Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1132: Panhuang appeared

"Why! It's not so simple to become a chaotic body!"

The ancestor of Fuyuemen Fengyue yelled suddenly!


In front of the open air temple!

There was a strong wind!

The ancestors of all major forces are now silent!

Because Feng Yue's ancestors could not answer this question!


Who the **** knows this!

This **** has seriously violated the laws of spiritual practice, okay!

"Why...The chaotic body of the Divine Son of Heaven is not as good as my cultivation physique, can't it be explained?" Chen Zheng glanced at Feng Yue Patriarch with a light glance, and after shaking his head, gently shook his head. : "Your ancestor of Butu Gate, just sent a body, really disappointed me, when did your ancestor of Butu Gate dare to see me with my deity."

"Stronger than Chaos?"

"Isn't the chaotic body the head of the ten Dao bodies, or is it the recognized strongest physique, how can there be a physique that is stronger than the chaotic body..."

"We don't believe it!"

In a word, all the ancestors shook their heads again and again!

Ancestor Fengyue stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, took a deep breath and lowered his voice, saying: "You are killing the sky, you can leave a drop of sperm blood in the eight floating towers, our ancestor of the floating gate Already awakened, the ancestor of the ancestors can create a new heaven in one thought. The ancestor said that the sky is a person with great opportunities, and will not fall easily, and will only become stronger after resurrection. Dao! Even if you now cut my Dao body, I just lost a Dao body, you come to cut this seat!"

Ancestor Fengyue said, as soon as he fell in the center of the open-air temple, he stood in front of Chen Zheng and raised his neck, as if waiting for Chen Zheng to kill him!


Chen Zheng only glanced lightly at Fengyue Patriarch. At this moment, his body slowly lifted off, and landed on a suspended platform above the open-air temple. He smiled and said: "You are a real person, I am too lazy to start, you go back to Futu Gate, tell the ancestors of picking the stars and your ancestors of Butu Gate, let them stay in the eight Butu Towers, waiting for me to kill them. Of course you can also take the Babu Tower out of this world, you can escape If you go outside the territory, you can also escape to Taixu. But I think Guizong is the largest in this world, so you shouldn’t escape.”


In a word!

The monks were in an uproar!


Is this a book for the battle of Bu Fu Tu!

This tone didn't take the Budur Gate in my eyes at all!

Is this ready to single-handedly sing the entire door of Bufo?

"You!" Ancestor Fengyue was furious, his heart fluctuated, his fists clenched and stared at Chen Zheng for a few times, and said in a low voice: "Okay! Chen Chen! The ancestors of this seat and the Futumen and Old ancestors, waiting for Chen Zu to come at Futu Gate!"

A sleeveless!

Ancestor Fengyue grabbed the battleship!


The warship turned into a streamer and burst out of Tianyan Mountain!

There was another silence at the open air temple, but soon someone broke the silence, a monk swept by, and then a black and white warship crossed over.

"Huh? Li Liusha, why did you come to the temple!"

On the Seventh Guzong Battleship, an ancestor frowned as he saw the monk. Next to this ancestor, there was a young man in white. When he saw the monk at the moment, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Ancestor Qi Yin of Yin Yang Dao, did he come at this time? It seems that there is only one disciple who has passed the first two levels, and Yin Yang Dao is no more."

An ancestor glanced at the black-and-white warship and sneered slightly.

The successive monks and black and white warships were the seven ancient Zongli Liusha and the Yinyangdao black and white warships. Except for the Qiyin ancestor, there was only one disciple on the black and white warship. The rest of the disciples should be in the first level. Be eliminated.

"Elder Qin..." Li Liusha glanced at the elders of the Seven Gu Zong warships, his eyes moved to Chen Zheng on the suspended platform above him, and quickly clenched his fists: "Seniors, we met again, there are no seniors Given the secret method, Li Liusha could not reach the temple, thanks to the seniors for giving the method!"


After listening to the public, the complexion changed, especially the elders of Qinzong Naqin and the youth in white clothes!


That Chen Zu gave the secret method to Li Liusha!

After that, if you want to suppress Li Liusha, this have to think about the consequences!

Damn it!

How could such a thing as Li Liusha have a relationship with this mysterious Chen Zu!

The elders of Qigu Zongqin and the youth in white are sinking!


At the moment, on the black and white warship, Qi Yin's ancestor observed his words, and after sweeping a circle, he questioned in his heart, because there was no monk of the Futu Gate in the open air temple!

This is weird!

This time the Sons of the Sky budget!

How could it be absent as the first big buddha gate!

Could it be... related to the mysterious young man who swallowed the Promise God Thunder before that!

Qi Yin thought of a bit, and now looked at Chen Zheng on the suspended platform, and this is also the view. Suddenly there was a divine light above the void in the open-air temple, and there was a shadow of light in the divine light at the next moment. Came out!


The monk present, except for Chen Zheng, no matter what the situation is, no matter what physique, the body is not controlled and shocked, the Yuanshen is awe-inspiring! Just looking at the phantom of the light, I can't help but want to worship!

and so!

What is this phantom of light!

Is he an incarnation of heaven or other creatures!

The phantom of the light appeared, without looking at other people, directly staring at Chen Zheng!

"You are finally willing to show up. At the beginning, I dreamed of a flood. It was almost before the Lich War. I have never seen the sky and the sky. I have seen you this time."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

Dream into the flood!

Before the Lich Wars!

Open sky!

Is this Chen Zu so old?


Isn't that the real identity of the phantom of light!

In a word!

Crowds are horrified!

"Everyday, Saint Panhuang!"

Bai Muer read it out in a low voice!


The presence of the practitioners was another shock!

Opening up!

Pangu God!

First Holy Emperor!

Hundreds of millions of people have to respect Panhuang!

This creature that has long fallen in the oldest legends appeared at this moment!

The shadow of the light stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, without any sound of emotional fluctuations: "I have never seen you, nor did I think there is a soul like you besides it in the world."

Chen Zheng just smiled a little at this: "To be honest, I'm so confused that I got here."

The shadow of the light heard The rest of them heard the sound of doubt.

Going to this point?

Which step does this step refer to?

And just after a brief silence, the phantom of the light again opened his mouth: "Can you return the sky axe to me."


Sky axe!


Isn't the legendary sky axe already turned into three treasures?

Why is there a sky axe!

If there is really a complete axe!

When did this Chen Zu get this earth-shaking holy weapon!

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