Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 951: Caused dissatisfaction between the two

Standing at the door were Han Xiao, Hua Silent, and Qin Feng.

She was surprised and very moved.

Han Xiao saw Qin Shu's face with a trace of haggard, and his visibly thin jaw could not be covered by delicate makeup: "You are thin."

In a simple sentence, he knew how distressed he was.

Qin Shu subconsciously touched her face. Although she looked in the mirror every day, she didn't notice that she was thinner. When Han Xiao said that, she found that the clothes she wore recently were a bit bigger. As for her weight, she hadn't weighed it for a long time. Up.

Hua Wuyan also discovered that since the last time, Qin Shu has obviously lost a lot of weight and haggard a lot, "Ling Bao, why are you talking now? Are you afraid of us in trouble?"

In a word, Qin Shu was a little embarrassed, she was indeed afraid of trouble them, so she never mentioned it.

The longer the missing days, the more flustered she became.

Xiyan and Qihua are close to each other, and they both rely on the sea, so they want to let Hanxiao help.

But unexpectedly, she told Han Xiao, he turned around and told them three.

Thinking of Jun Li not coming, I was very worried about his body.

Qin Feng saw that Qin Shu had lost a lot of weight, and his small melon seed face was now thin and out of shape, his eyes were haggard that could not be concealed.

He took a few steps forward and took her into his arms. He was angry and distressed: "Ling Bao, you treat them as an outsider, and you treat me as an outsider. You forgot, but we have the same surname and family. This happened. You should tell me as soon as possible."

When Qin Shu heard this, he also felt that he was a little bit strange, not only hiding from Han Xiao and the others, but also from Qin Feng.

Since he met Qin Feng, he has always treated her very well and will not let others bully her.

Although the force is worth the tail of the crane, it will still protect him.


Hua Wu said dissatisfied: "Ling Feng, what do you mean by this? Why are we outsiders? You and Ling Bao, are we not?"

Han Xiao said: "I and Wu Yan are both her brothers."

Qin Feng immediately explained: "I, I have missed the word, both are older brothers, and all regard Ling Bao as younger sister."

Qin Shu, who was still in a depressed mood, felt much better after hearing their conversation.

"Don't worry, we will find Fu Tingyu. If he dares to leave you behind, we will not let him go."

Qin Feng said cruel words, but he didn't know that Fu Tingyu was not missing, he was a scumbag man who abandoned his wife and abandoned his son, and now his family came to seek justice.

It also shows how much they spoil her.

Han Xiao watched Qin Feng hug her into his arms unscrupulously, and he wanted to hug her unscrupulously to comfort her, but after all he restrained himself.

"Let's talk about the specific situation first, we can also find it more accurately."

Qin Shu looked towards Han Xiao from Qin Feng's arms.

She recounted what happened that day, and also said the results of the search and rescue and various aspects one by one.

"Yan Shuang's whereabouts are still unknown, and Yan's family are also doing their best to search and rescue, with no results.

Everyone who sits knows that if they fall into the cold river water under such circumstances, the chance of survival is very slim.

Even if he didn't die at that time, it just fell into the river at that height, and there was no buffer time. In addition, in winter, the river was cold and bitter. If you didn't swim ashore in time, you would drown because of your body's freezing stiffness.

But they all hope a miracle will happen.

Seeing that Qin Shu had always believed that Fu Tingyu was just missing by drowning, they would go all out to find Fu Tingyu, to see people alive, and a corpse to die.

Qin Feng said: "Ling Bao, you can rest assured that we will carry out carpet-like search and rescue in areas close to the sea. I don't believe it, we can't find him."

"Ling Feng is right." Hua Wuyan looked at Qin Shu and comforted: "Ling Bao, as long as you don't find him for a day, it means you have a great chance of surviving. Don't worry, take care of the company's affairs first. Yes, leave it to us."

Qin Shu nodded vigorously: "Well, I also believe that he will not leave me and Xiaojiu so cruel."

"You have to pay more attention to rest. He will feel distressed when he comes back to see you like this." Han Xiao will not comfort people, but he knows a little.

"I know that my appetite has gotten worse recently, and I will try to adjust it." Qin Shu didn't dare to say that he couldn't sleep at all at night. It was because of sleeping pills to fall asleep peacefully. If you eat too much, you will have side effects.

Han Xiao and the others did not stay here long before leaving, because they wanted to find Fu Tingyu personally and bring him back to her. This was the greatest comfort to Qin Shu.

They came this time mainly because they wanted to see Qin Shu. If such a big incident has happened, without strong endurance, it is easy to be crushed, and serious problems may happen.

So they rushed over to see her overnight.

I've seen it now. Not only did she feel sorry for her, but she was also thankful that she could hold on and didn't let herself collapse.

Before leaving, Han Xiao rubbed Qin Shu's head, just like he used to do when she was sad when she was on Qishan.

"Don't think about anything, there is still us."

After Han Xiao and the others left, Qin Shu's mood improved a lot and began to work seriously.

As for tomorrow's family meeting, soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover.

The next day, one hour before the family meeting.

Shi Yan was holding the materials needed for this family meeting. Thinking of the family meeting, Shi Yan was a little worried: "Madam Shao, just go straight like this?"

"Yeah." Qin Shu stood in front of the mirror, looking at her makeup. Today, she is wearing a high-end custom suit, pure black, the same style as a man's suit, with seaweed-like long hair casually scattered over her shoulders.

She deliberately painted makeup to show the best state.

There will be a tough battle to be fought later.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she was very satisfied whether it was her mental state or her overall clothes.

She turned to look at her son. She was also wearing a high-end tailored suit. Her hairstyle was smoothly combed. When she was not smiling, she looked a lot like Fu Tingyu.

She squatted down in front of her son and tidied the bow tie on his neckline for him, "Little wine, are you nervous?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "Little Jiu is not nervous, mother don't worry, I won't shame my father."

Qin Shu was a little pleased that her son was so sensible at a young age. She smiled and said, "Little wine is great. Mom believes you won't let Dad down."

Qin Shu stood up, took his son, and took the car to the Fu's old house.

The family meeting, as long as the direct children of the Fu family hold office, wait early in the meeting room of the old house of the Fu family.

The huge meeting, a long meeting table, was full of people, waiting for Fu Tingyu, the current helm of the Fu family to attend.

When Fu Tingyu came to attend family meetings in the past, he always came in with a pinch.

Seeing that there were still ten minutes before two o'clock in the afternoon, the door was still silent, but the direct children of the Fu family sitting at the desk couldn't help whispering.

"It is rumored that the fourth brother went to Xiyan and something happened, and he has not returned yet. I don't know if it is true?"

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