Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1258: Dacheng Xianfu opened

"Maybe it's a hobby."

  Chen Zheng thought a little.

"A hobby? This hobby is too terrifying, isn't that terrible creature a super pervert? Eh... Although I don't know what the **** candidate is, it certainly sounds very powerful, and I can grab it at will The people who go to the candidates are even more powerful. I still don’t want to talk about such creatures..."

  As soon as Sister Du heard it, she opened her mind subconsciously, and said that she was still a little scared when she changed her face.

   "I... need to digest something and need to retreat for a while."

  Van Gongzhu pondered for a moment, and seemed to be asking Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng heard the nod, and at the next moment, he saw the Fan Gongzhu close his eyes. The purple awn lit up, and the purple awn wrapped her.

  Although people are still in sight, although they are within reach, Sister Du only glanced at this moment, and it felt that the Lord of the Palace of Vatican seemed to have become extremely distant, as if already above the sky. This kind of feeling is very strange. After she was stunned, she could only shake her head. The dark path in her heart had already touched the sky. Her little Xuanxian could only watch silently.


   "In the direction of Qitiangu, the sky is so bright!"

   "Dacheng Xianfu Palace opened, it must be Dacheng Xianfu Palace opened, hahaha Dacheng Xianfu Palace finally opened again, our opportunity came, to prove the sanctification, immortality, immortality!"


   There was a lot of noise outside!

   "Dacheng Xianfu!"

   Sister Du was surprised and glanced outside, only to see the shuttle shuttle flying into the Xuegong dashed out. Except for the Palace of Holy Words, within the realm of Liuying Province, and even the entire Fanyun Star, this moment was agitated. A fairy light shot from all over the Yunyun Star towards the same place, and that place was Qitian Valley. .

"Qitiangu Dacheng Immortal Mansion, it is said that there is the secret of immortality! The former palace master of the Holy Word Academy with his Daoqi Tiantian entered the Dacheng Immortal Mansion, and he never came out again! The creatures above the realm, the quasi-Saint of Fan Yun’s Chen family, did not come out after entering Dacheng Immortal Mansion at the beginning!” Sister Du’s thoughts changed sharply, she whispered something, and turned sideways to look at Chen Zheng. Seeing that Chen Zheng was still indifferent, I couldn’t help but wonder: “Chen Zheng, you are so calm, don’t you have any interest in Dacheng Xianfu, there is a possibility that there is the secret of eternal life! Whether or not the secret of eternal life is true, you can be sure At one point, Dacheng Immortal Mansion definitely has a very strong heritage! Who doesn’t want to be a holy ancestor, even above the saints like the leader of the Shinto League, but Chen Zheng, you don’t seem to be moved at all?"

   "When the master of the Brahma Palace wakes up, it's not too late."

   Chen Zheng only smiled slightly.

"Ah? Will it be too late? What if the palace lord wakes up and the inheritance and secrets of eternal life in Dacheng Xianfu are captured by people? What if Dacheng Xianfu is closed? Chen Zheng, Dacheng Xianfu is extremely mysterious and Ancient, not the local thing of Yunxing Star, not even the Shinto star field is not the object of the big universe, but flew from beyond the sky! It is said that the leader of the Shinto League has repeatedly missed the opening of the Dacheng Xianfu because of the retreat. Time, I once wanted to force open the Xianfu, but also failed! This time if the Shinto League leader came and entered the Dacheng Xianfu, surely no one could rob the Shinto League leader!"

   Sister Du frowned slightly.

   "I am waiting for him."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.

   "Huh? Isn't it? Are you going to deal with the Shinto League leader?"

   Sister Du was forced.

   She is not stupid, how could she not understand what Chen Zheng said, but she never thought that someone wanted to deal with the Shinto League leader, because in the huge world of the universe, the Shinto League leader is invincible!

"That... I heard that the leader of the Shinto League and the owner of the Mysterious Supreme Hall of the Great Eastern World are brothers. If you want to deal with the leader of the Shinto League, you are afraid to deal with two terrible guys above the saint at the same time. Are you sure?"

   Sister Du was silent for a moment, but couldn't help asking.

   "Either the leader of the Shinto League or the Master of the Supreme Hall, I am not afraid of them coming together, I am afraid that they will not come, so I have to go to their old nest to find them in person."

   Chen Zheng said softly.

   "..." Sister Du blinked wildly, and took a deep breath after blinking, and gave a thumbs up to Chen Zheng. At the moment, there are only two words: "Domineering!"

  Half an hour passed.

  Fan Qi opened her eyes, and she didn't even think about it. She thought it would take at least a few days to absorb what she digested.

   "Thirteen thrones, thirteen gods, thirteen **** candidates, thirteen gods are divided into five congenital gods and half gods, why are all thirteen, does thirteen mean the end of everything?"

  Fan Qi looked at Chen Zheng and said in a rather ethereal tone.

   "Maybe." Chen Zheng nodded and paused a little: "Dacheng Xianfu has already opened. Maybe there is something related to you in Dacheng Xianfu. Go and see."

   "Dacheng Xianfu..."

  Fan Qi whispered, then nodded.

   "The secret of hope inheritance and eternal life is still there!"

  Sister Du also whispered.


next moment!

   A flash of fairy light!

   Three people and one cat!


  Qi Tiangu.

   is located in the north of Yingyou Province.

At the moment, the fairy light shook the sky, covering a large area around Qitian Valley. At first glance, only the bright fairy light could be seen. Many monks forced to use the mind to probe Qitian Valley, but found that their mind could not penetrate the fairy light. .



  Another cry came from Qitiangu!

   "That's the voice of Sect Master Wushan Zongmi!"

   "Is Lord Sect also falling!"

"Sect Master Mi is the pinnacle of Daojun, but it also fell. This time why Dacheng Immortal Mansion is so terrifying, it is completely different from the previous ones! Is it that the previous few openings are just a little bit of trouble, this time it is true The opening of this time, will there be no inheritance and the secret of immortality this time!"

The monks of the major forces remaining outside Qitian Valley stared at the fairy light one by one, because within a short period of half a scent of incense, there were no less than ten screams in Qitian Valley, and those screams were all over the clouds. A monk with a face on the star issued!

   "Grandpa Chen also went in. Grandpa Chen is the first person recognized by our native monks, I don't know this time..."

   Someone whispered.

   "Well? Someone is coming again? Huh? Isn't that the owner of Fanqi Palace in Holy Word Academy? Is she going to enter Dacheng Immortal Mansion? Who is the kid next to her?"

   "A fairy?"

   "The peak Daojun will also fall when he enters. A heavenly immortal may not even count the cannon fodder when he enters!"

   At this time, the three figures fell in front of Qitian Valley. It was Chen Zheng, Fan Qi, and Sister Du. The monk who was staying stared at him.

   "There is no" Chen Zheng glanced at Qi Tiangu shrouded in fairy light and shook his head gently.


   "What do you mean!"

   "What can you see if you are a god, do you want to talk nonsense and disturb my aspirations!"

   In one sentence, the faces of the major monks left behind changed instantly, and many people glared at Chen Zheng with cold eyes!

   "My elder Wu family has entered, I don't believe that the elder elder can come out! Your skill in refining is great, but I don't believe you can see through the formation of Dacheng Immortal Mansion, it's not like you are out of the limelight!"

   A sneer came from the west side, it was Wu Di, the white-clothed son, who had previously climbed out of the Holy Word Academy.

   "Everyone in Zhuxian Sword Array should have heard about it. Although the formation that covers Qitiangu is not Zhuxian Sword Array, but it is almost the same. Unless there is great magical power, otherwise there will be only one result after the mana is exhausted."

  Chen Zheng only smiled slightly.


   at this moment!

   Inside the Qitian Valley!

   Another cry of misery came out!

   The monks outside Qitiangu stared in horror, and their eyes widened. As for Wu Di, a white man, his face was instantly pale, because he was very familiar with the wailing sound!

"this is!"

   "The Voice of Elder Wu Jiada from Nanzhao!"

   "Has the elder Wu Jia of Nanzhao also fallen!"

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