Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 883: I am too arrogant and self-righteous

After leaving on the left on Monday, Ye Xue continued to walk with his textbook. It was only ten minutes away from the apartment, and he arrived in a while.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the street lights on both sides of the concrete road turned on ahead of time.

"Xiao Xue."

Just when she was about to walk to the entrance of the student apartment, she heard a male voice, a little low, but also very familiar, the most familiar was the title.

She paused, and her hand holding the textbook suddenly tightened. After that sound, she suddenly became quiet again, feeling that the "Xiaoxue" just now seemed to be a hallucination.

She smiled bitterly and shook her head. She really had an auditory hallucination and moved on.

"Xiaoxue, I'm back."

Ye Xue stopped, this time she heard clearly, it was Jiang Yu.

She turned her head abruptly, and the moment she saw Jiang Yu, her whole body froze, and the books in her arms were scattered all over the place.

Under the light, he stood upright, the broken hair from his forehead hit, his eyebrows were hidden in the shadows, his handsome face was a bit tougher than it was three years ago.

He is slender and seems to be taller.

After three years of absence, the teenager in my memory has matured.

The meeting was too sudden, she was not ready, she was not ready to react when she saw him, nor was she ready to open her statement, just staring at him like this, always feeling that the person in front of her was what she had imagined.

Jiang Yu hurried forward, bending over to pick up the book on the ground.

Ye Xue reacted, and bent over to pick up the book, picking it up, and both of them reached out to the last book.

Ye Xue stiffened the moment his fingers touched, and then quickly retracted his hand.

Jiang Yu paused with the book's movements. Did Ye Xue's subconscious movement just now hate his touch?

He didn't dare to think too much, he arranged the book and handed it to her.

She said, "Thank you."

Jiang Yu's body became stiff, and his hands that had not had time to withdraw were in the air, as if he had predicted something to lose, his heart shrank sharply. The feeling of suffocation was very uncomfortable.

"Between us, needless to say thank you for such kind and polite words."

Ye Xue pursed her lips, but did not answer.

The two slowly stood up and stood face to face.


He followed all the way. On the way, his gaze had been staring at her back, and he found that she had lost a lot of weight. Her thin figure felt like a gust of wind could blow away.

She also had her hair cut short, and her white neck could be seen just above her ears.

Ye Xue's skin is really white, so it is not an exaggeration to describe it as Ruobaixue.

He also said before, is it because your skin is too white that your father got Ye Xue for you.

She said, I was born on a snowy day, and my parents were not well-educated. They saw snowflakes all over the sky, so I named them Ye Xue.

At that time, he confided, why not call it Yebaiyehua?

Ye Xue lowered her head and held the textbook he had just compiled in her arms. After she said thank you, the distance was widened, just like a familiar stranger, two people who were obviously very familiar, but said polite words.

He has a lot to say to her, but now he doesn't know where to start.

Speaking from the purpose of coming back this time, or from the thoughts when I left.

Or directly explain your intentions and express your thoughts.

Just when Jiang Yu opened his mouth and wanted to speak, Ye Xue slowly raised his head, her white cheeks were not affected by the dim light: "Are you back to school?"

Jiang Yu hurriedly shook his head: "No, I am here to find you."

Ye Xue was startled, staring at him with big eyes, as if in surprise.

"In the past three years, I have always missed you, and I have never stopped liking you. I want to see through time, whether my feelings for you are fresh for a while or just simply want to fall in love. I also want to Make yourself stronger and mature."

Don't know if it's afraid or nervous, Jiang Yu said incoherently, "Xiaoxue, I like you, I have always liked you."

Ye Xue was stunned, his head was a little messy, it was really messy.

Jiang Yu's appearance was like a calm lake, throwing a boulder into it, causing a thousand waves, which could not be calmed for a long time.

"Xiaoxue." Jiang Yu suddenly took two steps forward and forced her into his arms, rubbing her lower jaw against her soft hair, "You have lost a lot."

Ye Xue reacted and pushed away the person holding her in front of him slowly, but because the power was too large, he couldn't push him away, "Jiang Yu, I already have a boyfriend, let him see , Will misunderstand."

Jiang Yu was startled. He knew that she had a boyfriend, and he also knew that the person was Zhou Zuo. When he walked over just now, he happened to see Zhou Zuo holding her hand and then left suddenly.

To hear her say this now is to tell him that she already has someone she likes.

The feeling of suffocation spread from his body, his throat seemed to be blocked by something abruptly, he couldn't breathe, and his heart felt so uncomfortable.

Finally let go of her.

"Xiaoxue, I...I'm sorry."

Ye Xue hugged the textbook in his arms tightly, lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice, "We are still classmates, and you didn't apologize to me. From the beginning, you understood very well, and I was prepared."

"I am too conceited, thinking that you will always like me, and will wait for me where I am, and wait for me to come back to find you."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath and twitched the corners of his mouth. The smile was uglier than crying: "What qualifications do I have to keep you waiting for me? What qualifications do I have to prevent you from liking others?"

"I...I'm coming back this time..." Jiang Yu felt that he could hardly breathe, his throat and chest seemed to be blocked, he said with difficulty: "Xiaoxue, I'm sorry."

He didn't know what to say, he wanted to save it, but he was not qualified.

After saying these words, he turned away spinelessly, walking very embarrassed.

It was said that the man had tears and would not flick it lightly, but he still cried unconvincingly.

He had never cried when he grew up.

Jiang Yu did not go fast, but not slow.

Under the street lamp, the figure gradually disappeared on the concrete path.

Ye Xue, who had been calm all the time, was already in tears, her heart seemed to be gripped fiercely, the pain made it hard for her to breathe, and the uncomfortable made her straighten up.

She hugged the textbook and slowly squatted down, her hoarse voice, her voice was broken: "Why are you coming back now? Why do you come back when I plan to forget you?"

Ye Xue didn't know how long she cried, until a familiar voice came over her head, "Ye Xue."

It is Monday left.

She randomly wiped the tears from her cheeks, looked up at him, and saw that the handbag in his hand was filled with various ingredients.

"You're back." As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was hoarse.

She hurriedly got up from the ground, fearing that he would see her crying eyes and turned and walked into the apartment.

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