Shi Yan said: "It's the killer of the Chisha Organization. Who sent it is not clear."

The killer of the Chisha organization?

Chao Yan?

He said that he would not do anything to hurt Fu Tingyu.

Even if it is hired by someone else, he can refuse it.

Why didn't he refuse?

Before thinking of coming to Xiyan, Chaoyan asked her about her plan to go to Xiyan, indicating that he must know someone hired Chisha to organize assassins.

Qin Shu clenched the bedding tightly, Chaoyan, why did you do this?

That night

Qin Shu was drinking the porridge, and had to eat if he had no appetite. He could not recover from all aspects of his physical strength without eating.

The light porridge is accompanied by side dishes. She doesn't know what it tastes like. She only knows that she must eat them.

When Shi Yan opened the door and walked in, she saw Qin Shu sitting on the hospital bed, her face still pale and bloodless, a little hesitant.

Qin Shu heard the door opening, looked up at the door, and when Shi Yan came in, he asked, "Is there news from him?"

"The news from Ye Luo just now said that a male corpse was found on the nearby shore, similar in size to the Fourth Master..."

Before Shi Yan finished speaking, the bowl in Qin Shu's hand fell to the ground with a "bang" sound, and the porridge was spilled all over the floor, still steaming.

Qin Shu asked with a trembling voice: "You say it again?"

"Madam, Ye Luo asked you to go in person..." Recognizing the corpse.

Shi Yanka didn't say the last two words in his throat.

Half an hour later

Qin Shu followed Ye Luo to the local police station, and Xiao Yang, who was in charge this time, led him to the morgue.

The door opened, and there was a rotten smell in the air, and you couldn't smell it if you didn't smell it carefully.

In the morgue, there was only one body, covered by a white cloth, lying quietly on the cold bed.

"The victim's face has rotted, it is difficult to recognize from the face, DNA has been extracted to confirm, but it will take some time." Xiao Yang said as he lifted the white cloth on the body.

Before Qin Shu came close, she just glanced at the corpse. As Xiao Yang said, the corpse's face was 100% rotten, and it was no longer what it looked like. After taking a look, she breathed a sigh of relief and turned straight. go away.

Shi Yan thought that Qin Shu couldn't bear it, and shouted, "Young lady."

"It's not him." Qin Shu left three words and strode out.

Not Si Ye?

Shi Yan was overjoyed and turned his head to the responsible Xiao Yang: "My young lady said that it is not, then it must not be. I'm sorry to trouble you and leave."

After speaking, chased out in stride.

Shi Yan didn't know why Qin Shu was right when he didn't even look at it. It might be because Qin Shu knew Si Ye better than he did.

Today, the weather is better than the previous two days.

Qin Shu and Gu Yanmo Chengxu still had time to rock, and they went to the nearby beach.

Xiaojiu didn't take it with him, so Ye Luo stayed with him in the hotel.

The nearby sea area has not been developed into tourism. Almost all fishermen live by the sea.

Shi Yan said: "Young lady, here Ye Luo sent someone to look around, but the Fourth Master was not found. Today, they sent someone to search again. The local hospital, police station, and residential building still did not find Fourth Master. I have sent Shiso submarine to search nearby."

Qin Shu looked around, and several fishing boats docked in the endless sea.

"As long as you don't find him for a day, it means he is still alive, so keep looking until you find him."

"That's right, Brother Yu will definitely be fine." Mo Chengxu agreed.

Gu Yan looked at the sea, and he was also convinced that Fu Tingyu was okay, and it was not easy for people who passed through the ghost gate to get in.

On the way back, Qin Shu said, "Mo Chengxu, we will visit CEO He tomorrow and get the right to develop Yunya Scenic Area."

Mo Chengxu looked at Qin Shu and didn't react for a while.

Gu Yan and Shi Yan looked at Qin Shu at the same time, her condition at this time was much better than the previous few days.

Qin Shu said: "He wants to develop here, then I can't let him down."

She will make everything go as planned, and will not cause troubles to the company or family.

When she asked him to come back, everything was the same as when he left, unchanged.

Mo Chengxu heard that, although he had never seen Qin Shu's ability, but with these words, he would go with him tomorrow, "Then I will make an appointment first."

The next day, Qin Shu and Mo Chengxu went to the CEO's house in Xiyanhe.

She was wearing a pure black suit, and her seaweed-like hair strands turned into a ponytail, which made her capable and neat, like a strong woman who has been riding the mall for many years.

In the past few nights, she did not sleep well, and the dark circles under her eyes were very serious. She painted herself with light makeup to cover up her bad state, and she looked much better.

If it weren't for knowing that she had gone through these things, she wouldn't be able to tell how much pain she suffered.

Mo Chengxu didn't have much confidence to get the development rights of Yunya Scenic Area, but the moment he saw Qin Shu, her vigorous and mature eyes, and her confident eyes, he instantly felt relieved.

When I went to the mansion of CEO He, Shi Yan also went with him.

At this time, Jiangcheng

Ye Xue held the suit in her hand. Jiang Yu put it on her on the night of the rain. It had been washed in the dry cleaner. For so long, she had never had a chance to return it to him.

Today, she folded the suit and put it in her handbag, and brought it to the company, looking for a chance to return it to Jiang Yu.

As soon as I walked into the company, I saw Lin Wan standing at her desk, as if waiting for her.

Have something to do in the morning?

She stepped over, "Secretary Lin, are you waiting for me?"

Lin Wan looked at Ye Xue, didn't take her seriously at first, just thinking about letting her go after the internship period.

Now she investigates and discovers that Ye Xue and Jiang Yu are classmates, and they also dated in college.

Seeing that the internship period is approaching, Jiang Yu is definitely not willing to let her go.

Because the next day, Jiang Yu said that as soon as Ye Xue's internship period came, she was transferred to the planning department and studied with Manager Zhang.

This is clearly opening the back door blatantly.

The threat is also great.

"You come to the water house with me, I have something to tell you."

Lin Wan dropped these words and turned to the water room.

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Xue's eyes, what can't you say here?

She put the handbag on the chair and went to the water room with doubts.

After entering, she found that Lin Wan was standing in front of the water heater. She walked over, "Is Secretary Lin looking for something to do with me?"

"You have been here for an internship for a while. I can see your hard work. I tell you to do this and that is to make you become a regular employee. I deliberately praised you several times in front of Jiang Yu, and I also suggested that you become a regular employee. Go to the Planning Department. Jiang Yu also said that you are a classmate relationship, and you can't let outsiders say that he bullies your classmates, so he agreed to my proposal."

Ye Xue was a little surprised. She thought that Lin Wan didn't like her, so she let her do this and that. She didn't expect that Lin Wan would help her speak nice things in front of Jiang Yu. She thanked Lin Wan from the bottom of her heart.

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