Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1299: I want to see how damned that man is.


This is gone?

This is not clear yet!

One more thing!

The holly fairy king is already afraid!

Why did the holy master let the Holly Fairy King take away the demon ancestor!

The demon clan in the demon palace are a bit ignorant, all staring blankly at Chen Zheng, there are many doubts in their hearts, but they dare not easily ask. After a moment of silence, the red lotus girl asked, "Master, why should the holly fairy king take away the demon ancestor?"

"Participants of the Great Wild Lich War, the emperor Jun of the ancient demon court, the ancient demon gods, the twelve ancestor witches and the descendants Kuafu and other great witches have all been resurrected. The Immortal Territory Supreme is the person behind the scenes, those resurrected The Honghuang demon clan and the Wu clan all went to Xianyu. I want to see what flowers that Nao can turn out. As for the things that the Holly Fairy King had just seen, it was to make him understand that he returned to Xianyu and restored his cultivation practice. , I can also kill him to let him know what to do after taking Qiang Liang back to the fairy land."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.



"Is this the reason..."

A group of demons dumbfounded!

The saint wants to see what step the person behind the scene can do!

I haven't even thought about this at all!

Is this the gap of vision?

The demon palace demon clan is silent, and the red lotus demon girl is also silent. She recently followed Chen Zheng. Before, she felt okay. She felt that she had followed such an extraordinary master. This life can not only find the master of the previous life, it should be You can practice under the shelter of the owner! But now I know that the more masters there are, the suddenly there is an unspeakable pressure!

"Then... the terrible creatures that knocked down the magic of the Master... which is the realm?"

Hua Qianzhu was silent for a moment, then bowed his head and asked.

"Which state? That fellow is called the leader of the Shinto League, and achieved the half-step detachment of the battle force in a short time by the way of detachment and divine decline. It is indeed a bit capable of bombarding me to cultivate as mana, but that fellow is limited. In that enclave, it can only erupt for a period of time, and the flesh and Yuanshen can't sustain themselves."

Chen Zheng glanced at Hua Qianzhu and said something.

"Half step... detached?"

"Which situation is that?"

"Removal of can make the Holly Immortal King instantly terrified to a pale complexion, it must be a terrifying realm! And the word detachment seems to be the meaning that transcends everything above all, beyond the world. , Including Heavenly Dao! This... Is there such a terrible creature in this world? In our world of luck, the ancestor is already a hegemon, the sage is immortal, and the Dao ancestor is a legend! I thought my vision was wide enough, and it turned out that I was just looking at the sky!"

Silence briefly!

Then there are all kinds of sounds!

Chen Zheng did not continue to explain. He stepped out and took the people around him into the Demon Emperor's Palace. The demon races in the Demon Emperor's Palace also gave way, and were afraid and admired watching Chen Zheng into the inner palace.

"Today I opened my eyes like opening a new world, but it is a pity that my qualifications are mediocre, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to jump out of the world."

"It is said that when you reach the ancestral realm, you can leave the Daqian world and go outside the Daqian world, but the ancestor is afraid that it is nothing outside the Daqian world. Unlike in the Daqian world, the ancestor is a hegemon and a saint. The most powerful creature. The sage does not appear in this world, the ancestor is the strongest."

"The question is coming, it seems that the Master is not the reincarnation of the Master of Zixiao Palace, it seems to be bigger than the Master of Zixiao Palace, and from the mention of the demon ancestor, it is speculated that Master Master is the reincarnation of the great man during the flood period, except Is there another Taoist ancestor outside the owner of Zixiao Palace? Master Master, who is the great Honghuang reincarnation?"

In this question, all the demon races fell into silence, because they thought about it and found that they could not find the corresponding characters.


late at night.

A crescent moon hangs high.

In the deepest part of the hall of Holly Gulin Demon Emperor, Chen Zheng opened his eyes and showed a smile.

"The master has absorbed the spiritual reserves of the holly ancient forest unmanned area that I don't know how many thousands of years. It is reasonable enough to restore an ancestor to repair. Under the perception of the slave, why is the master still without power?"

Guren demon girl's eyes are full of doubts.

In the deepest part of the demon palace, there is a teleportation array directly to the unmanned area of ​​the Holly Ancient Forest. The two talents are sent back from the unmanned area. Fang Cai Honglian demon girl saw Chen Zheng swallowing the majestic spiritual reserves accumulated in the unmanned area. She originally thought that Chen Zheng mana should be restored, but she swallowed such majestic spiritual reserves, but she still had no power.

She couldn't understand this.

"Under the blessing of the detachment of Rong, the leader of the Shinto League bombarded me with a half-step detachment level of mana. Although it seems that I am losing money, in fact, the gang helped open some physical restrictions. The restrictions seem to be There is no mana, but the flesh is too special, and there should not be any mana flow under the Xuan Xian. After swallowing enough spiritual energy, and returning to Xuan Xian cultivation, the mana will appear."

Chen Zheng explained.

"This... what level of master's current mana?"

The red lotus stunned for a moment, then blinked and asked again.

"What level? Before the first battle with the Shinto League, I was almost an eighth-level Celestial level, but that was only the cultivation practice under the perception of outsiders. In fact, I could pinch the saint at will, and be able to cut the first heavy Dao ancestor by some means. As for Now I've swallowed the spiritual essence hidden in the unmanned area of ​​the Holly Ancient Forest, and it's no problem to pinch the dead ancestors. The spiritual essence under the unmanned area of ​​the Holly Ancient Forest is actually far less than the spiritual essence I swallowed before, but it was given to me by the leader of the Shinto League Those few punches helped me. I am now going to restore cultivation to be less harsh, and of course it is limited to the level of Xuan Xian. After returning to Xuan Xian Xiu, it will probably be the same as before."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"..." Honglian demon blinked again, she felt a little complicated, or this situation was too special, so she did not continue to think deeply. Her eyes rolled, her thoughts moved, and her eyes were staring straight at Chen Zheng like a fire: "Master, there seems to be a cold pool in the unmanned area. The slave-maid suddenly felt like there was an unknown fire in her body. Don’t the master go with the slave-servant to extinguish the fire in the cold pool?"

"Informing the saints, the forces of the immortal dynasty entered the holly ancient forest as if they were attacking Lianshan!"

And at this moment, a female voice sounded outside the hall, that was Hua Qianzhu's voice.

"I see. UU reading"

Chen Zheng responded faintly, and his figure swept forward.


Red Lotus demon sighed and could only get up and follow.

After counting interest.

Several figures disappeared away.

And at the moment outside Lianshan.

Several huge warships are suspended. At this moment, the immortal artillery giant crossbows on the warships are madly roaring the encirclement of Lianshan!

"What the **** Master Lianshan, dare to kill my monk Tianmen, but dare not show up! Shaoli of the God Eye tribe has told us everything about Tianmen, you Master Lianshan will never show up again, this man of God Eye tribe, except Other than Shaoli, everyone else is going to die! On the way to the Holy Ship of Tianmen, when the Holy Ship arrives at the Holy Gun, let alone the Lianshan District, the entire Holly Ancient Forest will also be razed to the ground!"

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