Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 947: From false to true

Looking at the location he was afraid of, and the teapot that broke to the ground, it shows that it is man-made.

Chaoyan was already unconscious at this time, and naturally couldn't answer him.

Yin Shi picked up Chaoyan, returned to the room as quickly as possible, changed Chaoyan's clothes, and turned on the heating to make the indoor temperature rise quickly.

Seeing the master's face so pale, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with a warm wet wipe in his hand.

There was no trace of blood on his clean lips, which made him very nervous.

He tried Zhaoyan's body temperature again, still as cold as ice, and looked at his face again, "Master, wake up."

Sunshade Village is an older house, and the security measures are not perfect at all. There is no nurse in the house, no monitoring, and no one knows who came.

Yin Shi looked at Chao Yan. He always liked to sit in a daze in the hexagonal pavilion, sometimes for a day.

The master only woke up yesterday afternoon, and it was not light today, so the master went to the hexagonal pavilion. Is it related to Qin Shu?

Yin Shi guessed in his heart, but was not sure.

There is medicine in the kitchen, and Chaoyan drinks it every day.

He brought the medicine, the temperature was just right.

Giving medicine to a person in a coma is a huge project.

It took Yin Shi an hour to feed a small bowl of medicine.

Dead of night

The cold wind outside the window kept clamoring, wanting to cut a hole in the night.

When Zhaoyan woke up, there was pitch darkness in front of him. He was already accustomed to the night. He raised his hand and wanted to lift the quilt to get up. He didn't know what time it was.

Yin Shi stayed by the bed and saw Zhaoyan lifted the quilt. He knew he was awake. He hurriedly stood up to help, "Master, you are awake, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Chaoyan asked, "What time is it?" His voice was a little low and weak.

Yin Shi glanced at the time and said, "It's already 11:40 in the evening."

"I slept for so long." Zhaoyan sat up with Yin Shi's support, a pain in his chest, and covered the position of his chest with his hand, trying to relieve the pain, "Is there any news from Xiyan?"

Yin Shi said, "If you haven't found a person yet, it's unlikely that you will be alive."

No one expected this.

Originally it was the order of assassinating Yan Shuang, but it turned from fake to real. I didn't expect that Fu Tingyu would be involved and he would lose his life for it.

Chaoyan paused, thinking of Qin Shu's anger, he said again: "Who is in charge of this order?"

Yin Shi said, "It's Yinyue. She said that she did what you said at the beginning, but she didn't expect that Fu Tingyu and Yan Shuang would have such unexpected results."

Chaoyan sneered: "Unexpectedly? Is she a three-year-old child?"

Yin Shi opened his eyes wide, "Master, what do you mean......???"

Chaoyan only said one sentence: "The Chisha Organization doesn't need people like her to help others."

Zhaoyan said this not because Yinyue injured Qin Shu and put her in the cold storage a few years ago, but started from the incident two months ago.

Yinyue had offended Zhaoyan's inverse scales before, but later made up for it, and only transferred back from the branch last year.

Two months ago

When Chaoyan was bathing in the hot spring, she fell asleep in the hot spring because of mental exhaustion.

He was poisoned too deeply, both his strength and his hearing decreased rapidly.

My eyesight has also been poor. If I don’t look closely, I can’t see what’s in front of me.

Yinyue sneaked into the hot spring pool and took the opportunity to approach him.

Chaoyan is a cold-blooded person, in his eyes there is no distinction between men and women, only important and unimportant.

When Yinyue approached and wanted to kiss him, he pushed it away.

Before the change, he could find Yinyue even entering the hot spring pool.

After guarding a person for too long, Yinyue confessed that he even entered Chisha because of the face, and he went to help the face regardless of danger. Ten years of youth were devoted to Chisha and him.

"Master, you can try with me."

Chaoyan heard this, but said: "You are willing to enter Chisha. I did not force anyone. I also said that no personal feelings are allowed here."

"Is it because of Qin Shu?" Because of her, you are not willing to accept me, are you? "

Chao Yan said coldly: "Even without her, I would not accept you."

After Yinyue left, Chaoyan thought she had given up her heart, and the matter ended here.

It's just that she didn't expect her revenge to be so strong.

Yin Shih heard that he wanted to intercede for Yinyue, but before he spoke, he heard Chao Yan again saying: "Those who participated in this matter will be expelled from Chisha."

Yin Shi realized that the master had no room for maneuver this time.

"I see, master."

Chao Yan: "Book a ticket and go to Xiyan."

"Master, your physical condition simply can't stand the exhaustion. I have sent someone to look for it as you ordered, but the possibility of finding it is very small."

Qin Shu sent so many people to search for a week, but there was no news. "

Chao Yan said coldly: "You also want to violate my orders?"

Yin Shi lowered his head: "Master, my subordinates dare not."

One week after returning to Jiangcheng

The old lady called, Shi Yan answered.

After Si Ye disappeared, he bought the phone again, and the card number was still the original one.

Because when I'm busy, Shiyan answers many calls.

"Old lady, Si Ye is busy, what's the matter?"

Old lady: "It's been a long time since I saw Xiaoyu. Let him come back for dinner today."

"Old lady, Si Ye has been busy with the Siyan development project recently, and has no time to go back for a while."

The old lady sighed, "Well, let him come back for dinner with a family of three when he is free."

"Good old lady."

Shi Yan hung up the phone and let out a long sigh.

A week has passed, and Si Ye still has no news at all.

Shi Yan stays in the company every day to deal with big and small things, and many of them need to be signed and stamped by the Fourth Master.

In the study, the lights are bright.

Qin Shu sat at the desk, dealing with matters that should have been handled by men.

Signature, she imitated a man's handwriting.

It is not doubtful to be able to write it up, and she has also worked a lot.

Even Shiyan, who had been following the fourth master, couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

Shi Yan stood aside, repeating today's important events.

Qin Shu asked without raising his head, "Does anyone doubt?"

"Today, the third master and the second master asked when the fourth master would come back, and the quarterly family meeting will be next week." Shi Yan said.

Qin Shu's signature motion paused, "family meeting?"

Shi Yan: "Yes, the young lady, the elders of the family, and the direct children will all participate."

Qin Shu frowned, the family meeting, there is no news about the man now, she rubbed her temples, a little headache.

When Shi Yan looked at Qin Shu, he knew that the matter was difficult to solve this time, and she couldn't hide it until that day.

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