Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 955: It was embarrassing to be caught by Ye's father

Jiang Yu also saw that the two people who came by were an older couple. When they first met in college, he knew that Ye Xue had a thin face and was easy to blush. When there were people, he would never let him. He holds.

"Then you believe me, believe me and let go."

Ye Xue could not care about Believe him or not, watching two people not far away walk in, and they are neighbors in the neighborhood, if you let them know that in broad daylight, she was held in the arms of a man, she could not say how to say, her face was instantly Stained with a touch of crimson, I don't know if it is ashamed, anxious, or angry.

Her voice was a little eager: "Let go, someone is coming."

Jiang Yu whispered two words: "Don't let go."

"Jiang Yu." Ye Xue looked at the two people who came over and was ashamed, angry and anxious. Finally, she hugged Jiang Yu and turned around, with her back against the gray wall, her entire face buried in Jiang Yu's. Chest.

When Jiang Yu saw this, he couldn't help but laugh, and when he was pressed into a hug, he took the initiative to give him a hug, and he got into his arms.

Knowing that she was thin-skinned, his arms tightened a bit, blocking a lot of sight, making it impossible to see who he was holding.

An old couple passed by them, and the woman chuckled twice: "This is the blue sky and the sun, just hug and hug, how decent is it?"

The man also said: "The young people are like this now, and there are even more excessive young ones who kiss in front of others."

The woman sighed, "It's really getting worse."

The couple walked and said they were far away.

Now Jiang Yu suddenly understood why Ye Xue was so scared, "Did these old ladies cross here? So feudal?"

The corner of Ye Xue's mouth twitched, "You let me go."

Jiang Yu endured a smile and said, "Can't you change a line? You have said this sentence more than three times."

Ye Xue: "..."

Jiang Yu lowered his head and saw Ye Xuehong's apple-like face. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to squeeze it. He did so as he thought. Her skin was very good, tender and smooth, and he couldn't bear to let it go: " Don't resign, okay?"

Father Ye came out to buy soy sauce at the order of his wife, but he saw two people hugging each other in the alley. One of them was his daughter and the other was a benefactor...

Although the current times are different and not as rigorous as the past, it is still a bit embarrassing to meet him. He coughed slightly, "Ahem."

Ye Xue knew that it was her father as soon as he heard the cough. While Jiang Yu was stunned, he stepped back two steps, and saw her father standing less than three meters away, his cheeks flushed again. .


Although Jiang Yu is not afraid to let Ye Xue's parents know that he likes Ye Xue, he is still a little embarrassed to be seen this way: "Uncle."

"I was passing by, and her mother asked me to buy soy sauce. You go in and sit in there."

Father Ye was also a little embarrassed, and walked to the convenience store after speaking.

After Father Ye left, Jiang Yu stretched out his hand, took her hand, and said, "Let's go, sit at your house first, I haven't been to your room yet."

Ye Xue pulled her hand back hard, now he is not his own boss, there is no need to listen to him, "Why are you going to my house? Go back, and my father's resignation report will be sent to you tomorrow."

Jiang Yu said, "Your dad said, it reminds me to go in and sit in."

Ye Xue retorted, "My dad was kind."

"Your dad hasn't gone far yet. I asked him if he was kind."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he turned and looked to the right side of the alley entrance. Ye's father hadn't gone far yet, and the convenience store was here.

He was about to open his mouth and shout, Ye Xue pulled his sleeves and walked into the alley with a dark face, "Go in for tea."

The corner of Jiang Yu's mouth unconsciously bends into a beautiful arc, and he follows her at a uniform pace, unhurriedly.

After returning home, Jiang Yu said, "Go to your room and have a look."

"No." Ye Xue refused directly.

Mother Ye was preparing to cook, when she heard the movement coming out of the kitchen, she saw Jiang Yu in the living room and smiled and said, "It's Xiaojiang here." Then she turned her head to Ye Xue and said, "Xiaoxue, what are you doing standing stupidly? Xiao Jiang makes a cup of tea."

Ye Xue turned her head and glared at Jiang Yu, ready to make tea for him.

Jiang Yu just smiled, and said to Ye Mu: "No aunt, I have something to say to Xiaoxue."

Ye Xue glanced at Jiang Yu suspiciously, wondering what he wanted to do.

"That's it." Mother Ye glanced at the two people in front of him suspiciously, guessing that they probably had something that she didn't want her to hear, and said to Ye Xue: "Xiaoxue, you take Xiaojiang to your room to talk, and you will have dinner later. , I will call you again."

Jiang Yu politely said: "Thank you auntie."

Ye Xue couldn't believe that her mother just let a man into her boudoir, she shouted in dissatisfaction: "Mom."

"You young people talk first, I'll go in and cook." Ye mother ignored her daughter, glanced at them with a smile, and then turned back into the kitchen.

Jiang Yu looked at her with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Auntie also agreed to me to go to your room."

Ye Xue looked up at Jiang Yu and felt that he had not seen him in more than a year, and he seemed to have changed a lot.

Jiang Yu asked: "Where is your room?"

Ye Xue had no choice but to take Jiang Yu to his room.

Father Ye walked into the kitchen carrying the soy sauce. I saw my wife and asked, "My wife, are Xiaoxue and Xiaojiang in love?"

Mother Ye was a little surprised at her husband's observation ability: "Old Ye, did you actually notice it?"

"They are all holding each other, I still can't tell, am I blind?" Father Ye expressed dissatisfaction with his wife's questioning of his IQ.

Mother Ye was cooking, and hearing this was undoubtedly he heard explosive news, and forgot to stir up the stir: "Hold together?"

"It's at the entrance of the alley, I can hold it tightly." Father Ye glanced at the food in the pot and reminded: "My wife, the food is going to be mushy."

"Isn't this just falling in love?" Ye Mu still couldn't react. "

"I think that kid Xiaojiang is very righteous, he is also very good, excellent in all aspects, and works with Xiaoxue. If he is really good with Xiaoxue, I also think of him. A person worthy of trust, wife, you Look?" Father Ye asked his wife for advice.

"Xiaojiang people are very good. They are talented people. But marriage is a big deal. If you can't be anxious, let's see what they say."

"My wife, what I said is reasonable, just for fear that Xiaoxue will be stupid and miss Xiaojiang." Ye's father said so, really optimistic about Jiang Yu, thinking that his daughter married him, it must be correct.

in the room

The decoration of Ye Xue's room is very small and fresh, the layout is simple, and the furnishings are all in a simple style. At a glance, it is very comfortable.

After Jiang Yu came in, he began to look at her room. It was the room she had lived in for more than 20 years. It was a little different from what he had imagined. The tip of his nose was faintly scented with milk, just like the smell on Ye Xue's body. With a hint of sweetness.

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