Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 996: Someone wants to kill her

Qin Shu shook her head. She herself was also very puzzled, why are the two of them so similar?

If she is Yan Shuang, how did she become Long Size's granddaughter?

And Fu Tingyu, if the two fell at the same time, why after being rescued, one was in Dongyi Village and the other in Miaodu?

The most important thing now is, what happened to Long Muyan and Long Xiao that made Long Size so angry and would hesitate to punish his eldest grandson?

These are Qin Shu's doubts.

Not long after Qin Shu returned to the hotel, he received a call from Hao Ze.

She asked, "How is it? Did the Long Family release Long Muyan?"

Hao Ze said: "Long Size is really angry this time, and it won't work if Long Muyan is released. However, I have persuaded the Long family to find a doctor for Long Muyan."

"What's wrong with Long Muyan? Long Si chooses to punish his grandson so severely?" Qin Shu couldn't help asking.

Hao Ze: "Long Muyan wants to go wrong."

"It's impossible." Qin Shu denied, "I have met Long Muyan several times. Maybe I don't know that well, but he really doesn't look like that kind of person."

Now she knew why Long Muyan was unwilling to leave, perhaps because she didn't want to bear the unreasonable charges.

Hao Ze said again: "Many people have seen it."

Qin Shu was stunned for a few seconds, and many people saw it. They just jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash them clearly.

"Maybe it was deliberately framed." She guessed.

"You mean Long Xiao deliberately framed Long Muyan?" Hao Ze asked back.

"Do not rule out this possibility." Qin Shu didn't say anything full.

Haoze pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked her: "Did Long Muyan, what did you tell me?"

"No, I just believe him, not that kind of person."

Without believing in Haoze 100%, she couldn't say what Long Muyan said.

Hao Ze chuckled lightly: "You are probably the second person who said he believed him."

Qin Shu wanted to ask who else said Hao Ze had hung up when he believed him.

Knowing that a doctor was going to treat Long Muyan for injuries, she felt relieved.

At dinner, the hotel waiter pushed the dining car to bring the food in, then turned and left.

Only Qin Shu Yeluo ate at the same table.

If Fu Tingyu talks less at the dinner table, then Ye Luo didn't say a word. Unless someone asked him, he would just bury his head and eat. Compared to him ten years ago, his food looks much better.

Qin Shu ate two bites of food, because of something in his heart, he ate a little carelessly. She lifted up and looked at the opposite Ye Luo: "You go to find out who brought this Long Xiao back tomorrow, and where did you get it back from."

"Yeah." Ye Luo responded and continued to eat.

Qin Shu ate two more meals, looked up at Ye Luo in front of him, and suddenly asked, "Ye Luo, how old are you this year?"

Ye Luo replied: "Thirty."

"Oh." Qin Shu replied thoughtfully, "I'm thirty years old, and I haven't seen you make a girlfriend."

Ye Luo, a single dog stabbed with a knife, "..."

Qin Shu thought of Fu Tingyu's special assistant: "Shi Yan has no girlfriend either."

Shiyan suddenly sneezed while working overtime at the company, "Have a cold?"

"There seem to be many Yejia brothers who don't have girlfriends."

Brother Yejia: Who doesn't want his wife and children to be hot on the bed?

Qin Shu said again: "When I go back this time, I will let you four masters solve your single problem. You can make soy sauce for small wine, and you have to catch up."

Ye Luo lowered his head and continued to eat.

Too heartbreaking.

After taking a shower at night, Qin Shu fell asleep early, and since Fu Tingyu went missing, she has had trouble sleeping.

Except for the few nights in Tongyi Village, I woke up naturally after sleeping.

After leaving Tongyi Village, she couldn't sleep anymore.

Looking at the hotel's super-large bed, she slept alone and had a large space. She knew she should use the night fall method to knock the man over, simple and rude.

At least there is still a human pillow, which is not only comfortable but also soothing.

Even if he is really angry, she should be ready to coax.

Qin Shu closed his eyes and didn't think about it anymore. He had a good night's sleep, and planned to meet that Long Xiao tomorrow.

Unconsciously, gradually became sleepy.

At this moment, a figure flashed by the window, the glass door was pushed open, and a figure walked in from the outside, holding a small black gun in his hand. The black hole was facing the person on the bed, and the muzzle With a silencer.

The moment the trigger was pulled, a wisp of blue smoke came out of the muzzle of the black hole. The moment the bullet was shot, there was no sound from the person who had been sleeping. Suddenly it rolled toward the bed and the bullet passed through the hair on the pillow. Punch through the white soft pillow.

The person standing next to the bed did not expect this to happen, and pulled the trigger again, shooting three bullets in a row.

When sleeping alone, Qin Shu's sleep is very shallow, and he wakes up at the slightest disturbance.

By coincidence, Qin Shu discovered some problems with the first bullet, and her force value was restrained.

Is this being drugged?

Tonight she went back to the room after dinner, read the email from Shiyan, and went to bed after drinking a little water. Poisoning in the water is impossible.

Then it's in the food.

After being drugged, the force value is restrained, and both speed and strength will drop to bronze.

So, for the next three bullets, she was a little embarrassed to dodge. The fourth bullet came out of her shoulder blades because she couldn't dodge, and blood flowed from her shoulder blades, instantly dyeing her entire shoulder red.

She held the bedside table with one hand and covered her shoulder armor with the other. When she was avoiding, she almost knocked the inverted utensils on the bedside table to the ground, and her hand covering the wound held the utensils urgently.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and picked up the broken moon in the other hand.

Seeing that the man in black was hit, he fired another bullet, targeting a deadly position.

Qin Shu turned around and shot the broken moon in his hand, the sharp blade with cold light, the target was the heart of the man in black.

If the force value is not restrained, the man in black will undoubtedly die.

But when she was drugged, she didn't have enough strength and fast enough, so when the man in black dodged, she didn't shoot at the center but only injured her arm. The sharp blade and the belt bone were cut off.

The man in black let out a painful cry, and the gun in his hand also fell.

Breaking through the skin and flesh, breaking the moon straight into the wall lamp behind the black man, and smashed together with the glass lamp.

Ye Luo next door heard the movement and kicked in directly.

Seeing something broke in, the man in black had to leave the window quickly.

After the man in black left, the room instantly became quiet.

Ye Luo hurriedly turned on the light, and saw that the silver nightgown on Qin Shu's body had been stained red with blood, shocked.

He walked over quickly, "Madam, are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital."

Qin Shu ignored Ye Luo, but lowered his head and glanced at the vessel in his hand. A lot of his own blood was stained on it, which was not broken.

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