Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 911: Freedom in love, regardless of gender

No matter how cold and calm Susukino is, she can't stand Fu Tingyan in the public. If you say this, not to mention that she is still in men's clothing.

He is not afraid of others saying that he is the same?

For four years, every time she was careful not to let Fu Tingyan find out, it was also because of Bo Yin's request to prevent others from discovering that she was a girl, or she would not agree to learn martial arts.

She ignored Fu Tingyan's words, carrying the suitcase, and went straight down the steps.

Fu Tingyan, who was completely ignored, frowned, and then stepped to follow, "Susukino, do you care about other people's eyes so much?"

Shi Yan arrived at the right time. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Fu Tingyan and Susukino. He first opened the door, and then went forward to carry the suitcase. "Young Master, I feel that learning martial arts has changed a lot in the past few years."

Fu Tingyan smiled and asked, "Is my grandma okay?"

"The old lady is fine, waiting for the young master to return in the old house." Shi Yan said with a smile.

After putting the luggage in the car, Fu Tingyan and Susukino got into the car, Shi Yan also got in the driver's seat and drove to the old house.

Fu Tingyan put his hand on his forehead and looked at Susukino. Four years later, his face was still cold, "You haven't answered the question just now."

Susukino looked at him sideways, but didn't answer.

Fu Tingyan asked again: "Do you really care so much?"

Susukino just replied: "I will be back to Zhongtai tomorrow."

Fu Tingyan knew that he was going to go home anyway, so he didn't want to stay, "I will send you off."

"No need." Susukino directly refused.

"That's it. I'll book a plane ticket for you." Fu Tingyan took out his mobile phone, as if thinking of something, he said: "I just came back from Fengyishan, you rest for two days and then go back, otherwise I will feel overworked and I will feel distressed. I'll book you a ticket for the day after tomorrow."

After speaking, he didn't give him a chance to refuse, so he began to book tickets.

Susukino: "..."

Still so domineering.

Hearing Fu Tingyan's distress, Shi Yan's mouth twitched a few times, and he looked up at Fu Tingyan and Susukino in the rearview mirror. Isn't it what he thought?

Fu Tingyan made a phone call to Jiang Yu after booking the ticket.

"Xiao Yu, I'm back to Jiangcheng."

While Jiang Yu was surprised, he was very happy: "So fast? Why didn't you tell me in advance? I'll pick you up at the airport."

"I want to surprise you and come out for a drink at night."

"Okay, we haven't seen each other for more than a year."

When Fu Tingyan came back, Fu Tingyu took his wife and son to the old house for lunch.

The little grandson returned from studying martial arts, and the eldest grandson came back for dinner with his grandson-in-law and great-grandson. The old lady specially asked the kitchen to prepare more meals, which were the favorite dishes of Fu Tingyan and Fu Tingyu's family of three.

The old lady waited at the door early so that they could see them at a glance.

Fu Tingyu's family of three came first.

Xiaojiu just walked into the yard and saw the old lady standing at the door, he ran over with short legs.

"Grandma." Xiaojiu shouted, taking the old lady's hand.

"Little Jiu, how long hasn't seen you, you have grown taller again."

When the old lady was getting older, she could only squat down slowly with the door frame, looking at her great-grandson, her eyes narrowed when she was smiling.

Xiaojiu said: "Grandma, how are you doing? Uncle is back, grandma must be very happy."

The old lady held the wine and said happily: "Grandma is also very happy to see you. I don't see you some days, I want to die grandma."

Fu Tingyu was holding the girl in one hand, and seeing the old lady so happy, he stepped forward to help her, "Grandma still sits down and waits, squatting tired."

"It's okay, the little wine is too popular." The old lady looked at the little wine, her eyes filled with joy.


With a cry of grandma, everyone's eyes were attracted, and Fu Tingyan and Susukino came in.

The old lady saw the little grandson she hadn't seen for a few years, and tears filled her eyes with joy, so she ignored it. Fu Tingyan's hand was still holding Susukino's hand, a little ambiguous.

Qin Shu saw it. After a few years of absence, both Fu Tingyan and Susukino had faded away, and they had grown a lot taller.


She looked at the hands of the two of them, what is going on?

Fu Tingyu also saw it, and his dark eyes glanced at the two people who were walking towards him. In front of the old lady, he did not ask.

Fu Tingyan stopped in front of the old lady. He looked at Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu and called out, "Brother, sister-in-law."

Seeing Fu Tingyan calling his sister-in-law seriously, Qin Shu couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Yan, my mouth is sweeter than before."

Fu Tingyan just smiled and didn't refute, because he had already become Qin Shu's sister-in-law.

"Xiao Yan, you can count as coming back, you want to die of grandma." The old lady hugged Fu Tingyan, tears fell.

"Grandma, I miss you too." Seeing the old lady crying, Fu Tingyan felt a little uncomfortable, and patted her back lightly with his big hand.

"It's been three years, let grandma take a closer look." The old lady raised her head and looked at Fu Tingyan, who was much taller than herself, and said as she looked: "I grow taller and become handsome, more like a man."

Fu Tingyan smiled and asked, "Grandma, listening to you say that, I didn't have a man before?"

Fu Tingyu reminded: "Grandma, Xiao Yan just came back, went to eat first, and talked while eating."

"Yes, yes, Xiaoyu was right, I just took care of talking, and we went in first, and talked while eating." The old lady took Fu Tingyan and still led Xiaojiu into it.

Fu Tingyan didn't forget to hold Susukino's hand. To prevent him from being thrown away, he held it tightly.

Susukino didn't get away from his hand, so he whispered, "You let go first."

"Don't let go, prepare yourself." Fu Tingyan finished speaking, holding his hand, and followed the old lady in.

Qin Shu saw it really this time. This pair of hands was clearly a young couple. She squeezed the palm of the man's hand.

Fu Tingyu looked towards Fu Tingyan holding Susukino's hand, as if he was not willing to let go wherever he went, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Qin Shu asked him in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Fu Tingyu: "Ask after dinner."

Qin Shu said again: "I think Xiao Yan is here for real."

Fu Tingyu pursed his lips, he really didn't realize that his brother was so kind.

Seeing that the man didn't say a word, Qin Shu reminded again: "Now love is free, regardless of gender."

Fu Tingyu hadn't made any remarks yet. Hearing the girl's help to his brother, the corners of his mouth twitched. The brother hadn't made a statement yet, but she said it first.

Qin Shu actually just wanted to give a man a vaccination, because she can be sure that there must be a relationship between Fu Tingyan and Susukino. Seeing Fu Tingyan's posture, she will definitely speak surprisingly later. A vaccination would be better.

The maids put the food on the table one after another, a table full of food, fish, meat, seafood and vegetarian dishes.

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