Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 838: Take the initiative

Fu Tingyu has been busy during this time, often at night until early in the morning.

When she returned to the bedroom, the girl had fallen asleep.

After these two days, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t have to be busy until late and I can get along with the girl alone.

As a result, he forgot that there is still a small wine that he can't worry about!

Watching his wife coaxing his son, cool him aside.

I decided to let my son live in a separate room tomorrow, with Lemon watching.

Fu Tingyu wanted to coax his son to sleep, but Qin Shu didn't let him. He said that he was too busy lately and he didn't have enough sleep, so he insisted not to coax him.

Xiaojiu didn't sleep until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Qin Shu came out from next door and saw the man still sitting on the side of the bed, "Why are you still up?"

"Waiting for you to sleep together."

The man was indeed a little sleepy sitting there, but he didn't see her back, and he didn't want to lie in bed alone.

It may be because I can sleep with the girl when I get used to going to bed, so I suddenly have to go to bed first, which is very unaccustomed.

Qin Shu walked to the bed and saw at a glance that he was sleepy but still insisting on not sleeping, and went to bed holding the man's neck.

"Go to sleep."

"Yeah." The man also lay down, stretched out his arm to hug the girl into his arms, lowered his head, rubbed it, and kissed the girl's lips.

After a while, the man stopped moving.

Qin Shu opened his eyes, only to realize that the man had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

During this period of time, the man is busy, she can see it, and she can feel it when she goes to bed at night and takes her into her arms.

This is a big family with big business, there are always busy things.

She hugged the man distressedly, leaned close, kissed the man's lips, then turned off the light, and slept in the man's arms.

Starting today, Fu Tingyu will let Xiaojiu sleep in a room by himself and let Lemon look after.

The baby room is already ready.

Qin Shu actually wanted to object, but he couldn't bear to see the man kissed and fell asleep last night.

After the arrangements were made, Fu Tingyu went to the company.

at night

Without the interruption of the little wine, Fu Tingyu hugged the girl contentedly and kissed it.

Through the world of two people, applaud for love.

Go to work refreshed the next day.

Qin Shu didn't get up until ten o'clock in bed, and he received a message from Fu Tingyan.

[Xiao Yan: Sister-in-law, take some photos of Xiaojiu and send me over. 】

She didn't even brush her teeth, ran to the next room, took photos of Xiaojiu and then sent a video to Fu Tingyan.

Fu Tingyan didn't expect Qin Shu to be so fast, and he would reply to the message he just sent.

After watching the photos, he opened the video and saw Xiao Jiu's cute look, as well as the photos and videos of his sister Xingxing, which are equally cute and attractive.

The depressed mood will go halfway.

It has been two months since I returned from Jiangcheng. Because of what happened before leaving, he and Susukino always felt that there was a wall between him and Susukino. It was neither cold nor hot, and the most uncomfortable.

"Xiao Qi is looking at the photo again?" Jiang Yu held a piece of bamboo in his hand and saw Fu Tingyan sitting alone in the pavilion, so he came to ask.

"Well, my sister and nephew are already this old." Fu Tingyan handed the phone to Jiang Yu, suspicious of offering treasures.

Jiang Yu placed the bamboo in his hand, and looked at his mobile phone.

Fu Tingyan glanced at the bamboo on the ground and asked him, "Are you planning to make a bowl again?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yu replied, looking at the pictures of the two little guys and couldn't help laughing.

Susukino came over with three bottles of water and handed Jiang Yu a bottle.

"Thanks." Jiang Yu thanked him, took the water, bit it with his teeth, and drank a few mouthfuls.

Susukino handed one of the bottles to Fu Tingyan and asked him, "Drink?"

Fu Tingyan raised his eyes to look at Susukino, that face was always cold and indifferent.

He had said so clearly, yet he was still ignored, his hands on his knees clenched into fists.

He didn't pick it up, Susukino sent the mineral water bottle in his hand forward, looking at him without saying a word.

Jiang Yu drank a few sips of water and saw the actions of the two people in front of him. During this time, he obviously felt that there was something wrong between Xiaoqi and Susukino, as if it were a cold war.

He returned the phone to Xiao Qi, picked up a piece of bamboo on the ground, and left silently so as not to be cannon fodder.

Susukino saw that he was just staring at herself without receiving the mineral water. After Jiang Yu left, she moved and sat down next to him, then twisted the mineral water bottle and handed it to him again, "Drink ."

Such a move is undoubtedly a good show.

Fu Tingyan's melancholy mood improved a lot in an instant, but on the surface it was still careless.

He took the mineral water in his hand and drank a few sips, feeling very thirsty.

Seeing him drinking water, she asked: "Still angry?"

Fu Tingyan looked at him sideways and said nothing.

In fact, he has long been angry.

It's just a little unwilling.

Susukino did not go to see him, but looked at the scenery in the yard. From that day Fu Tingyan returned to Jiangcheng, she was thinking, wait for him to come back, and make it clear.

But when he came back, he saw her and hid.

Before coming, she thought everything she wanted to say, but now she couldn't say a word.

After a long silence, she said: "I will go back first."

"Wait a minute." Fu Tingyan grabbed Susukino's wrist. His wrist was slenderer than his own, not knowing how much he could break.

Susukino was forced to stop and stand up, looking sideways at him: "Something?"

Fu Tingyan stared at Susukino for a while, looked at his lips involuntarily, and asked, "How did it feel when I kissed you?"

Susukino was stunned, not knowing how to answer his question for a while, just staring at him blankly.

After waiting for a while without seeing him answer, Fu Tingyan gave him an excuse: "Forgot?"

Susukino nodded subconsciously.

"Then review it again."

Before he finished his words, the handsome face in front of him quickly grew bigger, his lips were covered with warmth, and he was shocked for a while.

The gentleness at first, the domineering later.

Fu Tingyan pressed against Susukino's earlobe and asked in a low voice, "What does it feel like?"

Susukino's cheeks were red, but he couldn't answer a word.

Fu Tingyan was quite satisfied with Susukino's reaction. At the very least, Susukino didn't hate his touch. It's still possible to bend.

Susukino didn't know what Fu Tingyan was thinking, she subconsciously licked her lips, stood up and left.

Seeing Susukino's reaction, Fu Tingyan might not help kissing again if he didn't walk fast.

This month, without the interruption of small wine, the relationship between Fu Tingyu and Qin Shu continued to heat up.

It was getting colder and colder, and Qin Shu got up later and later.

But online classes are still available.

After Qin Shu finished an online class, he took a few sips of hot water on the side, took a break, and prepared to continue the next class.

Lemon suddenly ran into the small study and cried out: "Young lady, young master is gone."

Qin Shu didn't almost fall the glass in his hand, and asked her compulsively, "What did you say?"

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