Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 939: I want to protect mother

Ye Luo was taken aback when she saw it, and hurriedly reached out to catch her, hugged her into her arms, looked down, and saw her face pale, lips blue, and bright red blood slid a line of blood on her pale jaw. .

He didn't think much about it, and hugged Qin Shu horizontally. Her weight was very light and her thin and cold body made Ye Luo panic.

"Go back." He took up his coat and wrapped Qin Shu, not even changing his wet clothes.

When the ship docked, he took Qin Shu straight to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Ye Luo rushed to the emergency room with Qin Shu in his arms. Even the unit price car sent by the hospital was useless, because the speed was not as fast as him, and he was afraid of delaying time.

He was not relieved after being sent in, and he stayed outside the emergency room.

A young nurse saw Ye Luo at a glance, first saw his handsome face, and then found that he was wearing less and his body was still wet, so he reminded: "You should change your clothes. Wearing so little is still wet. It’s easy to get sick."

Ye Luo replied coldly: "Don't worry about it."

The little nurse met such an impolite man for the first time. He was handsome but had a very bad temper.

"How can you be like this? If you are sick, do you still have the energy to take care of the sick?"

Ye Luo impatiently highlighted a word: "Get out."

"You are unreasonable." The little nurse's aggrieved eyes turned red, and she ran away crying.

Ye Luo ignored it.

The doctor opened the door and walked out, shouting: "Who is the patient's family?"

Ye Luo hurried over and asked the doctor, "I'm her bodyguard, do you count?"

The doctor looked at the cold-faced man a few times, and handed the notice in his hand to him: "This is the patient's critical illness notice. If you can sign it, sign it."

"Critical illness notice?" Ye Luo looked down at the critical illness notice in front of him, and did not dare to answer: "I won't answer, you must cure her 100%."

Immediately he added: "If you can't cure her, the fourth master will get angry, you can't afford it."

The doctor frowned, not so arrogant.

Ye Luo didn't know what to do, so he first called Shi Yan.

When Shi Yan heard the critical illness notice, his legs were frightened.

"You say it again, what notice?"

Ye Luo said: "Notice of critical illness."

"Notice of critical illness? Did you sign it?"

"Dare to sign, I will let the doctor cure her."

At this time, Xiaojiu's voice spread over the phone: "What's wrong with my mother? I'm going to see her."

Once Xiaojiu decided something, Shi Yan had no choice but to take him to the hospital.

Ye Luo called Gu Yan again and explained the general situation again.

Gu Yan fell directly from the chair. What happened to Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu?

He hung up the phone and told Ji Fei to pack up and go to Xiyan.

He didn't dare to inform the old lady and the seventh lady.

When Xiaojiu came, the doctor took the critical illness notice and asked them to sign.

"Family members cannot do the operation without signing, and it will delay the treatment time, which will not benefit the patient." The doctor explained.

Shi Yan and Ye Luo looked at each other, and were afraid to sign.

If Si Ye came back, he would definitely be furious.

At this time, Xiaojiu walked to the doctor, raised his small face and looked at the doctor: "I am the patient's son, I can sign."

The doctor said, "How can you be a child, do adult things?"

Xiao Jiu said very seriously: "My father hasn't come back, and I'm the only man at home. Does it matter to my age?"

"This..." The doctor was a little embarrassed.

Shi Yan looked at Xiao Jiu. He thought Xiao Jiu would cry, because at the noon meeting, it was really painful to cry.

This will not only not cry, but also very responsible.

He said to the doctor: "My master hasn't come back yet, he is our little master, he can call the shots."

The doctor looked at the three people in front of him, then agreed, and handed the critical illness notice and pen to Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu took a pen and wrote down his name, Fu Zhiheng skillfully.

After finishing writing, he handed the critical illness notice to the doctor: "Doctor, my mother will leave it to you. You must do your best to save my mother, otherwise my father will be angry when he comes back. The hospital was demolished."

The doctor held the critical illness notice and looked down at Xiaojiu. The first half of the sentence was touching. The child was very distressed.

It's just the second half, the threat is so strong?

But still people can't help but feel sorry for this child who is only three or four years old.

Shi Yan and Ye Luo looked at each other, and both felt very sorry for Xiaojiu. At such a young age, they were very sensible and strong.

It was midnight after the operation, and when he was pushed out of the operating room, Xiaojiu rushed up first.

"Doctor, how is my mother?"

"The operation went well, but it hasn't got out of the dangerous period. It needs to be observed for two days. If there is no fever, it will be fine." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor, my father will thank you again when he comes back." Xiaojiu finished speaking, and followed the nurses to the VIP ward.

When Shi Yan listened to Xiaojiu's three sentences without leaving Si Ye back, he must be very eager for Si Ye to come back soon.

He also firmly believes that the Si Yeji people have their own heavens, and they will be safe.

The Fourth Master loves Qin Shu so much and he has to protect him from death, how could he be willing to leave her behind?

Qin Shu was still in a coma, Xiao Jiu kept guarding every step of the way, holding Qin Shu's hand with his little hand, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, dozing off like a chicken and never leaving.

Shi Yan stepped forward and coaxed in a low voice: "Little Master, you go to the next room to sleep first, and you will be guarding the young lady tomorrow morning, okay?"

I heard asking him to go. Xiaojiu immediately woke up and held his mother's hand. "No, my father hasn't come back yet. I am a man. I must take care of my mother and let my mother wake up early. Only then will my father be happy when he comes back."

Xiaojiu started crying as he said something, but he was still a child, far less able to bear it than an adult.

What's more, even the young lady couldn't bear it, vomiting blood and fainted.

No one could persuade Xiaojiu, so he had to let him guard.

After he fell asleep on the bed, Shi Yan gently carried him into the next lounge to sleep.

Gu Yan arrived in Xiyan in the morning and went straight to the hospital after getting off the plane.

Ye Luo personally picked it up.

After arriving at the hospital, Gu Yan asked Shi Yan: "What's the matter?"

"Gu Shao, Madam Young hasn't gotten out of the dangerous period yet, because Fourth Master and Madam Young can't bear it, so..." Shi Yan did not go on.

Gu Yan's expression was a little ugly, and he was very worried: "What about Yuren?"

"Si Ye hasn't heard yet. I didn't see Si Ye in the search and rescue for one afternoon and one night. I sent ten more ships to the Jianghai interface to look for." Shi Yan said.

"I'll go and see Qin Shu first." Gu Yan walked into the ward and saw the person in the hospital bed who was still unconscious. He sat down by the bed and took out her hand from the bedding to get her pulse. He saw her left hand covered with gauze. , The whole person was stunned.

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