Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 976: Made the little fairy cry

But last night, he did take the initiative to kiss her.

It is indeed a move.

If she didn't understand a man, she might think that he couldn't stand the temptation.

However, men are not the kind of people who can't stand temptation.

Qin Shu stared at the man for a long time, and then deliberately asked him, "Do you think that I took the initiative to send it to the door? Even if I really slept, there is no need to be responsible, right?"

The man raised his chin, dark eyes, shiny black: "Otherwise?"

Qin Shu sneered, and suddenly stood up, supported the dining table with both hands, and stared at him: "If you take advantage, you want to pat your **** and leave? You think so beautiful, you have touched me, so you have to be responsible. "

The man thought she would retreat in this way, but he didn't expect...she was different from other women.

"There is something wrong."

Qin Shu felt that men shouldn't be used to them: "You say it again."

The man frowned: "If you are sick, go home and eat..."

Before the medicine came out, Qin Shu held his face in both hands and kissed it hard. The man had just drunk the tea, and the first thing he tasted was the faint fragrance of tea, which was much better than the smell of smoke.

Compared with the previous few times, it is gentle and intricate, and it is easy to understand and grind carefully.

This time it was like a punitive kiss, cruel and anxious.

The man just froze for a while, then grabbed the woman's shoulders and separated each other forcefully.

"Enough." The man held back his anger.

Qin Shu held the dining table with both hands and lowered his head weakly. Compared with the previous strength, this meeting has completely softened: "You said I was sick, and it was not because of you? It wasn't you, would I be like this?"

The man was stunned. The woman at this time was like when she was drunk that night, and she was about to cry.

"At the beginning, if you didn't break my hand and we fell together, the result would definitely not be like this. But you just thought that you were good for me, but you never thought about how much pain and pain I would have to endure if I survived alone. Mental pressure, thinking about how hard it will be to be without you day and night."

Qin Shu spoke slowly, tears streaming out unconvincingly, drop after drop on the dining table in front of the man.

When the man saw it, he felt a little pain in his heart and wanted to hold her into his arms.

As soon as this thought came to him, he stood up, walked up to the woman, and hugged her into his arms.

Qin Shu let the man hold him, wrapped his hands around the man's thin waist, buried his head in his chest, and rubbed the tears on his cheeks onto the clothes on his chest.

When he reacted, the man frowned and looked down at the woman in his arms. He had a headache.

After a while, Qin Shu's heartache just like suffocation eased a little, and said in the man's arms: "I want to eat the food you cooked."

It may be because the woman's voice was a bit hoarse, low, soft, and a little bit coquettish, like an aggrieved wife asking her husband to cook and coax her.

The man sighed helplessly, why did he provoke such a horrible little fairy?

Originally, his life was repeated every day, calmly like a tan, he thought it would be like this all his life.

But I don't want to be broken by a woman.

The man pushed away the woman in his arms.

The woman clasped his waist and didn't let go, hugging him tightly.

"I'm going to cook." The man's voice was cold and a little helpless.

Only then did the woman in his arms loose his waist and obediently stepped aside.

The man turned and walked into the kitchen again, ready to cook lunch.

Qin Shu glanced at the man's back, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up in a beautiful arc. To deal with men, he still needs to be both soft and hard.

She looked at the ingredients on the dining table in the convenience bag, which she had just bought on the street, walked over, picked up the convenience bag, and followed in.

In the kitchen, Qin Shu stared at the man's back and looked a little surprised.

The man is already busy in front of the cutting board. Unlike in Jiangcheng, Shengyuan’s kitchen is very large, with all kinds of kitchen utensils, and the ingredients are very fresh. Whether it is meat, vegetables, or seafood, they are provided by the order every morning. send over.

The man wore a custom-made shirt with his cuffs rolled up and an apron around his waist. He was obviously the fourth master who was an expensive status and feared by everyone in Jiangcheng. He returned home, but did what he could only do.

After watching it for a while, she carried the convenience bag, walked over, and put the ingredients she bought on the table.

"I want to eat corn stewed ribs."

"Yeah." The man replied, picked up the convenience bag, took out the ribs and corn from it, and started washing in the sink.

Qin Shu stood by and looked at the man quietly.

After washing the ribs and corn, the man took out the clean plate and put it in. He glanced at the woman standing by. She was fierce just now. Will this be like a rabbit again?

The man is ready to cook.

Stewed corn ribs is very simple. Cut the corn into a stew pot and simmer slowly without watching.

Next is to wash rice and cook rice.

After plugging in the power, I pressed the cook.

Then cut the washed sausage into slices. When the rice is almost ready, place the sausage on top of the rice one by one, and then close the lid.

The next step is to fry two vegetarian dishes.

Because it is winter, the vegetables cool quickly.

Therefore, he waited until the meal was ready before he started washing the lettuce and cucumber.

These two kinds of cauliflower can be cooked in less than ten minutes.

Qin Shu has been standing there, watching the man cutting the cucumber skillfully, evenly slices, which shows that his knife skills are very good.

She suddenly said: "I want to eat cucumber."

The man glanced at her, "Wait a while, it will be all right."

Qin Shu said again: "I want to eat fresh."

The man cut the cucumber for a while, took a slice of cucumber on the chopping board and handed it to her, intending to let her eat it by herself.

Qin Shu didn't do anything, but directly leaned over and ate the cucumber from the man's hand into his mouth.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, his lips also ate a little bit of the man's finger in, but within two seconds, he left.

The man's body stiffened, and the strange feeling passed from his fingertips to his limbs, making him unresponsive for a long time.

Qin Shu chewed the cucumber in his mouth. When he chewed the fresh cucumber, he would make a crisp sound.

After eating the cucumber, she smiled and said, "It's a bit sweet."

The man then realized that the residual temperature on his fingers was still there, and the tingling sensation had not disappeared. He couldn't help but feel a little hot as he watched the woman smile extremely contentedly.

He thought she was like a rabbit just now. Where is a rabbit, she is obviously a fairy who pretends to be good.

The man withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at her. He lowered his eyes and continued to cut the cucumber, watching the slices of cucumber, the knife moved up and down, thinking of the woman's action of eating cucumber just now.

Lost for a while, accidentally cut his hand.

He planned to flush with tap water, but saw a woman rushing over, "Why are you so careless?"

Then he took his finger and sent it to his mouth.

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