Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1148: The embers of the world! Bu Sheng's death!

"This thing... doesn't seem to be of much use to me."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Huh? Not very useful? It's really not very useful to you, but this piece of black coal can basically be equivalent to the spirit of the universe of the **** universe. This piece of black coal is enough for you to cultivate a small infinitely close to the detachment. The **** comes out! Which **** are you going to give black coal to, Yanluo girl or Tianjiao girl?"

The little baby's cold voice sounded again.


Chen Zheng hadn’t responded yet. There was a sudden flash of light in front of him, and he saw a light group emerge. The light group directly wrapped the black coal called the cosmic embers by the little doll made of chemicals, and saw a figure appear in the next moment. The black coal wrapped in the light mass flew into the figure's hand with a swish!

Who is this?

Dare to grab Chen Zu's things!

Bai Muer's white charm frowned!

"Bu Sheng!"

In the demon palace on the top of Tianmo Mountain, Tian Witch saw this figure and immediately looked cold!


That's one of the four saints in the world of the Buddha!

At least five thousand years have never appeared!

Unexpectedly, this world turned out to be the coal that came to grab Chen Zu!

"Sky Witch!" The figure glanced indifferently at the devil's palace, and then looked at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zu may not know that Ben Sheng is best at the art of divination, only to divination until there are thousands of worlds The creatures descended on the Heavenly Demon Mountain, although they were blocked by the divine light and could not be spied on. But the strong hengsheng has now left, and this holy has long been calculated that the strong hengsheng will leave behind the gods. This black coal-like thing is really amazing. God thing. Since you said that this **** thing is not very useful to you, how about giving this thing to this Saint?"

"Since you know who I am, and dare to rob me, you are brave enough."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"It didn't take long for Chen Zu to come to the world of Futu, and he first wiped out the Immortal Sect, cut off the ancestor of Wan Tu who was sealed by the celestial Daoist for 100,000 years, and went to the Yangxue Dao domain to kill the ancestors of the Three Emperors, the Hall of Souls, and the Tiantian Dao. Not long ago, the first large-scale Futu Gate in this world was destroyed, and the Futu Gate to the Babu Budu Tower were snatched. This combat power is indeed terrible. This Saint is afraid to start with Chen Zu! But it is the same thing to take it. The magical thing is another matter. Since this sage dare to take this magical thing, then naturally everything is calculated. If Chen Zu wants to destroy my body, he must first find out where he is hiding. ."

The figure also smiled, confidently floating on his face, obviously prepared. His figure is not a body, but a saintly body.

"Bu Sheng, you are called the first saint in the world of Buto, but why do you act as a villain!"

Sky Witch asked coldly!

"Sky Witch, Ben Sheng and Chen Zu are not in the position to intervene." The figure said lightly, then paused a little, then smiled at Chen Zhengdao: "Still, Chen Zu thinks this The gods are useless to you, then give it to the priest. What will Chen Zu have to say in the future, although the order is that, with the promise of the first saint in the world of the Buddhism, you will not lose Chen Zu."

"Okay, it's for you."

Chen Zheng nodded.


The monks such as Bai Muer and Bai Meitian Witch, when they heard Chen Zheng's voice, were all stunned!


Chen Zu promised Bu Sheng so directly?

This... why is this!

"Huh? Is it so straightforward... It seems that it doesn't match Chen Zu's behavior style after he came to Futu World..." Bu Shengfa was also slightly stunned, but he quickly smiled again: "Since Chen Zu has given this artifact to Ben Sheng, Ben Sheng will accept it with peace of mind, and Chen Zu will have a chance to see you in the future!"

After a smile!

Bu Shengfa body hides directly!


Diao Chan in Tianmo Shuangyan looked at Chen Zheng with some incomprehension, and the monks on the side of Tianmo Mountain also looked at Chen Zheng with confusion.

"Wait for a rain."

Chen faced back with four words indifferently.


Waiting for a rain?

What does this mean?

Cultivation is more doubtful!

"Can it be..."

Heavenly Witch, Bai Muer and Bai Mei instantly thought of something, and their eyes flashed with amazement, but they still had doubts. Chen Zu said that waiting for a rain is really what he thought!


It was less than ten breaths before the holy dharma body left. Above the sky dome of the Buddhism world, a thunder cloud suddenly appeared, and terror lightning flashed down in one direction!

"That's...the land where Hanquan Daoyu and Yangxie Daoyu are at the boundary!"

"Isn't that Yanzhigu!"

"Why does Heavenly Dao drop Shenlei and bombard the Zhizhi Valley!"

The monks on Tianmo Mountain all looked in that direction!


next moment!

There is a divine light rising into the sky!


A face-to-face!

The thunderous **** thunder that was blasted down was smashed away!



A world of souls looked to the sky and forgot to go to that sky dome!

At this glance, I saw a figure sitting in the air, and the figure was enchanted, and seemed to be hard against the world of heaven!

"Bu Sheng!"

"That's... Bu Sheng!"

"It's really the first saint Bu Sheng who hasn't appeared in a long time!"

"What do Bu Sheng want to do, do you want to abandon the Holy Path of Heaven!"

"Bu Sheng is crazy!"

All kinds of exclamations!

"Haha! Thank you Chen Zu for sending the artifact. With this artifact, Ben Sheng can finally escape the shackles of the world and step into the situation above the saint! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"

The person sitting in the air is Bu Sheng, and he is not a legal person, but a deity! At this moment, with this deity, it is obviously confident to the extreme!

"This old thing!"

On the side of Tianmo Mountain, Bai Mei heard this sentence, revealing a very unhappy look. She heard that, although Bu Sheng said thanks to Chen Zu, he was actually provoking Chen Zu.

This Bu Sheng is definitely not a good thing!

"Haha! It's done! It turned out! It turned out to be! The world embers! This **** is called the world embers. No wonder there is such awesome powers, even the world of heaven is not afraid! Hmm? This will be...!"

Bu Sheng, sitting in the air, laughed again, and also between the laughs, his eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling divine light. At the moment of excitement, his voice suddenly disappeared!



Bu Sheng exploded!

A loud noise!

Shake the world of Butou!



A blood rain started!


"Bu Sheng exploded!"

"My Dao Sheng falls!"

A world of creatures looked at the sky with horror. Under the investigation of Yuanshen, we could see the place where Bu Sheng was sitting in the air, and there was no Bu Sheng figure. At this moment, only a piece of black coal was suspended!


At this moment, the creatures on the side of Tianmo Mountain looked at the pouring rain and subconsciously took a breath of breath. With a sharp look, they looked towards Chen Zheng again! At this moment they understood thoroughly, what did the sentence that Chen Zu just said meant to wait for a rain!


Chen Zu already considered everything!

Waiting for a rain!

Waiting for a holy rain!

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