gai Emperor! Do you know why it is called the Gai Tian Emperor? , That is the destiny of heaven, the son of Heaven! And my Heavenly Gate will assist the Emperor of the World, unifying all the heavens and the world! In ancient times, the Lord of the Three Realms was the Heavenly Emperor, and in the future there will be the Emperor of the Heavens as the Lord of the Heavens! Out, the saints completely avoided the world, and the ancestors quasi-sacrifice! If you provoke Tianmen, you provoke the Emperor Gaishi!

Heaven Emperor Realm Master heard the words of the Emperor Ge Shi Tian, ​​his eyes lighted up, and he was proud of himself invisible!

"is it."

Chen Zheng fluttered.

"Gai Shi Tian Di is not just..."

The red lotus girl thought about it a little more, and opened her mouth, but stopped after only half of it, watching the Emperor Realm Master Yuanshen smile that day.

"Humph! You dare to laugh!"

Seeing the red lotus girl smiling without saying a word, the **** of the realm of the heaven emperor, the **** of realm, immediately showed a displeased look. He thought that both Chen Zheng and the red lotus girl would not believe what he said.


At this time!

A huge warship!

Tearing time and space!


As soon as the vast warship emerged, a magnificent celestial prestige shrouded the Lianshan area in an instant. The eyebrows of the Lianshan demon clan, the **** eye tribe, the red lotus demon girl and the flower Qianzhu were all twisted at the moment!

Patriarch breath!

There can be nothing wrong!

This is definitely an ancestor's breath!

"The second generation disciple of Tianmen, Li Chenghe, welcomes the ancestors of Xiaoyao!" The **** Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, when he saw the people on the vast warship, suddenly showed a happy look: "The ancestor of Xiaoyao was ordered, and Li Chenghe was instructed to come to the imperial dynasty. The investigation of the killing of Brother Huai'an by Holly Gulin, I never thought it was a demon colluding with the demon clan of Holly Gulin! Master Huai'an was murdered by this son and the Qianzhu Demon Emperor! Xiaoyao Ancestor, this son looks like a mortal, it seems that there is no point Mana, but the method is quite strange, only after snapping his fingers, he wiped out the Tianmen disciple who came with me, this son is likely to be a witch! If the disciple did not have a real dragon magic weapon to protect the Yuanshen, I am afraid that it will also disappear. So, please let the ancestors of Xiaoyao kill the demon and avenge the brother of Huaian and the children of Tianmen!"


Tianmen Holy Ship!

Dozens of eyes directly locked Chen Zheng!

The old man above the holy ship also stared directly, not looking at anyone else, only staring at Chen Zheng!

"Your name is Li Xiaoyao?"

When the old man was about to speak, Chen Zheng asked with a chuckle.


Everyone was shocked!

The Lianshan demon clan thought that Chen Zheng knew the Tianmen ancestor, and the Tianmen monk thought that Chen Zheng knew the Xiaoyao ancestor, because although the Xiaoyao ancestor was not called Li Xiaoyao, the ancestor was indeed surnamed Li, and Xiaoyao was the dao. It seems that it is no problem to call Li Xiaoyao.

"Tianmen Limeng Qiong, No. Xiaoyao! You met this seat, met the Tianmen Holy Ship, met the Tianmen Holy Gun, are you afraid of taking the initiative to climb the relationship with this seat, and want to beg for mercy? Ha! Kill my teacher nephew Huaian , Even if you are the only blood descendant of the demon ancestor of the Holly Ancient Forest, you will die!"

The old man spoke, cold and ruthless!

"It's too late to beg for mercy. You and the Thousand Bamboo Demon Emperor Honglian Demon Girl, the people of the Eye Eye Tribe and the Lianshan Demon Clan will all be buried with Brother Huai'an!"

Tian Cheng Jing Xian Shi Li Cheng He Yuan Shen is also indifferent!

"It turns out that you are not Li Xiaoyao." Unfortunately, no matter how indifferent, Chen Zheng still showed no fluctuations. I saw him gently shaking his head, stepping out of the holy ship suspended in Tianmen, his hands behind him, glancing at the so-called holy The cannon, and then a chuckle: "Come and come, I am here, you can shoot if you want to shoot."


Shoot casually?

Is this kid having a problem?

The monks on the Tianmen Holy Ship saw this They all looked at Chen Zheng as if they were mentally handicapped. They secretly said that this kid was scared and stupid, so that there was a problem in his head!

Even if this kid is really descended from the ancient Wu clan, even if Zu Wu is reborn, he can't hold the Holy Gun!

"Just does this sound vulgar..."

Hua Qianzhu froze for a moment and whispered.

"Vulgar...when I think of vulgar, I will feel vulgar, you will not fall in love with my master, Qianzhu Demon Emperor? Ha! You have no chance! According to my speculation, my former master is the master's woman , And my former master is so big, it’s not like you, a demon emperor, you still die earlier, lest you find yourself uninterested afterwards!"

On the other side, the red lotus girl heard this frown and frowned, and secretly transmitted a sound to Hua Qianzhu.

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