Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 858: Fu Tingyu has an accident, be prepared

Hearing Zhaoyan's tone, he seemed extremely aggrieved.

Although he already knew that he was such a temperament that would play to the extreme if he was wronged, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and where did this guilt come from, as if it had suddenly appeared.

If he really promised him, he kept remembering it, but she failed to do it, which is tantamount to breaking trust.

This feeling is not good.

Chaoyan just smiled and replied: "You treat me better, I don't care about the previous things."

Qin Shu was stunned, pursing his lips and did not answer, knowing that he wanted her to improve her attitude towards him a little bit through grievances, but some things happened and happened, and they would not be written off because of their previous knowledge.

She lowered her head and continued to eat the meal in front of her. The appetite that had just been left would be gone.

After only a few bites, she put down her chopsticks and asked the waiter to remove the dishes.

Then he took the wine from the dining chair and teased him.

Children with innocent dispositions can easily be amused by an adult's gesture or grimace.

Chaoyan heard the child's laughter, put down his chopsticks, and tilted his head to listen to the laughter.

Qin Shu saw Chao Yan's behavior and thought of what had happened before going up the mountain. She asked, "Do you want to hold a small wine?"

Chaoyan nodded: "Yeah."

Qin Shu stood up holding Xiaojiu and came to Chaoyan, "Xiaojiu, the opposite is uncle, let uncle hold him for a while."

While talking, put the little wine into Chaoyan's arms and let him go after he held it firmly.

Zhaoyan held the little wine cautiously, because he couldn't see it, and he didn't know if the little guy was staring at him.

It can be felt that Xiaojiu didn't cry and clamor for his mother to hold because a stranger was holding him. Instead, he quietly looked at him curiously.

"The little wine is so good, my uncle doesn't make any noise when he holds it."

"Xiao Jiu does not recognize birth, but he is very clever." Qin Shu stood aside and watched. It has been more than five months. His facial features are more obvious than when he was born, and he looks more like Fu Tingyu, especially his eyebrows.

Chaoyan smiled and said, "Yes, parents with high IQs, Xiaojiu is naturally more blue than blue."

Xiaojiu stared at Chaoyan in front of him curiously for a long time. Maybe he felt that the other party knew him and didn't have any malicious intentions. The two hands that had been restless at this time also began to wave, the target was Chaoyan's eyes. Of gauze.

Feeling the hand stretched out by the little guy, fleshy, and baby-like skin against his cheek, Chaoyan couldn't help but laugh.

It's a pity that Xiao Jiu's hand is too weak. After a few tears, he couldn't tear the gauze off his cheeks, but he still wanted to pull the gauze off.

Qin Shu looked inexplicably expectant, as long as he pulled it off, he could see Zhaoyan's face, and cheered for the little wine in his heart. He pulled off Zhaoyan's gauze and gave you candy.

Suddenly it occurred to me that my son could not eat sweets.

So she changed another sentence and pulled it down to buy you some fun toys.

It's a pity that the son's little hand is like a cat tickles, and it took a long time to pull the gauze off Chaoyan's eyes.

Yin Shi took out his mobile phone, turned on the video recording function, and recorded the scene.

It is very cold when it snows outside, and the small wine is still small, and it is easy to frostbite the skin.

Qin Shu stayed at Fengyue Inn with a small wine and did not go out.

Most of them are Chao Yan playing with Xiao Jiu, although he can't see it, it does not prevent him from playing with Xiao Jiu.

Someone played with him, and the wine was very happy.

Among them, Mr. Ba is a partner, helping back and forth as errands.

Qin Shu sat aside and watched. She found that once adults played with children, they would behave like children, throwing out all their worries and doing naive actions.

The ticket is booked early tomorrow morning.

At dawn, Qin Shu got up, and after simple packing, he let Ye Luo walk out with the suitcase.

She went downstairs holding a small wine.

When I arrived in the hall, I saw Chaoyan sitting on the sofa in a daze. He folded his legs and sat lazily, as if he had been sitting there waiting early.

Yin Shi stood by the bed, and when he saw her coming down, he reminded Chao Yan.

Zhaoyan stood up after hearing this, and she walked over.

When Chao Yan approached, Qin Shu heard him say, "I will take you to the airport before he even asked."

Qin Shu said no, he saw Xiao Jiu's hand already stretched out towards Chao Yan, as if he wanted to hug him in Chao Yan, it doesn't count as if he stretched out his hand, even his body followed.

The kid is that, as long as you are willing to play with him carefully and patiently, after getting acquainted, you will want you to hold him when you see you.

In the end, two little hands grabbed Chaoyan's collar to let him know that Xiaojiu wanted him to hold.

He said: "Let me hold a little wine for a while."

"Yeah." After Zhaoyan held her firm, she let go.

"Let's get in the car first." Chaoyan walked out first with Xiaojiu, Yin Shi led the way.

An hour later, the airport

Chaoyan was a little bit reluctant to drink wine, and after speaking a few words with him, he handed the wine to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu held Xiaojiu and waved to Chaoyan with his little hand: "Bye bye to Uncle."

Chaoyan smiled, and only said two words: "Goodbye."

Qin Shu glanced at Zhaoyan, then turned around and walked to the ticket gate holding the wine.

When the plane took off, Chaoyan was standing outside the airport, listening to the loud noise when the plane took off.

"Really see once, one less."

Yin Shi turned his head to look at the master, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.


After Xiaojiu came back, nothing was more exciting than the lemon. She was reluctant to let go of the little wine. If it wasn't for bedtime, she would still hold it.

Qin Shu was tired after flying on the plane all day, and stayed asleep until 8 o'clock the next day.

It was a phone call that woke her up.

She rubbed her eyes and connected to the phone. A female voice came from her ear: "Ling Bao, Ling Yan, something happened."

The familiar voice, the familiar name, came from Yan Shuang.

What happened to Fu Tingyu?

She sat up abruptly, "What did you just say? What happened to Fu Tingyu?"

"One or two sentences are not clear, you should come here first." Yan Shuang said here, and said: "You must be prepared, and you must believe in Ling Yan. When you come, I will talk to you in detail. Say."

After listening to Yan Shuang's words, Qin Shu was stunned for a full minute, ready? What prepared?

When she asked, she found that Yan Shuang had hung up the phone, and she didn't care about other things, so she got dressed and walked out of the room to let Ye Luo book a flight to North Star.

Ye Luo didn't know what happened, but knew that Si Ye was in North Star now, so he quickly booked a ticket.

Before Qin Shu left the house, after asking Lemon to take care of the drink, he hurried out.

From taking the car to the airport to boarding the plane, Qin Shu spent the entire journey in extreme tension.

On the way, I dialed Fu Tingyu's mobile phone and found that the mobile phone was turned off.

Then she dialed Shiyan's cell phone number again.

After dialing, her first sentence was: "What happened to him?"

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