Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 998: Live in Long's house

Long Xiao was sitting in the living room drinking scented tea. He saw Qin Se coming and greeted her to sit down. "Miss Qin, I just wanted you to come and chat with me. People who just came home here are not familiar with it. I came when I thought of you."

"Longshou loves Miss Long very much, and she will get acquainted with it after getting along." Qin Shu saw Long Xiao wearing a Miaoxin costume made by heavy industry. The clothes are luxurious and the colorful embroidery is very delicate. She boasted: "Miss Long wears today. 'S clothes are very beautiful and match your temperament very well."

Long Xiao looked down at his new clothes, with joy on his face: "Grandpa asked me to order this specially for me. Grandpa said it is very beautiful."

Qin Shu smiled and exclaimed: "It's really beautiful, Miss Long has a good temperament and looks good in everything."

Long Xiao held up the bamboo tube in front of him. The bamboo tube was about the size of a bowl and had a stopper at the top. Long Xiao pulled off the stopper and took out two drinking glasses from the tray. After filling them, he picked up one of them and placed it in front of Qin Se. "Miss Qin tasted this. My grandfather sent it here just now, saying he made it himself."

Qin Shu glanced down at the water cup in front of her. It was also made of bamboo and matched with the bamboo tube. She hesitated to pick up the cup.

After putting down the bamboo tube, Long Xiao couldn't wait to raise the water glass in front of him and hand it to his mouth to take a sip, behaving gracefully.

Long Xiao took a few sips: "It's really delicious, Miss Qin, please try it."

Qin Shu looked up at Long Xiao and saw that she was drinking again. Then he handed it to her mouth and took a sip. The mouth was sweet and it was really delicious. She took a few more sips.

"Ms. Qin likes to drink. You can drink more. Grandpa gave him six bamboo buckets." After drinking, Long Xiao poured herself a glass and looked up at Qin Se: "Why didn't Miss Qin live in Longzhuang? It’s also easier for my second uncle to talk about cooperation."

Qin Shu took a drink and looked up at Long Xiao. She removed the water glass in her hand and smiled: "Longzhuang must be more comfortable than the hotel, but I won't be able to stay in Miao for long. I'm afraid it will be disturbed. you guys."

"How come, you live in Longzhuang, you can talk to me, and it is convenient to talk to my second uncle about cooperation, my brother second uncle will say something."

Long Xiao picked up the phone on the table and dialed Long Qingyue's phone, and the phone was connected in a short while.

"Second uncle, I invited Ms. Qin to live in Longzhuang. It is very convenient to talk to me and talk to the second uncle. What do you think?"

Long Qing said more: "Of course it's all right, but what does Miss Qin think?"

"Miss Qin is drinking with me, and she is willing to stay a few days." Long Xiao replied with a smile.

Long Qingyue: "That's good, I ask the housekeeper to arrange a room for Miss Qin?"

Qin Shu listened to Long Xiao’s conversation. He just wanted to refuse. Then he thought, it’s more convenient to live in Longzhuang to see Long Muyan. You can also inquire about Long Size’s young daughter, so he decided to live. .

After Long Xiao hung up the phone, the butler came soon afterwards, "Miss Qin, please come with me."

Qin Shu stood up and said to Long Xiao: "Long Xiao will talk again when he is free." Then he looked at the butler, "Trouble the butler."

"Miss Qin is polite." The butler walked ahead and led the way.

Qin Shu stepped forward to follow.

Looking at Qin Se's back, Long Xiao took a few more sips while holding up the water glass.

The room the housekeeper prepared for Qin Shu was to the southwest, a little far from Long Xiao's Fulinghuan.

"Ms. Qin, there is a maid outside the courtyard, so please tell me if you need it." The housekeeper turned and left after speaking.

Qin Shu glanced at the guest room. There is a separate bathroom, a large solid wood bed, and an over-sized window. Outside the window is a small balcony and below the balcony is a garden. The environment of the guest room is very good.

Ye Luo waited in the hotel for a long time without seeing Qin Shu come back, so he called.

"Young lady, still in Longzhuang?"

Qin Shu: "Well, I live in Longzhuang now, and you are in the hotel. How is the investigation going?"

"Long Xiao was brought back from outside by Yang Jin and his father. Because he was suspected of being the Long family, he was sent back to Long's house. It was confirmed that he was Long Size's granddaughter. It seems to be brought back from the sea." Ye Luo said.


"It's the sea, because Yang Jin and his father went to sea two months ago." Ye Luo said.

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shu's eyes. Fu Tingyu fell into the river with Yan Shuang, and that river was connected to the sea, and it was possible for the rushing river water to rush into the sea.

Does that mean that Long Xiao is Yan Shuang?

Qin Shu hung up the phone and went to find Long Xiao, wanting to ask her what's going on, whether someone was forcing her, or other reasons.

When I arrived at Fu Linghuan, I saw Long Xiao sitting on the chaise longue, reading a book in his hand, graceful and demure, as if I was enjoying the day very much.

Qin Shu's impulse just now was suppressed again.

Long Xiao raised his eyes and saw Qin Se who walked in, greeted warmly: "Miss Qin is here, come sit down."

Qin Shu looked at Long Xiao with joy. It didn't look like a disguise at all. She stepped to the other side of Long Xiao and sat down. She still couldn't believe that the person sitting in front of her was Yan Shuang.

Long Xiao picked up the bookmark on the low table and put it in the book and closed it, and then put the book on the short table. Then he asked Qin Se, "Is there anything wrong with Miss Qin coming to me?"

Qin Shu thought of Long Muyan, and said: "When I first came to Longzhuang, I met Long Muyan in Shenmu Yard. I asked the housekeeper twice. I wanted to see him, but I didn’t see him. Can Miss Long help? Busy?"

Speaking of Long Muyan, Long Xiao’s white face had a hint of complacency, and she lowered her eyes slightly: "My brother has a quirky temperament. I dare not get too close to him. Ms. Qin and my brother talked very much. ?"

Qin Shu took Long Xiao’s scared look into his eyes, “It’s not for chatting, I don’t know anything when I see him, doing my own thing for myself, it’s like closing myself, some Pathetic."

"Miss Long is afraid of him?" The voice was puzzled.

Long Xiao looked up at Qin Se, then nodded: "Miss Qin wants to see my brother, I can talk to my second uncle."

"Then thank Miss Long." Qin Shu smiled and thanked him.

Long Xiao went to find Long Qingyue. Qin Shu didn't wait long before Long Xiao came back and said, "Miss Qin, my second uncle promised you to see my brother and let Taoer take you there."

She ordered: "Tao'er, take Miss Qin to see my brother."

Tao'er is a very smart girl who Long Qing takes more care of Long Xiao's daily life.

"Thank you Miss Long."

Qin Shu [Hongqi Novel] thanked him and followed Tao'er out.

Walking out of Fulinghuan, after tossing and turning, came to the warehouse.

Qin Shu glanced at the warehouse in front of her. She thought she would change a place for Long Muyan, but she didn't expect to be locked here.

Tao'er said to the two guarding nursing homes: "It was the second master who let me see you."

When the two nurses heard the words, they opened the warehouse door and let them go.

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