After the information was sent, she suddenly thought of tracking and monitoring.

Is Chao Yan watching her?

[Chaoyan: I have followed your movements in the past two days. 】

After reading the content of the information, Qin Shu relaxed a little. He had known each other for so long and he had always spoken so straightforwardly.

[Qin Shu: I have come to Nanyue, has your poison been cured? 】

[Chaoyan: It's solved, do you want to come to Chaoyan Village? 】

Qin Shu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he said that the poison was gone.


She remembered that the manor below the back mountain of Qishan was called Zheyanzhuang, and the meeting with Chaoyan was also at Zheyanzhuang.

Changed the name now?

[Qin Shu: I will finish handling the matter here first. 】

[Chaoyan: Okay, I want to drink. 】

"..." He only saw Xiaojiu once, three years ago, he said he wanted Xiaojiu?

Qin Shu put the phone back on the bedside table, closed his eyes and started to rest.


Not knowing how long he slept, Qin Shu was awakened by a knock on the door.


The knock on the door continued.

Qin Shu rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed to open the door. After the door opened, he saw Xi Mo standing at the door, "Is there something wrong?"

West End apologized: "Sorry Ling Young, I disturbed you to rest. That person is here again. My master wants you to take this opportunity to catch him."

"Wait a minute." Qin Shu turned and walked into the room, picked up the laptop in his backpack, and walked out again, "Let's go."

"Ling Shao, please come with me."

The end of the West led the way, and Qin Shu unhurriedly followed behind.

Xiao Jiu slept next to Qin Shu's room. When Xi Mo knocked on the door, Xiao Jiu also woke him up.

He opened his eyes and looked at the strange room. He didn't show a scared expression like other children. Instead, he got off the bed calmly. After putting on his shoes, he went to the door of Qin Shu's room and knocked on the door a few times. ,mom."

Ye Luo heard the sound coming from next door and saw the little wine standing at the door, "Young Master, Young Lady is not inside."

The little wine turned around after hearing the sound, "Uncle Ye, where did my mother go?"

Ye Luo said, "Madam Shao was called away by West End."

Xiao Jiu thought of the man who came to pick them up, and talked about hackers, "I want to find my mother."

Ye Luo didn't ask Xiaojiu what to do with Qin Shu, and put the boss in his arms on the ground, "Let the boss take you to find it."

President "Meow" raised his head and glanced at Xiao Jiu, then walked out with his short limbs and short legs.

Seeing this, Xiaojiu immediately trot to follow.

Ye Luo followed behind unhurriedly, just in case.

The huge Qingyunzhuang, whether it is security defense or network defense, is the best match. To make Yunyao worry so much, it means that the other party's hacker technology has posed a threat to him.

When Qin Shu came to the study with Ximo, he saw Yun Yao sitting at the desk. No matter how calm he was, there was a hint of irritation between his eyebrows.

On the table opposite the desk, there were two men sitting with a computer in front of them. They were busy at this time.

You don’t need to guess what they are doing right now.

Hearing the footsteps, Yun Yao raised his head and looked at the boy who had been away for four years. He felt as if he had become more beautiful again. He stood up with a smile, "Ling Shao is here."

Qin Shu asked: "How long has it been?"

Yun Yao said: "Ten minutes, less trouble."

He gave up his position while speaking.

Qin Shu didn't speak any more, walked to the desk and sat down, put his own notebook on the desk, and looked at the notebook head in front of him.

Without thinking too much, his hands have been stretched out to the keyboard, and he started typing quickly.

Without raising her head, she asked, "Do you know the other party's intentions?"

"It should be the opponent." Yun Yao looked at the hands on the keyboard in front of the computer, not only because his hands were very fast, but because his hands were not as big as men's, his hands were fair and slender. ,Very beautiful.

Qingyun Village is too strong and has competitors too.

There is competition and it is normal to be hacked.

Qin Shudong glanced at the two men facing each other, two high-profile hackers couldn't catch one?

At this moment, Xiao Jiu followed Mr. Ba and walked into the study. He saw the men in the study. He was not timid. He looked at Qin Shu sitting at the desk and walked over.

President Ba took even steps, following him unhurriedly.

Ye Luo saw Xiaojiu enter the study, he guarded the door and did not go in.

Xiao Jiu walked to the desk and stopped, looking at Qin Shu's constantly beating hands on the keyboard and the complicated codes that kept jumping out of the computer screen.

In the past, when his mother taught him, it was all on paper, and he had never seen his mother demonstrate hacking techniques to him.

This is a rare opportunity to watch the live version.

He found that he usually practiced pediatrics, and compared with his mother, it was a heaven and earth.

Not to mention the slow speed, as for this complicated code, he still hasn't remembered it all.

Qin Shudong saw that his son was coming, so he just let him see, and he assumed it was a lesson on the spot.

Yun Yao looked down at Ling Shao's younger brother, and looked at Ling Shao earnestly, like a student who loves to study. It is not difficult to see that he is very smart and a little special.

Qin Shu saw the display on the screen, feeling a little sorry, "The other party has withdrawn."

Yun Yao frowned. He didn't catch him before he didn't know what purpose the other party had. It was a hidden danger.

Qin Shu said, "He should come again."

Yun Yao asked: "Then are you sure to catch the other person?"

"I'm doing my best." Qin Shu wouldn't be too full of things that were uncertain, she stood up and prepared to leave.

Xiaojiu pointed to the computer and shouted: "Brother, look at the computer."

Qin Shu stood up and moved for a while, turned his head to look at the movement on the computer screen, just left, come again?

Her hands returned to the keyboard.

The keyboard is her turf, and she can act recklessly.

Upon seeing this, Xiaojiu looked at the computer on the desk. He knew it was his mother's computer.

He took a step forward, picked up the computer and turned it on. After quickly connecting to the Internet, he also learned from Qin Shu and started to code.

Yun Yao looked at the actions of the two brothers in front of him. He guessed right earlier. This young Zhengtai also knows how to hack, and is skilled in hacking. He is no slower than their hands. He is so powerful at such a young age. He will certainly not grow up. Up.

What Yun Yao didn't know was how much energy, time, and patience Xiao Jiu spent to practice hand speed.

When other children were playing outside, he was practicing hand speed.

Qin Shu suddenly asked Yun Yao: "Your computer was hacked, what are the consequences?"

Yun Yao's face was solemn: "There will be many secrets that will be leaked, and the loss will be very serious."

"I'll do my best." When Qin Shu spoke, his hand movement never stopped. He found his son was studying, and he had a clue, "Xiao Jiu, did you see the red dot on the computer screen? It was mentioned in the Intermediate Hacker. "

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