Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1253: I want to see the power of this image!


   The ghost crying also stopped!

   looked at Chen Zheng blankly!


  The blonde young man Thunder opened his mouth in amazement, remembering the tearing sound in his mind, and then his eyes widened, staring at Chen Zheng, and then the whole body went straight upright!


   This falls!

  The blond young man never got up again!

   His dignity and the fire of the gods can no longer withstand this stimulation!

   Self-destruction at this moment!


  A golden light mass flew out of the blond young man, and the golden light mass flew into the crown of God, and the crown of God was directly submerged into the projection of the God of Light! The people present glanced at the body of the blond young man, and just shook his head. He didn't think that the blond young man. In fact, Chen Gongzi basically ignored the provocation of the blond young man. !

   "You are really strong enough to reincarnate the Eastern Taoist ancestor, even the power of the light giant can be shouted, I know the origin of some light giants, and my body is in the Great Universe Temple, I think we can cooperate!"

  The projection of the God of Light was not fluctuating, without looking at the body of his disciple. After a moment of contemplation, he actively said something to Chen Zheng.

   The unforgiving guy!

   When everyone saw this scene, they were all in awe. The breath of the **** of light was very tall, but at this moment, only the unforgettable! The fair-haired young man is also his disciple anyway, and he was too lazy to even look at the body of his disciple!

   "Cooperation? Is that necessary."

   Chen Zheng glanced indifferently at the **** of sight, the meaning was already obvious.

"The Great Universe Temple is not that simple, and this huge world is not that simple. The Eastern Taoist ancestors are coming, and they dare not say that they can control everything. Besides, there is an unknown Shinto League in this huge world. No one is sent now, it is not that they are afraid, but that they are waiting for the plan. The leader of the Shinto League, its strength is not under my body."

   The God of Light projected a bit, which was warning Chen Zheng.

   "Then do you know that when I came to this world, besides meeting some old friends, the thing to do is to pinch the leader of the Shinto League."

  Chen Zheng chuckled.


   The God of Light projected.

The rest of the Luochen star masters and star pattern robe elders all showed their surprises. The Shinto League is recognized as a rampant domineering in this huge world. Although there are thousands of gods in this world, basically no master of the **** kingdom dares to provoke Shinto. League, Chen Gongzi came to this world to kill the Shinto League leader!

at this point!

   I did not expect it!

   "Who wouldn't brag, brother Chen's cowhide shouldn't be blown too big, too easy to break easily!"

  The **** of light projected Shen Sheng!



   The man in black robe and black mask suddenly offered a wooden coffin, and the wooden coffin suddenly became larger, facing Chen Zheng and the ghost shadow kneeling in front of him! For a time, an indescribable eerie scent filled the air!

   "Bury the sky and bury the sky!"

   Black robe face mask growls!

   "Fake and inferior imitations, not even low-profile ones, are you guys doing this?"

   Everyone was amazed, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and slapped it out!


   The wooden coffin exploded in a hurry!

The man in the black robe mask took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng several times, his figure backed away. The twelve low-profile corpses he summoned before exploded at this moment, and then a very strange scene appeared That's it, the twelve low-profile corpses exploded into a monster!


   Monster roar!

   A frontal breath stronger than the low-profile corpse by at least one big realm was released at this moment!


   This must be Taoist scent!

   Lord Luochen stared and his face sank!

   "Corpse refining means? Eastern evil secret method, this is to let this monster have the power of Daozu in a short time!"

   The God of Light frowned!

   "I am Augu, the Lord of the Seven Gods. I have also been to the Great Universe Temple. I also know what secrets the Giant of Light involves. I think I should be qualified to cooperate with Your Excellency."

   At this time, Dragon God Augu also spoke.

"This Chen Gongzi is extremely proud, how could he cooperate with your Dragon God Aogu!" The black mask sneered, glanced at the Dragon God Aogu, and then the God of Light, and then sneered: "Dragon God Aogu There is also the God of Light. I think all three of us should know some of the secrets of the Giant of Light. Our goals are the same, so we should cooperate! If we cooperate, we might be able to summon the power of the Giant of Light, come Suppress this son Chen! As for the source of crying, it is impossible to divide equally, but the three of us can go to the Great Universe Temple together to unlock the ultimate secret of the Great Universe Temple!"

   a word!

  Dragon God Augu and the God of Light projected eyes are all a flash!

   "Adult August..."

Lord Luochen stared at it and sighed in his heart. At this moment he wanted to persuade the dragon **** Augu, but he shouted four words. The dragon **** Augu, the **** of light projection and the black mask man spoke at the same time, thinking that he listened at all What I don’t understand is the ancient mantra!



   Ancient spells together!

   Seven Gods star field shocked again!


   I saw the dazzling divine light shining in the galaxy!

   The giant of light appears again at this moment!




  Dragon God August!

   God of Light Projection!

  Black mask man!

   Daozu breath monster!

   rises in light!

   is fully integrated into the giant light giant in the galaxy overlooking the wing **** ancient star!

   "It's over!"

   Luochen shuddered!

   The scene he didn’t want to see finally appeared after all!

  Augusto, the Dragon God, stood on the opposite side of Chen Gongzi!


  The old man in the star pattern robe was also trembling. He didn't want to see this scene, but he couldn't stop it!

   "Chen Zu, these three guys actually want to join hands to deal with you!"

   In the hands of the little demon girl, Sin God Beast Eclipse snorted. Aside, Luo Lan's brows were closed, and there was a flash of worry in her eyes, and just as she looked at Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng raised her right hand and lightened slightly against the ghost ghost kneeling in front of her.

   "There is a thing sealed in it, I didn't want to put that thing out, but you guys have done Then I also put it out to see what the thing is."


  The ghost in the ghost body is soaring in the next moment!


You Mang instantly turned into a huge phantom, which was more than ten times larger than the light giant summoned by Augu, God of Light, and the Black Masked Man. At the moment, when he appeared, there was a terrible appearance on the light giant. crack! And the weirdest thing is that the huge phantom has no face!

"what is this!"

   "It's more terrifying than the giant of light they summoned!

   "Is this supreme!"

   screamed out of this ambush!


   The scary tearing sounded again!


   "Take it away, my dragon **** Augu admits defeat!"

   "Surrender! I surrender! You close it!"

   Inside the giant of light, the dragon **** Augu, the **** of light projection and the black mask scream!

   "Accepted it? Why did you collect it? I still want to see the true power of this Fa."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Do not!"

next moment!

   Three wailing sounds!

   Listen to the shocking explosion!

   The giant of light was slapped by the huge phantom!

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