Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 865: As long as you say, I believe

She slept in his arms all night, and he was still wondering whether he believed him.

If questioned, she would definitely not sleep in his arms, let alone sleep in the same room with him.

From beginning to end, she didn't believe that Fu Tingyu would do such a thing.

She knows him too well, he doesn't like the smell of perfume on women, and he doesn't like letting strangers touch him.

So every time I go to a bar, I always bring Shi Yan with him, because Shi Yan grew up with him and is very familiar with him.

He was drunk, even Lemon wanted to help him.

She discovered this when she was around him.

In the second year by his side, he was drunk and hugged her and said, "Boa, you have a particularly attractive scent. It will be addictive to smell it. It smells much better than those luxurious perfumes."

When he was drunk, he could recognize her, but he talked more than usual.

He said that he was entangled when he got out of the bar, he felt that he was stained with perfume, and he wanted to take a bath.

That time, he took her into the bathroom.

It is easy to wipe the gun and misfire.

Seeing the man's persistent eyes, she asked him, "If something happens to me, do you believe it?"

The man has been waiting for her answer, and was suddenly questioned. He was stunned for two seconds, and then responded to her: "As long as you say no, I will believe it."

Qin Shu is actually quite satisfied with this answer.

Seeing the girl's eyebrows stretched, she seemed to be satisfied, he asked a little dissatisfied, "Then why don't you believe me?"

Qin Shu stared at the man for a while, his gaze fell on his lips, suddenly stretched out his arm around his neck, and took a bite on his lips, as if venting his anger.

For the girl's sudden behavior, the man was stunned for a few seconds, his lips hurt, and he looked at the girl puzzled.

Qin Shu said, "If I didn't believe you, would I even ask if I came here? If I despise you, I will sleep with you in the same bed? Will I sleep in your arms until dawn like a okay person?"

The man froze.

Qin Shu pushed him away when he was stunned, then got out of bed and went straight into the bathroom to wash.

After the man returned to his senses, he turned his head to look at the person who had entered the bathroom, recalling what she said just now, she was angry, and he couldn't help laughing.

If it was dark clouds just now, lifeless.

So now it is sunny and full of spring.

She believed him, and there was nothing that made him happy.

From the beginning, all his attention, all nervousness and fear, were focused on whether the girl would not believe him.

So I ignored some details, as well as her reaction and actions.

After the incident passed, she asked Fu Tingyu such questions.

"If you are drugged and there is a voluptuous and **** woman in front of you, can you bear it?"

Fu Tingyu stared at her for a long time, and her deep eyes gradually rose up with forbearance.

But because of this question, it is indeed difficult to answer.

Drugs with strong medicinal properties can devour people's minds, and being drunk is completely two concepts.

If you were given that kind of medicine, no one can guarantee that you can bear it.

Coupled with his low force value, it is very difficult to hold on for a period of time.

Gu Yan had thought of many ways, but the effect was not great.

"I won't let that happen."

Qin Shu: "I'll just ask casually."

Finished breakfast

Qin Shu took out the laptop he carried and placed it on the bar in front of him. When he sat down, his slender legs stepped on the high stool at will.

The notebook opened, and his hands were skillfully tapping the keyboard.

Fu Tingyu held a cup of tea next to her, then sat down beside her, looked at the computer screen, and saw a string of complicated codes, which jumped into the screen as she proficiently tapped the keyboard. on.

Although she was a little curious about what she was doing, she didn't bother.

Shi Yan walked over at this moment, "Si Ye, Miss Yan is here."

Qin Shu's typing on the keyboard was slow for a second before returning to normal speed.

Yan Shuang followed Shi Yan with his handbag and saw the two people on the bar. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Are you all right?"

Fu Tingyu turned his head to look at Yan Shuang, "Sit down first." Then he told Shiyan: "Go and give her tea."

"Yes, Fourth Master." Shi Yan turned to make tea.

Yan Shuang walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, looking at Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu on the bar, "I'm afraid that there will be conflicts between you, I rushed over this morning, you look at it now, it seems to be good."

"Yeah." Fu Tingyu looked at the girl, looked at her serious expression, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously bend in a beautiful arc.

Yan Shuang looked at Fu Tingyu’s eyes and micro expressions, and she could see that he was in a good mood at the moment. She smiled and said, “It’s fine if it’s okay. Yesterday, seeing Ling Bao rushing to the hotel shocked me. , I am also afraid that you will quarrel about this time."

Fu Tingyu replied: "We won't make noise."

Yan Shuang was surprised at first, and then a little enviously said: "It can be seen that you have a very good relationship and trust each other, which is very rare."

"Of course." Because of Yan Shuang's words, Fu Tingyu's curved mouth is more obvious. His slender fingers grabbed the hair of the girl's shoulders and played with it in the palm of his hand. The notes and joy at this time are the same as the gloomy face of yesterday. , Is the opposite expression.

Yan Shuang clenched the handbag in his hand, feeling a little melancholy: "This time it's a bit tricky. All the evidence points to Ling Yan. Xu Qianjin also identified Ling Yan. I plan to go to Xu's house and ask again. I hope Xu Qianjin can carefully recall what happened the night before."

As Fu Tingyu was about to speak, Qin Shu said first: "You don't have to go to Xu Qianjin."

"Why?" Yan Shuang looked at Qin Shu suspiciously. She was facing her back at this time, staring at the computer screen, not knowing what she was up to.

Qin Shu said without looking back: "Xu Qianjin is emotionally unstable. The last thing she wants to remember is what happened the night before. When it comes to last night, she is easily irritated."

"What you said is reasonable, but if you don't go to her, you won't know some clues. Then Ling Yan's suspicion is difficult to remove." Yan Shuang said helplessly.

"If you want evidence, you don't have to look for Xu Qianjin. I won't let him hang on the reputation of being drunk." Qin Shu looked at the video on the computer screen, picked up the Bluetooth headset to wait, and quickly flipped through it. .

Yan Shuang was startled.

Fu Tingyu felt the maintenance from the girl, and felt sweeter than eating candy. Seeing the girl was still busy, he did not feel that his innocence had to be washed away by his wife, but felt that he was very proud of being maintained by her. Thing.

Yan Shuang returned to his senses and asked, "Do you need me to help you? This is my site. In terms of contacts, after all, I am very broad and it is very convenient to do things."

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