Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1193: Do you understand now?

"Dust Nine days!"

The wind lady sipped coldly!

"Wind Lady."

On the back of the huge blue bird, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi looked down at a glance.

"Haha! The ancestors are here, you are finally here! The ancestors, this kid colluded with the ancestral demon wind lady, came to the territory of Nanluo Xianting to rob the **** Qinglian, kill the descendants of the royal family of the dust, and devour it with a bite beast Nanlu Fairyland Human Race monks have their mana origin, and they also invite the ancestors to destroy this child! This evil demon is outrageous, everyone can blame it!"

Dust Emperor woke up mad at this moment!

"See the first immortal of Nan Luo Xian Ting!"

The monks of the three big families in the ancient city of Qinglian exchanged their eyes in an instant, while paying their respects to the middle-aged man on the back of the blue bird!


Outside the city, Old Man Li waited for tens of thousands of monks. At this moment, he opened his mouth subconsciously, but he remained silent! In the current situation, I am afraid that it will be the final battle. The first immortal of Nanluo Xianting is alive. It is absolutely impossible to make peace, because Chen Jiutian is not only the ancestor of the Chen family, but also the recognized first person of Nanluo Xingting! Although Chen Jiutian has not appeared for many years, no one dares to ignore this first immortal in Nanxian Xingting, but this is a real Taoist ancestor!

It is said!

The first immortal bluebird beast is also alien among aliens!

The combat power is at least a half-track ancestral realm!

So simply compare now!

It seems that the young man does not have much chance!

But that young man can control the fetish Qinglian!

Maybe there is still a chance to make a comeback!

So it’s best not to stand in line with others!

Old man Li, middle-aged man of Purple Armor and many monks thought of something at the moment. At this moment, if they can stand without a team, they will not stand. If they stand casually, they might fear that they will put themselves in and Zongmen!

"My Master Li still wants to live hundreds more years!"

Old Man Li sighed.

"A god..." Chen Jiutian's gaze on the back of the blue bird flicked and looked at Chen Zheng indifferently. Then he smiled and said: "Young man, maybe you have a big head, whether it is your teacher or Your previous life, etc., can't help you. You may think that you can control the Qinglian lotus, so you can stabilize the winning ticket, but your Tianxianxiu is too weak, even if the **** Qinglian recognizes you as the master, I can deprive you. Qualifications. I could have let you go, but you have a relationship with the ancestor Demon Wind Lady, and I can’t let you go. Of course, my Dao ancestor, who shot you as a fairy, is really too low-grade, so you can make your own decision. A Taoist ancestor gives you self-discipline, and your life is perfect."


Cultivation of all the public uproar!

This, this... Dao Zu's opening is really not easy. But Dao Zu said that it seems no problem, after all, Chen Jiutian is really the first person in Nan Luo Xian Ting!

This is not inflated!

This is absolutely confident!

The first person in Nan Luo Xian Ting has this qualification to say so!

Then the question is coming!

How would the young man in the fairyland respond?



Or anti-kill?

The thoughts flashed in the minds of the practitioners, and his eyes were once again focused on Chen Zheng, waiting for Chen Zheng to respond!

However, Chen was glancing at Chen Jiutian for a while, instead of looking at Chen Jiutian again, he looked at the blue bird and began to look at the blue bird. The more he looked, the more interested he seemed.


What does this mean?

Isn't it a special tactic not to respond to Nanluo's first fairy, but to see Nanluo's first fairy blue bird?

Cultivation guesses.

"Did you look down upon my ancestors of the dust clan, do you even look down on a Taoist ancestor? Do you think that by relying on the wind lady and the fetish Qinglian, you can arbitrarily ignore the first immortal of Nanluo!" Emperor Broken Yuanshen saw this scene and instantly became furious. After staring at Chen Zheng with a roar, he shouted at the back of the blue bird for nine days and shouted: "Old ancestor, this son dare to ignore you, just kill him directly, this kind of It’s not a pity to die!"

Chen Jiutian did not pay any attention to Emperor Chen Qian, but his face was indifferent, and he still looked down on Chen Zheng in a posture that seemed to be an absolute invincible who was tyrannical to invincible: "You are interested in bluebirds? I can tell you the origin of bluebirds, this The bluebird is the thing that came down when I stepped into the ancestral ancestry, and the **** beast gifted to me. I am not afraid to tell you that there is a seal on the bluebird, which seals the power, and once the seal is unlocked, the bluebird's combat power is above me. . So young people, do you understand, you are actually looking at two Dao ancestors at this moment."


Two ancestors!

This blue bird is also a ancestor!

It's just that there is a seal on the body that seals the combat power!

This... is hard to beat!

Cang Xuanzong's old man Li and other monks were full of horror at this moment. They thought that Jade Bird was a half-footed ancestor. Now they know that Jade Bird's real combat power is even higher than Nian Luo's first fairy dust nine days!


Very strange!

The young man in Celestial Wonderland seemed to have no fluctuation at all. At the moment, he still looked at the blue beast of the beast indifferently. Is this an absolute confidence or...have he given up his resistance?

Said to give up resistance, but it is not like it at all!

Old Man Li and Zijia middle-aged people looked at each other again. At this moment, both of them saw the doubts in each other's eyes. Now they really don't know which direction they should often speculate on, and now they have to wait.

"Old ancestor, this child really does not give you a little face!"

Dried Emperor Diangan Yuan took a deep breath and snarled!

"Humph!" Chen Jiutian snorted coldly, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com stared at Chen with a colder face: "Since I said that I'm too low-grade for you, I will definitely not shoot you a fairy! You have seen the bluebird of this seat, right, let this bird give away You are on the road! Aoja is also a Taoist ancestor. If you die in the hands of a ancestor, if you still have the chance to reincarnate in the prefecture, you can show off to the creatures in the prefecture! Bluebird, kill this child for this seat!"

With an order!

Focus on the eyes of the public repair!

Nothing happened!

The bluebird didn't move!


"What's going on?"

"How do bluebirds feel dull?"

Cultivation by the public!

The monks of the three big families in the ancient city of Qinglian sank, and suddenly gave birth to an ominous hunch, how could the beast Jade Bird not follow Master Jiutian's orders!

"Old Ancestor..."

Dried Emperor Dian Qian also asked dumbly!

"Why...maybe! You... a **** who couldn't control this blue beast! You... um? This breath is... **** you What did you do to Jade Bird!"

Chen Jiutian also froze for a moment, and then asked in a cold voice, but his face suddenly changed!


The blue bird with a dull look suddenly gave a loud chirp to the sky. At the next moment the black light flashed on the blue bird's body, a terrifying breath was released, and the dust on the back of the blue bird was blasted into the sky in nine days!


At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled faintly and casually asked Chen Jiutian in the sky.

"Fuck! You unsealed the seal of the bluebird!"

When Chen Jiutian roared, he could get angry when he understood it. His high-level faction could not be sustained any longer, because he knew very well that he had no control of the blue bird who did not know the state of the seal!


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