Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1120: I'm very familiar with Emperor Wa

"Another foreign guy? Mom's old man has a big brain pain, and I have to concentrate on retreating for a while!"


   The little doll was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into a rough sentence, and the lotus seeds flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.




  Bai Muer and Bai Mei saw this scene, and they were both a little confused.


   "Reincarnation Lord, I know you can hear, you look at yourself high, I want to suppress the Hongmeng Lord, why should I find you. You are imprisoned somewhere, then keep imprisoned forever."


  Chen Zheng raised his right hand, shot a black light, and then smiled faintly.


"Fuck! Are you going to be more shameless than me? Good looking who is more shameless! I don't believe you won't come to me, you can't help but come to me, one day you will come to find me, and take the initiative to release me !"


   Sure enough, there was a voice response in an instant.


  However, when Chen Zheng wiped it with his right hand, the black light burst, and the voice of the reincarnation life master also completely disappeared.


   "Let's go."


  Chen Zheng casually went out of the Yin Cao Temple, and the second daughter came back and came out.




   As soon as the three of them came out, there was a gust of wind on the Soul Eater Cliff. The gust of wind blew, and those monks of the English Soul Palace who were petrified by the black eyes of the magic eyes flew away in a blink of an eye. Chen Zheng saw this scene, and there was not much fluctuation. He glanced at the dark sky dome and disappeared silently with the second daughter.


   A moment later, the strange enchantment in the world of Buddhism who was inspired by the blockade of the Yang Dao Dao disappeared, and Shen Nian snooped towards the Soul Eater Cliff for the first time, and then all froze.


   Soul Eater!


   Hall of Heroes!


  Yang Soul Hall, one of the three sects of Yangxue Daoyu, even one living creature is gone!


   Then all kinds of guesses!


   "Is the Hall of Heroes Soul destroyed by that strange magic eye!"


   "I don't know the origin of the magic eye, just hope not to come to our Shuangxiu Valley!"


   "Before Hanquan Daoyu Immortal Religion was destroyed by others, now Yangxie Daoyu Yingying Hall is also destroyed. Is it also the weird Demon Eye that destroys Zhuo Immortal Religion?"




  Hongtian Mountain.


  Bu Tiandao Mountain Gate is located.


   "You... who are you!"


  In the large array of Tiantian Hushan, some disciples sensed the anomaly, and they looked up subconsciously. At this glance, they saw three figures coming silently and without interest! That was enough to resist the saint's mountain protection array, which was not broken at the moment, but failed to block the man and the woman above! That man and two women, the man is Tianxianxiu, one of the women looks like a mortal, the other seems to be an ancestor! Indistinctly, the two beautiful women seem to be headed by the man again, this combination is really a bit weird!




  Hundreds of celestial monks appeared in an instant!


   "The three of you know that this is Bu Tian Tao!"


   "Which monk is the three, why should I break into Hongtian Mountain!"


" were the woman who escaped from the ancestral ancestors of the Tianjing Saint Clan!" Someone recognized Bai Muer That was an old man in a white robe. A divine pattern appeared at the center of his eyebrows, and the divine pattern became particularly conspicuous when he raised his eyebrows. The old man's eyes flicked across Chen Zheng and Bai Mei quickly, and he suddenly thought of a bit, Shen said: "A few days ago, I made up for the Taoist Dao Ren to the ancestors and fell strangely in the Tianjing Tomb, today you are the original The Tianjing saint woman who fled out appeared, so... Are you killing Patriarch Patriarch, did you want to take revenge today in Hongtian Mountain!"




   "Tianjing Shengzu! Tianjing Tomb!"


   "Elder Wu Qi, did this woman kill Chong Pao?"


  Tian Tian Tao monk exclaimed!


One man and two women, namely Chen Zheng and the two daughters of Tianjing Saint Clan, at this moment Bai Muer and Bai Mei are cold with their peerless faces, Chen's face is indifferent, sweeping through this magnificent Hongtian Mountain, sweeping over the appearance The monk Bu Tiandao did not respond to the old man in white robe.


"You... the siege of the Tianjing Saint Clan's ancestral land was indeed wrong, but it was thousands of years ago. People fell to the ancestors, and the Tiantian Dao also paid a price. Let him go! This is Hongtian Mountain. The ancestors of Tian Can have communicated with Tian Wai Tian Wa Royal Palace. Soon there will be Tian Wai Tianshen Envoy. You can leave now!"


   The old man in the white robe saw no response from the three men, his brows were frozen again, his voice lowered, and there was already a warning in his tone. In fact, he is very afraid now, afraid that Bai Mu'er and Bai Mei will suddenly start, because now there is only one ancestral ancestral ancestor in the entire Butian Road, but the ancestor in the Tiantian is in the Tiantian Palace. After making up Tiantian Temple, there has been no response so far.


and so!


   If Ren Chong Pao really died in the hands of these two Tianjing Saint Clan women, these two women will start now, then make up and down the Dao Dao, except Tian Tian Patriarch, I am afraid they will all die!


The woman seemed to be no different from a mortal, but the woman could escape under the siege of many ancestors. How could it be a mortal? Now, she can only use the momentum to deter these two women, delaying time and waiting for the ancestors Open the Tiantian Temple and wait for the gods to come!


   "Tianwai Tianwa imperial palace... Speaking of it, I am quite familiar with the emperor Wawa."


   Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and fell on the face of the old man in white robe. He smiled at the old man in white robe.




   a word!


  Tu Tian Dao up and down!


   "Are you... familiar with Emperor Wa?"


   "You are too good to blow it, you are just a fairy, and the fairy is not even qualified to see the Emperor Wa, how can you be familiar with the Emperor Wa!"


   "Young people, bragging must have a limit, you can't brag anyone like this!"


  Tian Tian Dao did not believe at all!


   "Why no one believes?"


  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


"Young man, you really made me laugh!" The old man in white robe first froze for a moment, and now he shook his head and said with a smile: "Tianwai Tianwa Palace has not interfered with the world's affairs for a long time. The news reached the Wa Palace, also because our Bu Tian Tao was originally a legacy of the Wa Huang Bu Tian Mystery. If it were not for this relationship, we would not be able to communicate with the Wa Palace, nor would it be possible to invite the Heavenly God Envoy .. I have seen many young people who like Hu Chuan in your life.




   At this moment, the gate of the closed Tiantian Temple slammed open!




   Five-color fairy light is dazzling!


   "Welcome to the heavenly angels coming!"


   A thick voice came out of the palace!


   "The voices of the old ancestors!"


   "The angel of heaven and heaven came!"


   "Congratulations to the angels of heaven and earth!"


   Old man in white robe and a group of monks who repaired the heaven, all turned around, first showing a happy look, and then looking right, all paid their respects to the magnificent palace!


   "Please God!"


The voice of Tian Can's ancestor sounded I saw Tian Can's ancestor rushing out, and then there were several other figures rushing out, and Tian Xiu Dao Xiu looked up at this moment, and what he saw was three A palace-dressed woman, there is no doubt that one of the extraordinary breath is the heavenly angel!


   "Meet the angel!"


  The ancestral ancestors shouted again at this moment!


   "Meet the angel!"


  Tiantiandao up and down also shouted again in unison!




   After this worship!


The old ancestor of Tian Can turned sharply and stared directly at Chen Zheng, seeming to be laughing and laughing, as if to say that the heavenly angel had already visited Hongtian Mountain, your boy means again against the sky, even if it used to be a great power, Can you dare to hurt someone in the presence of the emperor of Wa Palace? ) Book friends, pay attention!

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