Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 981: I look forward to her having a baby girl

Qin Shu looked at the man on the opposite side. He was slowly taking a side dish and eating the millet porridge in front of him. Even if he lost his memory, his food was the same as before, and he didn't talk much.

She ate a few bites of millet porridge and boasted: "Baby Yu, the millet porridge you cooked is really delicious."

"You should praise the rice cooker." The man ate the millet porridge in front of him without raising his head, his tone was plain.

Qin Shu said, "Without you, does a dead thing know how to wash rice? Does it know how much water to put in?"

the man:"……"

After breakfast

Qin Shu touched her belly, bulging like a ball, and sighed contentedly: "I'm full, but my belly feels a little uncomfortable."

She came here after breakfast. Although she didn't eat much, she also ate some.

Just now, she ate two more bowls of millet porridge, which was really supportive.

The man cleaned up the dishes, heard the words, and glanced at the woman sideways. He was standing just in time to see her touching her belly. He knew better than anyone how flat a woman's abdomen was. There was no meat at all, even if she had just eaten it. After dinner, it looked the same as usual.

"The meal is over, leave quickly." He retracted his gaze, walked into the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks, and said no more.

Qin Shu ignored the man's words, stood up and walked into the kitchen, the man was washing dishes by the sink.

She walked to the side and stopped. In front of him, she deliberately lifted her belly and touched it, tilting her head to look at him: "You said this, does it look like a baby?"

The man did not stop washing the dishes, he glanced at the woman's behavior, and was taken aback for a moment. His belly was bulging. The woman next door was pregnant for four months and her belly was bulging like this.

The appearance of a woman is indeed a bit like having a baby.

The man stared at the woman and then touched her belly, looking a little surprised.

Qin Shu also noticed that the man had been staring, and said: "We can have a lovely daughter."

The man regained his senses and looked at the woman’s smiley face. Although it was a little ugly disguised, her bare face, if she gave birth to a daughter, should not only be cute, but also...

The man realized that he was thinking a little far away, he immediately stopped the car, retracted his sight, and continued to wash the dishes.

After the dishes were washed, the man walked out of the kitchen without saying a word.

Qin Shu also walked out, and saw the man picking up a toujak and staying on his head, then walked straight out of the house.

She hurried to follow, "Where are you going?"

Going out a few steps, she went back, closed the door, and then caught up.

The man walked towards the entrance of Jiuwan without saying a word.

Qin Shu didn't know what he was going to do, so he didn't answer when he asked, so he could only follow.

She went in Jiuwan once. In winter, the mountains and forests were very humid. Once inside, her whole body was soaked.

The man in front of him stopped suddenly and did not look back at her, "Don't follow."

Qin Shu also stopped and asked him: "Then tell me, what are you going in for?"

The man is a little impatient: "What do you care about so much?"

Qin Shu looked a little helplessly at the man's upright back. She could hear that the man was very impatient, probably because she was too close and pressed too hard.

But she couldn't help it, Junli was waiting for her to save, and she didn't want to throw him here.

"Do you hate me that way?" The woman's voice was low and she was also very aggrieved.

"Think about it for yourself, there is a nasty person dangling in front of you, following like a tail, are you annoying?" the man roared impatiently.

Qin Shu pursed his lips, "If you don't like it, it's really annoying."

"It's fine if you know." The man dropped this sentence and continued to walk inside.

After walking for about ten minutes, the man gradually slowed down, and there was no footsteps behind him, and no woman's voice.

Is that woman gone?

No matter how thick-skinned a woman is, if he says so, she will definitely not be able to leave.

Maybe, I will leave here soon.

I thought that no one bothered him to breathe a sigh of relief, but he felt too quiet around him, and he always felt that something was missing.

He continued walking, suddenly stopped, and looked behind him, and he saw a woman standing there wearing ordinary Miao Xin costumes and grinning at him less than two meters away.

I felt that there was a lot of everything in an instant, and I didn't feel that the surroundings were too quiet. The man breathed a sigh of relief, but what he said was the opposite.

"Why are you still following?"

Qin Shu raised his chin and looked at him: "I want to follow along. In this life, even if you hate me, I won't leave. As for the next life, let's talk about it in the next life. The most important thing is to live this life well."

The man was startled, his heart started to get hot again inexplicably.

Why is it different from what he thought?

"There is something wrong."

The man dropped the two words, turned around and continued walking, and did not say not to let her follow.

Only after walking a few meters, the man did not hear the woman's voice, and he walked for a while, and there was still no movement behind him.

Hide the sound while walking?

The man stopped and thought for a while, but he looked back and saw the woman standing still, just looking at him.

Can't guess what the woman is thinking?

But turning around like this and continuing to walk, he couldn't do it.

Can only go back.

The man stopped in front of her, "Why don't you leave?"

Qin Shu didn't say a word, raised his chin, and stared at him with eyes bright as stars.

"..." Man: "If you don't want to follow, just go back."

Qin Shu still pressed his lips and said nothing.

The man stared at the woman for a long time, and found that something was wrong with her. He changed his inattention before, and his dark eyes were faintly worried: "What's the matter with you?"

Qin Shu just said three words: "My feet hurt."

The man frowned and looked at the woman's feet. He could see where he was injured through his clothes and shoes. He had to squat down and stretched out his hands to her feet to test where they were injured.

Qin Shu looked down at the man. He just wanted to throw her thousands of miles away, and now he was worried about her again. She thought, even if the man didn't remember, he would have some feeling in her heart.

"It's just that I accidentally twisted it a while ago, and it hurts a little bit. I'll just take a rest.

The man looked up at her, then stood up, squatted down again with his back to her, "Come up."

Qin Shu couldn't help but curl his mouth in the same tone as usual. He still felt sorry for himself.

She bent over and lay on the man's back with her arms around his neck. At this time, the man also hugged her legs and stood up, and walked forward without saying a word.

Qin Shu put his arms around the man's neck, with his chin resting on his shoulders, tilted his head to look at him, just like before.

"Do you really hate me so much?"

Qin Shu was very close to him, as long as he was two centimeters further forward, his lips could touch the man's neck, and the heat that came out of it would just spill on it.

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