Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 901: Fell into the lake

He put down the hair in his hand and looked at Qin Shu, "Time flies really fast. Ten years have passed. You, the youngest, first got married and got a little wine."

Qin Shu glanced at Fu Tingyu sitting on the bow of the boat and the little wine lying in front of the boat fence, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc of happiness unconsciously, "That means you should hurry up to find a girlfriend."

Hua was speechless and shrugged helplessly: "How easy is it, finding a girlfriend is a big project."

When he said this, he stared at her for a while, and asked: "When you were young, there are still some changes."

"That's for sure, you have changed a lot. When you first went up the mountain, I saw you with short flax hair and thought you were a gangster on the edge of school."

Hua Wuyan was amused: "Is such a handsome and rich bastard?"

Qin Shu endured a smile and said, "At first glance, it looks like, especially the way you stand in front of me. It's really a bit like the **** at the school gate.

Hua said silently, "That's because you are fun."

"Is it fun?" Qin Shu felt that when they went up the mountain that day, she was still very serious and very excited and happy because she was finally company.

Seeing Han Xiao coming over, Hua Wuyan shouted: "Brother Han."

Qin Shu turned his head and saw Han Xiao approaching. He didn't know what he thought of the chat last night.

What she said last night was the truest thought in her heart.

"I'm going to play with Xiaojiu." Hua Wuyan smiled and then turned and left.

Han Xiao walked to Qin Shu and stood still and glanced at the scenery. The boat had already started. Although he didn't often come out to play, the scenery here was well known.

"How is the scenery?"

Qin Shu smiled and glanced at the small island on the opposite side of the lake, "Although it's autumn, the scenery is still beautiful and the temperature is good."

Yan Shuang looked at the two people on the deck, remembering what happened in Qishan, and said with a smile: "When I was on Qishan before, they said that Ling Han and Ling Bao were a pair, and they often said that Ling Han regarded Ling Bao as a pair. daughter in law……"

Feeling the cold gaze from the other side, she subconsciously glanced at Fu Tingyu and saw that he was unhappy, and then changed her mouth: "I found that Xiaojiu inherited the advantages of you and Ling Bao, handsome and smart."

Fu Tingyu didn't answer. He looked at the **** the deck and glanced at the fruit on the table. Finally, he picked up one of the cherries and stood up and walked over.

"Eat cherries?" He handed the fruit dish in his hand to the girl, and put his other hand around her waist, as if taking an oath.

Qin Shu looked down and saw the ruddy cherries in front of him, not only fresh, but also big.

"Eat, there should be no cherries this season, right?" She took a big red one and put it in her mouth. When her teeth broke the skin of the cherry, the juice overflowed, a little sour, and then it was mostly sweet.

Han Xiao watched Qin Shu eat cherries, similar to when he was a child, he liked to pick the big, red ones first.

When I was on Qishan before, watching her eating was a visual pleasure.

Fu Tingyu looked at Han Xiao on the opposite side, and found that he had been staring at the girl, and said: "She still has some memories, but she didn't remember."

Han Xiao raised his head suspiciously and looked at Fu Tingyu. He thought that all her memories had been remembered.


"The memory of you after going down the mountain, the master didn't let her remember it, it should be related to why she lost her memory."

Fu Tingyu glanced at the person who was still picking cherries to eat, "I will definitely remember it later."

Han Xiao looked at Fu Tingyu's words and deeds. He, with high IQ, quickly realized the meaning of his words.

He suddenly remembered what the lady proprietress in Fengyue Ancient Town Snack Street said.

After he left, Fu Tingyu had been with Xiao Budian.

He suddenly understood one thing again. When he was on Qishan, Fu Tingyu liked to be small.

He always felt that Fu Tingyu hated him a little bit because of his petty relationship.

Yan Shuang shouted at this moment: "Don't just stand, sit down and eat and talk."

Qin Shu heard Yan Shuang calling them, raised his head and said to them: "Let's go over."

Han Xiao: "Yeah."

"Yeah." Fu Tingyu hugged Qin Shu and walked to the table.

Xiaojiu held the boat rail with both hands, looked at the green lake, raised his head to look at Junli and Hua Wuyan, and finally asked Hua Wuyan, because Hua Wuyan was the host.

"Uncle Yan, can you fish here?"

Hua said speechlessly: "Of course you can. You can catch whatever you want. I even have a fishing rod ready."

This is a scenic spot, which was invested and developed by Huajia and Hanjia. Fishing is of course no problem.

Even if it isn't, Hua Mute can put ten times or a hundred times the fish and let small wine catch it.

"Uncle Yan is really nice." Xiaojiu was a little excited watching the fish swimming around in the lake, rushing to eat fish food.

"You wait, I'll get you the fishing rod." Hua Wuyan smiled and turned and left.

Xiaojiu turned his head to look at Junli. He was holding fish food in his hand and was feeding it carelessly, just like when he was in kindergarten. He couldn't help asking: "Uncle Jun, do you not like to take a cruise? ?"

Junli gave a meal of throwing fish food, turned his head to look at Xiaojiu, and smiled, "No, swimming in the lake is a kind of enjoyment."

Xiaojiu asked again: "Is Uncle Jun sick?"

Junli put down the fish food in his hand, squatted down in front of Xiaojiu, and asked with a smile, "Why do you ask?"

"Compared to other uncles, Uncle Jun is particularly white and skinny. I checked it on the Internet. Generally, this is a symptom of illness or chronic illness."

When Xiaojiu is the two idioms of Zha who suffers from illness for a long time and is dying of illness, various title links appear on the web page.

So seeing Junli like this, he probably guessed that he was sick.

Jun Li was a little surprised after hearing this. A child who was just over three years old, observing such a meticulous observation, you can see how good he will be in the future.

"It can be inferred from the person's demeanor whether he is sick or not. Xiaojiu is very smart. Uncle Jun is sick and has been hanging on drugs."

Xiaojiu felt sorry for him, because he also hated taking medicine, "Is that medicine bitter?"

Junli shook his head: "It's not bitter. After drinking the medicine, I will eat candy."

I was surprised when I changed the wine this time: "It turns out that adults also rely on sugar when taking medicine. I thought that only children would eat sugar."

"Little wine, the fishing rod is here." Hua silently walked over with the fishing rod, bucket and bait.

After hearing the words, Xiaojiu turned and ran over excitedly.

Jun Li smiled at Xiao Jiu's appearance when he started running with short legs, and then stood up.

It may be that he squatted for a long time and stood up suddenly, causing dizziness when the blood supply to the brain was insufficient, and a momentary darkness in front of him.

Jun Li subconsciously reached out to support the boat rail, but he helped a little. This was a cruise ship for swimming in the lake. The boat rail was very low. Coupled with Jun Li's poor health, he fell into the lake without warning.

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