Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 983: Who likes crazy women?

. Qin Shu said helplessly: "Then you follow me."

The man's voice sank: "I don't want to say it again."

Recalling what the man said just now, it meant that he would not leave unless she stayed.

If Junli was not waiting for help, she would not leave in such a hurry.

But she couldn't let him go.

Now it can only be soft.

Qin Shu suddenly took a step forward and plunged into the man's arms, quickly as if he was afraid that the man would avoid him.

The woman suddenly rushed over, without warning, but fortunately he held it quickly, otherwise the cigarette **** would definitely burn her.

Qin Shu put his arms around the man's neck, his chin rested on the man's broad shoulders, and softened his voice: "What do you want, you are willing to go with me?"

The man said coldly: "I won't go."

Qin Shu heard that, seeing the man's persistence, she asked, "Do you like the peaceful life here?"

Man: "It has nothing to do with you."

Qin Shu slowly said, "If you like it, after we go back, we will go to live on the island for a while, how about?"

Man: "It has nothing to do with me."


Qin Shu sighed a little helplessly. Why did he speak the same tone as Qishan did?

"I know, if you let you go with me now, you definitely don't want to, then you stay here first, I will come back to you when I get the Gu worm, okay?"

If a man really doesn't want to be with her, she can only go alone and come back after getting the Gu worm.

"Don't come back when you leave." The man's voice became colder again, expressing his unhappiness.

This sentence sounds like angry words.

Qin Shu wondered, it has only been a few days since the reunion, is it possible that a man after his amnesia has fallen in love with him?

She leaned a little closer, pressed to the man's ear, and asked him tentatively: "Do you like me?

The warm breath came with sweetness, half of it in the ears and half of the nose, causing a tremor.

The man turned his head, "Who would like crazy women?"

It is automatically translated into Qin Shu's ears, I just like you, a grinning little fairy.

She asked again: "Then you like it, do I kiss you?"

Man: "I don't like it."

That's what it means to like.

Qin Shu put his hand on the man's handsome cheek, and smashed his face. The man turned his face halfway and half pushed, "What are you doing?"

Qin Shu laughed lowly.

Hearing laughter, the man asked: "What is the laugh?"

Qin Shu stopped laughing: "You are actually quite cute like this."


Qin Shu leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lips.

The man was dissatisfied with the word cute, when he was about to break out, the corner of his mouth became hot, and the words he was about to say were swallowed back into his stomach abruptly.

Depicts a man's lip shape.

Qin Shu kissed meticulously.

Close your eyes and know that men’s lips are actually very sexy.

If you don't know that a man has the attributes of being arrogant, you will definitely be **** off by the man's words.

Just like when he was on Qishan, the man spoke even more erroneously than he does now.

Qin Shu didn't like the faint smell of tobacco.

"I don't like the smell of tobacco." She licked her lips, a bit spicy.

The man didn't say a word, silently pinched out the cigarette in his hand, and threw the cigarette **** into the ashtray accurately.

Qin Shu didn't notice that the man was squeezing out the cigarette **** with his hand again, and he did not expect that he had lost his memory and this bad habit still remained.

Qin Shu grabbed the front of the man's clothes, with a little coquettish tone: "Will you not drive me away tonight? I'm going to Miaodu tomorrow. I don't know how many days to come back."

The most unbearable thing for a man is probably hers, her voice is low and soft, with two points of coquetry and three points of grievance.

It's like driving her out, just like making a big mistake.

It was also because he failed to be cruel and threw her out the other day.

He looked down at the woman in his arms, stretched his hand over her head, took off her toe cap, and the hair like seaweed poured down like a waterfall.

The man's hand touched her hair, which was as silky as satin, which made people love it.

The man's voice is low and magnetic: "Do you know the meaning of staying? I'm a normal man, I can't guarantee it."

The meaning of the man's words is very clear, staying, he will definitely do something.

He also didn't want to go to the cold water and suffer the crime alive.

Qin Shu heard that the man had gradually softened, indicating that he still cared about her in his heart, otherwise he would not ask.

She pursed her lower lip and asked him, "How about I ask you a question?"

The man stirred up a strand of hair to the tip of his nose and sniffed: "What's the problem?"

Qin Shu deliberately pressed his ear and said, "Do you like me?"

The man was stunned for a few seconds, as if thinking about this issue.

After a while, I didn't hear the man's answer.

She was a little discouraged, but it was just a few days ago. Even if the man before the amnesia loved her very much, now that he lost his memory, he wouldn't like it so soon.

It also requires a process.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer, we will slowly..."

Before Qin Shu finished speaking, his body suddenly vacated, was hugged by the man, and strode towards the bed.

She stared at the man in front of her suspiciously, "You don't want to throw me out again, do you? I tell you, if you dare to throw me out again, I..."

The man stopped and asked her, "What about you?"

Qin Shu raised his chin, "I will hold you without letting go, nor letting go when I die."

"Then you'd better do what you say." The man held her and continued walking

Qin Shu: "What do you mean?"

The man didn't answer her again.

When he walked to the bed, he put her on the bed while he stood in front of her and started to unbutton her.

In the dark room, the man's palms were already sweating, a little nervous.

Qin Shu sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the man's movements, because she couldn't see the man's expression, she opened her mouth: "What are you???"

The man did not answer, and continued with his hands.

Because the light was not turned on, the man took some time to take off her coat. Then, he squatted down and took off her shoes. The shoes were easy to take off. After a while, they took off and put them on the ground, then stood up and pushed her. One hand, motioned her to go inside the bed.

Qin Shu obediently moved into the bed, staring at the figure in front of the bed with eyes bright as stars, acting as if he was undressing.

After a while, the man went to bed in slippers and pulled her into the bed.

Qin Shu was still a little dazed, wondering what the man wanted to do without saying a word?

He didn't answer the question just now, now? ? ?

For so many days, she has always taken the initiative, and now she is a bit uncomfortable when she is taking the initiative of a man.

Qin Shu was held in his arms by the man, with his head resting on his arms, for so many days, it was the first time he was held in his arms, and there was a strong heartbeat in his ears.

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