The man stretched his hand over, trying to throw out the drunk who broke into his room. Before the hand touched the woman's collar, the woman's hand suddenly stretched out and hugged his waist, hugging him very tightly.

"Baby Yu, I miss you."

"Baby Yu, I have been looking for you for two months, do you know?"

"Not only I am looking for, many people are looking for you, looking for you for two months."

"Every night I dream of you, dreaming of you sinking in Jiangdi, telling me how cold, and dreaming of you saying, you are waiting for me to find you."

The drunk woman's voice is low and choked with a hint of it, which makes people feel distressed when they hear it.

The man's hand paused in the air. He only wore a cotton and linen shirt and felt his chest soaked with warm liquid before he knew that the woman in his arms was crying.

He doesn't like the approach of strangers, it can be said that he hates such intimate touch from the heart.

After a few seconds of silence, the man frowned and reached out to the woman’s collar with his hand in mid-air. He picked it up and threw it out. As soon as he tried his strength, the hand on his waist tightened again, as if he sensed that the man wanted Throw her out.

The woman rubbed his arms again and found a very comfortable position, humming something, the volume was too low for the man to hear clearly.

The man took a deep breath, pulled the hand on his waist, rolled over and got out of the bed, then slapped the woman on the bed up, walked out of the room, and came to the door.

Before he could throw it out, the woman's arm was wrapped around his waist again, tighter than the one she had held on the bed just now, as if she knew his next move.

In fact, this is Qin Shu's instinctive reaction. When she is asleep, she likes to sleep in a man's arms, she likes to hug a man's waist, and when she feels her body is empty, she will instinctively hold her arms tight.

"Baby Yu, why don't you remember me and drive me away?" The woman hummed uncomfortably, her tears never stopped.

The man froze, looked down at the woman in his arms, humming and crying, his head was big.

"Where did the crazy woman come from?"

Standing at the door for a few seconds, he turned and walked into the room with the person in his arms, turning on the light in the room by the way, putting the woman back on the bed, and pulling up the bedding to cover her.

After the quilt was covered, she stood by the bed and lowered her head. The woman on the bed still had tears on her eyebrows, and her eyes were a little swollen from crying.

She waved her hands in the air for a while, trying to hug something. Finally, she grabbed the bedding and hugged her into her arms, her eyebrows faintly frowned, and she was extremely restless in sleep.

In one day, he saw this woman crying twice.

The man squeezed his eyebrows with a headache, turned around and walked to the sofa, picked up the clothes on them and put them on slowly.

When he got dressed, he sat down on the sofa and planned to sleep on the back of the sofa for one night.

Deep eyes glanced at the person on the bed, and found that she was originally sleeping in the middle. At this time, the whole person was against the wall with a quilt in between. The behavior seemed very disturbed and scared.

The winter night is very long.

In the second half of the night, men looked at the bed more times than blinked.

The woman didn't know how much wine she drank, she always clamored for hot, and moaned uncomfortably while taking off her clothes: "Baby Yu, it's so uncomfortable, so hot..."

As a normal man, I really can't receive such exciting images.

It is normal to have a reaction.

The man looked down, his face darkened, and finally got up and walked into the bathroom.

Come out again, his face is much better.

In order to make him sleep more comfortably in the last few hours, the man brought a towel soaked in cold water to cover the woman's face, which can cool down well, and by the way, block her moaning from time to time.

The towels are made of cotton and linen, and have very good ventilation effect, so you will not feel stuffy.

The woman finally stopped a little, and the man returned to the sofa to sit down and continue to sleep.

The belly of the fish was white and the sky gradually brightened.

The man only slept for three hours this night and did not sleep well. He glanced at the woman on the bed, and she slept soundly.

"Whose bed is this?"

The man sat on the sofa for a while, then got up to wash, and then went out.

He glanced back at his house, "Hopefully when he comes back, the crazy woman is gone."

After the man left, Ye Luo walked out from the back of the house, holding President Ba in his arms, looking at the person who looked exactly like the Fourth Master, and watched for a long time.

Early in the morning, when he saw Qin Shu hadn't gotten up, he went to knock on the door. After knocking for a while, no one came to open the door.

As a last resort, he broke into the door and found that the room was empty. He looked at the bed and found that the quilt was neatly folded, and he knew that it hadn't moved all night.

Thinking of Qin Shu drunk last night, fearing that she would have an accident, he asked Mr. Ba to lead the way, find him all the way, and came to this room.

Before he came forward, he saw a man coming out inside, exactly the same as the Fourth Master, not only his appearance but also his temperament were very similar.

This person must be the man Qin Shu mentioned yesterday, the Fourth Master.

When the man walked far away, Ye Luo walked into the house holding Mr. Ba, came into the room, and found that Qin Shu was sleeping well on the bed.

After thinking for a while, instead of waking her up, she turned and left.

After he came out, he followed the Fourth Master.

He followed unhurriedly, and he was noticed by the man before he followed him for a while, and he no longer dared to follow him.

I can only go back first and make plans after Qin Shu comes back.

Three poles in the sun

The result of waking up from a hangover is a headache.

Qin Shu rubbed his eyebrows, opened his sleepy eyes, and stared at the furnishings in the room for a while. This is not the room in the village head's house.

"Don't run to the wrong room after getting drunk?"

Qin Shu sat up suddenly in fright, and found that something was wrong. She looked down at the white shirt on her body to be a little messy, and the buttons on it had been torn off several times, making her feel bad.

Immediately, she found that the Miao Xin dress on the bed was the one she wore yesterday.

"How could I make such a low-level mistake?"

Qin Shu first checked his body, there was no trace on his body, and then he was relieved.

In fact, she knew that nothing like that had happened without checking, because the body didn't feel any strange or uncomfortable feeling.

Qin Shu put on clothes as quickly as possible, and then walked out of the room, wanting to ask the owner of the room if she was drunk last night, did she do anything extraordinary.

When I came to the living room, I saw the furnishings in the living room very familiar. Is this the room where Fu Tingyu lives?

She saw the tea set on the wooden table and made sure that this is where he lives now.

So last night, she was drunk, so she came to him?

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't run into someone else's house.

She looked around the room, but did not see the man, "Where did he go?"


The man came back from the outside and thought, should that crazy woman go?

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