Headquarters of Shinto League.

   has been completely blocked.

  The disciples of the Shinto League leader proselytize together and gather together at the moment, all looking dignified.

"Qing Zhi and Chu Liu were sent by the teacher to the **** kingdom where Dai Qisi was dominated by life. Instead of catching Dai Qisi, her life card shattered and fell. It is certain that it wasn't Chen Zu's hand, and it should be out of time, Chen Zu. It was in the Great Universe Shrine at that time. So this Chen Zu really had everything in mind, and it had already been laid out, and the people under his command were extremely arrogant."

  The blond young man Olen frowned.

"Although Master has won the unsuccessful inheritance in the Great Cosmic Temple, it has also been recognized by the Giant of Light. In the Great Cosmic Temple, the Giant of Light can be comparable to our unimaginable ninth heavy ancestor! But the Great Universe The most critical group of **** fires in the temple, the white **** fire master called the Great Reincarnation God Fire, was not obtained, but Chen Zu directly swallowed! If it was not the case, the master would not directly return to block the headquarters! That Chen Zu, It is indeed the number one enemy of our Shinto League. Without borrowing the treasure, its combat power may not be too strong, but his physical body is too strange!"

   Ji Yu's brow is also a pick.

   "The Great Reincarnation God Fire, just listening to the name, knows beyond imagination, it is about the secret of detachment, and it is no wonder that Master Zong will retreat as soon as he comes back. If that Chen Zuzhen came to our Shinto League headquarters, it should be a battle of life and death."

   Ling Zhou whispered.

All three of them have been to the Great Cosmic Temple, and they have all witnessed what happened in the Great Cosmic Temple. So even if they know that their master has inherited the inheritance, they have control of the temple, and the Giant of Light assists, but the situation is not optimism.


   The giant of light said that the invincible ninth heavy Dao ancestral force could not cut that Chen Zu!

   "Headquarters of Shinto League is also an extraterrestrial thing. This time the Master should let the world see its true face. Perhaps its true face will appear in this world, and the world will cease to exist."

  The big disciple Yin Taixu thought deeply.

   "What is our Shinto League headquarters?"

   "Does the master know something?"

   "Some of our brothers and sisters are now left. Brother Master or not..."

  Ji Yu's eyes moved, and they all stared at Yin Taixu.

"I don’t know exactly what it is. I can only be sure that it is a horror killer. I am afraid that it is even the top-level creature half-step era overlord outside the domain, even the real era overlord in the Taixu. Kill!"

  Yin Taixu's eyes flashed in different eyes, and the sound was down to the extreme!


   The three of them immediately opened their eyes!



  Life dominates the kingdom of God.

  In the garden of life.

   "You finally came, I thought you would never come again."

   The voice is a little bit grudge, life dominates Dai Qisi, the first goddess recognized by Pantheon, looking at the man's profile. On the other hand, Luo Lan and Su Youyou heard it, and they couldn't help feeling it. I'm afraid only Chen Zu would let Master Dai Qisi say such words in such a manner and such a tone.

   "I have a lot of doubts in my mind, I don't know if Chen Zu can answer me tonight."

   Dai Qisi saw Chen Zheng not responding, and said quite a bitterly.


   As soon as this sentence came out, Luo Lansu glanced back at each other, and they all retreated. And the old people like Tian Ce, Chen Huang, and Chen Conglong, who had dominated the country, all retreated silently.

   "Will I also avoid that?"

  The demon girl thought about the evil beast eclipse in her hand and asked.

   "I'll take the dust girl out."

   At this time, Fan Qi opened her mouth, took the hand of the little demon girl, and retreated.

   So in the garden of life, only Chen Zheng and Dai Qisi were left. At the next moment, Dai Qisi raised a hand, gently wiped, petals emerged, covering her with Chen Zheng. Immediately afterwards, a massaging massage about dredging the physique started, and afterwards, everything was natural, and nothing could be said in detail.


   After one night.

  Life dominates the main hall of the Kingdom of God.

   "Under my perception, my source of power seems to come from her, who is she?"

   Dai Qisi sat on the dominating throne, looking at the dumb little demon girl, and asked Chen Zheng. I wanted to ask last night, but she forgot to ask because of certain happy things last night.

"This girl is the reincarnation of Jingshichen female. Jingshichen female should be a disciple of a certain status in my first life. It is also one of thirteen **** candidates. Fan Qi’s first life is also one of thirteen **** candidates. One." With a faint smile on his face, Chen glanced at the little demon girl, then at Fan Qi, and then at Tiance Taoist.

   "God candidate... that... Chen Zu, you suddenly looked at me like this, could it be that you are old too...Is the **** candidate reincarnated?"

  Tiance Taoist was startled. Although he was usually sloppy, his thoughts moved at the moment, and he combined a series of things that happened to him recently. After a little deliberation, he deduced something.


   He couldn't believe it himself!

   God candidate?

   lying trough!

  If you are a candidate for God!

   Why was it so muddled in the first half of my life!

   "You are indeed one of thirteen."

  Chen Zheng nodded.


  Tiance Taoist heard an affirmative answer, did not know what to say, and could only say a word!

   "God candidate..."

   "Is Heaven God's Way?"

   "It seems not so simple..."

  Chen Huang, Baxia, Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and Sister Du were surprised and puzzled at the moment. From the title of the candidate of God alone, we can think of absolutely extraordinary creatures, but what kind of creatures it seems to be very vague~www.NovelMTL.com~ There is more than one period between this world and the world, and it was destroyed before the Hongmeng Eleventh century. Before the First Age, there should be five congenital gods, that is, the congenital five mothers, and then eight congenital gods were born, which added up to thirteen gods. As for the candidate of God, it should be the successor or replacement of the 13 Gods. It was only in the First Age that all 13 candidates were cut off. As for why they all showed up at the reincarnation of Hongmeng, perhaps the layout of thirteen **** candidates was cut, perhaps because Hongmeng is the end of this era, and the 13th century exists nominally, but in fact the 13th century should really come , Is the end of everything between heaven and earth. "

  Chen Zheng mentioned something.

   The people in the temple, except for the little demon girl and Fan Qi, all showed amazing colors!

   "So...Chen Zu is looking for the reincarnation of the candidate of the gods, is it to stop the end?"

  Tian Ce Taoist asked for a moment after silence.

"Stop the coming of the end? Thirteen gods will reappear, and thirteen **** candidates will reappear. I am afraid that they will not be able to beat the ultimate robber in the future, nor the monstrous robber in the peak state. I did not find you out to stop At the end, I just want to ask her to ask something someday."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


   Heavenly strategist was ignorant.

she was?

Who is she?

  Listen to what Chen Zu said!

   That she seems to be stronger than Chen Zu!

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