Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 887: The secret in the portrait

Xiaojiu had seen the portrait in the frame on the desk many times. Every time he saw it, Qin Shu would tell him that this was her mother and his grandmother.

While Xiaojiu was climbing the chair neatly, Qin Shu had already walked to the desk, wondering what his anxious behavior was.

She was shocked when she saw him holding the portrait of her mother and said that she was this grandmother.

Xiaojiu means that the woman on Qishan looks a lot like her mother?

She hurriedly asked her son: "Are you saying that the woman I saw on the mountain resembled the person in the portrait?"

The little hotel nodded: "Well, the eyes are not blue, they look alike."

There is a woman in Qishan who looks like her mother. What does this mean?

Is it mother’s sister?

still is……?

For a moment, countless possibilities flashed in Qin Shu's mind, but she was quickly interrupted.

Fu Tingyu said that the master and mother should know each other, and they should know how similar they are.

Master, why hasn't he mentioned it?

"Mom." Xiaojiu yelled. Qin Shu didn't respond. He was a little anxious, so he took the portrait and got down from the chair, saying that he was still a three-year-old child. Holding the portrait in his hand was a little inconvenient when he came down. When I was anxious, my hand slipped and the photo frame fell to the floor. With a "pop", the glass broke to the ground.

It also made Qin Shu come back to her senses. She looked at her son first, fearing that he would be frightened by injury: "Xiao Jiu, are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm fine, it's just..." He looked at the broken glass, "The frame is broken."

"It's okay, mom will clean it up, you stand on one side, don't cut your hand." Knowing that his son is okay, Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, bending over to clean up the glass shards on the ground.

She picked up the portrait first, and from the corner of her eye she saw the words behind the portrait.

After taking this portrait back from Qin Hai's villa, she kept it in the box.

It was only taken out last year and placed on the desk. It has never been taken apart and the photo frame has never been changed.

The reason why I didn't change it was because the pattern of the frame was very artistic, and the materials were not ordinary wood, but very expensive huanghuali.

With Qin Hai's vision and taste, it is impossible to choose such a photo frame.

If you look carefully, you will know that this photo frame is specially customized by someone with a heart.

She turned the portrait over, and she saw the words on the back, Ziqing on May 5, 2004

This date should be the painting date, and the calculated time should be 24 years ago.

"Who is Ziqing?" She muttered to herself while holding the portrait.

Xiao Jiu replied: "It's Master, Grandma's name is Master Ziqing."

Qin Shu turned his head to look at his son, and asked again: "You heard her called Master like this? Ziqing?"

Xiaojiu nodded vigorously: "Well, that's how Grandma called Master Zu."

Qin Shu lowered his head and looked at the portrait in his hand, which was painted by the master more than 20 years ago, which also shows one thing. The master and mother had known each other before she was born.

Is their relationship a friend or...

Instead of thinking about it, it's better to see it with your own eyes.

Xiaojiu didn't know what happened. Seeing his mother's expression, he felt that something must be wrong.

When Fu Tingyu came back, Qin Shu roughly told him about the incident.

"I want to visit Qishan."

After listening to her words, Fu Tingyu felt strange. The master said that parents were not allowed to go up the mountain, but Bo'er's mother was able to go up the mountain to see the children. It seemed that the master and the warmth had an unusual relationship.

"I will go with you."

Qin Shu nodded: "Yeah."

Fu Tingyu also saw the portrait. It was a warm and young one. The painting was very detailed and looked like a photo, especially the coloring was very close.

Azure eyes?

He suddenly remembered that his mother was a pet, Ye Si, and its eyes were also blue.

He glanced at the writing on the back of the portrait again, which looked a bit like the master's handwriting.


Shouldn't it be a name, but a word?

After confirming to go to Qishan, Fu Tingyu asked Shi Yan to book the air ticket tomorrow.

Before going to bed, Qin Shu came to his son's room and talked to him roughly about going to Qishan tomorrow.

"Mom will come back when she finds out the matter."

Knowing that there must be an important thing for parents to go to Qishan, Xiaojiu didn't bother to go, "Then I will wait at home for my mother to come back."

Qin Shu rubbed his son's hair, feeling relieved: "Well, Xiaojiu is the best."

Early the next morning, Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu left the house and rushed to the airport.

When I arrived at Nanyue Ancient Wind City, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Fu Tingyu booked a room at Fengyue Inn. After settling down, he said: "First take a rest. We will go up the mountain tomorrow morning."

Qin Shu looked at the dark night outside the window and nodded: "Well, that's all."

Seeing her a little absent-minded, Fu Tingyu said, "I was anxious to go up the mountain."

"Well, the master must know what happened to my mother, and the woman on Qishan who looks like my mother. What does it have to do with my mother?"

There are too many doubts that bother her, making her anxious to unravel these doubts.

The man comforted her: "Don't think about it so much, go take a bath first, rest early, and you will know the answer when you go up the mountain tomorrow."

"Yeah." Qin Shu took the clothes and went to take a shower.

Fu Tingyu changed the sheets and quilts, and waited for Qin Shu to come out before going in for a bath.

When lying on the bed, Qin Shu nestled in the arms of the man, thinking that the master hadn't mentioned these things several times, and felt a little nervous: "Will the master be unwilling to say it?"

Fu Tingyu paused, tightened his arms, hugged her tightly, and whispered to comfort: "I'll know when I go up the mountain tomorrow, let's go to sleep."

Qin Shu nodded and didn't ask any more, always feeling a little unsure in his heart.

Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu got up as soon as the fish belly turned white.

After eating some meals, I left the inn.

After arriving at Changqiao, the sky was already bright.

In the first autumn, the weather is still very hot.

Above the long bridge, the white fog is still thick, and Qishan is not visible.

Fu Tingyu took his wife's hand and stepped onto the long bridge.

Qin Shu suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to look at the man: "Would you like to call the master? The master said, if you have something to call, you will not be allowed to go up the mountain."

The man chuckles: "It's too late to call now. This is the signal shielding area."

"That's right." Qin Shu just remembered that there is a signal shielding area under the mountain, and there are signals on the mountain.

"Then go up first, the master should not be so stingy."

The man smiled, and then seriously said: "You don't realize that the master will not let him go up the mountain and set up the formation. What do you want to hide?"

Qin Shu was a little helpless: "I also have doubts, but the master is not willing to say. He said that he also has doubts and no one answers them. I am thinking about what he doubts?"

Fu Tingyu said: "The master's doubts should not be with us." He pondered for a while, and said: "I always feel that you have lost your memory, and the master will know some of the reasons."

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