Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1250: Low-profile corpse is a fart!


Went out!

The Oriental Immortal wiped out the nine monsters with a snap!


Is this true or false!

How do you feel like you are dreaming!

The crowd in the square, the dragon guards in the city above the dragon wing, were all dumbfounded! Dragon Commander Hardy and several Dragon Guards thought of the scene outside the city before, all of them were old and red, and they gave birth to a guilt! The kid who is not qualified to enter the Dragon Wing City in the eyes of himself and others, the means is so anti-sky, and his own life is also saved by this kid!

"You... Your Excellency?"

A middle-aged man couldn't help asking.

"Chen... Chen Zheng, this son is called Chen Zheng!"

The dragon commander Hadi spoke at the moment, and everyone heard a confused look, because the name was too common, and it didn't seem to be the name of any big person in the big universe.

But it is such a young man with a common name and seemingly bland, but he just wiped out the nine strange and terrible monsters, or with a snap of his fingers, he wiped out the monsters with ease and ingenuity!

"You... obviously have the ability to kill those monsters, but did not take action in the first time. Did you intentionally wait for me to take action and then read my joke intentionally!"

The blond young man took a deep breath, staring at Chen Zheng and asked in a deep voice, his handsome face was as red as a monkey's **** at the moment, and he felt that he had been humiliated a moment ago!

How can I be the successor of the God of Light, this time with the artifact of the God of Light, my real face this time, was originally prepared to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain supreme glory, by the way, the goddess of life Luo Lan!


But now it's over!

The glory is gone!

The goddess of life Luo Lan is gone!

And all this is to blame the Oriental kid in front of me!

The blonde youth is crying crazy in the heart!


Chen Zheng only glanced at the blonde young man, and he was too lazy to respond to anything. He moved his eyes to the northwest of the Dragon Wing City.


What can't be done in that direction?

Everyone's eyes moved in that direction, but there was nothing special in that direction except for an abandoned **** tower.


The old man in the star pattern robe on the high platform of the square just about to open his mouth and shouted at Chen Zhengyi, as if to say something, but only to hear a tear, the huge square below suddenly shattered!


The star-shaped robe old man's complexion changed greatly. The whole person was kneeled down by an invisible force. More than star-shaped robe old man, more than 90% of the people in the huge square were kneeled down on the ground!




As for the dragon commander Hadi and the dragon guards patrolling above, at this moment, they all fell from the sky and all fell to the ground! Less than ten people are still standing on the huge square!

"what is that!"

"Monster! The monster is here again! This breath is the sage breath!"

"Sage! My God! Isn't that the realm of the Pantheon Master! The Pantheon Master is the Supreme God!"

The people kneeling on the ground raised their heads and looked at the square above at the moment. At the moment, a figure appeared silently above the square, and this figure released the invisible terror coercion!

This figure is not human!

This figure is the same as the fairy body that appeared before!

It's just more weird, more tyrannical and more terrible!


Luo Lan's face was also white, and he subconsciously wanted to call Chen Zheng, but only after saying a word, he was silent, because the indifferent figure above the strange figure swept down!

Only for a moment!

Luo Lan only felt that the fire of the gods would be extinguished!

"Hum! Pretend to be a ghost!"

If it wasn't for the evil **** beast eclipse in the hand of the little demon girl, the power of the evil **** beast eclipse was blessed on the fire of Luo Lan's spirit, which might have been destroyed by a glance!


The relentless gaze of the figure above fixed on the evil beast on the little demon girl's hand!

"Look? What are you looking at? I haven't seen such a beautiful beast of my mother!"

Sin God Beast eclipse immediately burst swear!

However, the little demon girl didn't respond at all. Just glancing at the figure above, she learned that Chen Zheng looked northwest of the Dragon Wing City. It seemed that everything that happened around her had nothing to do with her. She was like an outsider.

"This little girl... didn't even kneel...and she looked like a dull man... a mortal little girl, under such terrible coercion ""The blonde young man noticed this, his body's blood was tumbling for a while, and it was enough to be beaten by a fairy boy. Now he seems to be even worse than a mortal girl.

I have a crown of God in my hand, and I can't hold it anymore, but the mortal little girl is like a good person! Mom's today was originally the first battle of his reputation as the **** of light, how did he meet two freaks!

Taking a deep breath, the blond young man stared at the strange figure above, and then stared at Chen Zheng again, lowering his voice and said: "Chen is it, now there is a terrible monster, this monster is likely to be The fall of the saints of the Eastern Great World has been mutated, and it is obviously controlled by the black hands behind the scenes! I admit that I can’t get this terrible monster. You just killed your nine previous monsters with a snap of your fingers. I believe you can also kill this monster. Come on let me see how powerful you are and use your strength to trample my confidence and my self-esteem!"

"Do so many people want you?"

At the moment, Chen Zheng looked at the northwest direction of the Dragon Wing City softly.


What does it mean?

Horror monsters are coming!

Doesn't this one care at all?

Or is it that the monster that seems to have been refined from the saint's corpse has not been taken into account?

When everyone heard Chen Zheng's sentence, they were all stunned!

"You guys are much more crazy than me. You are the most arrogant person I have ever seen! But you don't want to do it There are people around you and the dragon city creatures, I am afraid they are all It’s all crushed into scum! It’s time to start, you should start, let me see your terrible means, and use your arrogant means to ruthlessly trample my dignity!"

The blonde youth shouted again!



The figure's ruthless gaze moved to stare at Chen Zheng suddenly, and then a hand like a ghost's claw stretched out, grabbing Chen Zheng! This figure seems to have sensed something unusual, so the first to kill Chen Zheng!

"Quick! Quick! Quick return! Come and trample on my dignity!"

The fair-haired young man was extremely excited when he saw this scene! Although he shouted that Chen Zheng trampled on his dignity, he actually wanted to see Chen Zheng fail, and even wanted to see Chen Zheng killed by that terrible monster!


Chen Zheng moved!

Slightly sideways!

Gone indifferently at the strange monster above!

Raise your right hand and grab it at that monster!



A face burst into scum!

"You! You guys! How can you guys be so strong..."

The blond young man's face instantly froze, staring blankly at Chen Zheng. At this moment he heard a tear, and a crack appeared in his divinity! And at the next moment, he and everyone in the room heard Chen Zheng's understatement again!

"The lower corpse also wants to get that thing, do you think it's possible? Don't hide it, just show up, I'll make it easy for you."


In an instant!

The fair-haired youth heard another tear that only he could hear!

Another crack appeared in his divinity!

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