Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 819: How about erasing the memory?

He stared at the girl for a long time.

In fact, he didn't want the girl to restore her memory.

I always feel that she cares about too many people.

He glanced at Jun Li who was not far away. He sat in the shade, his pale complexion could not hide his sickness.

He learned from Gu Yan that Junli's physical condition was very bad, because taking strong drugs, his body was not only weak but also hollowed out by the drugs.

Now I've been taking the prescription developed by Gu Yan's new medicine, and how long I can live is a question.

He is very curious, what is the relationship between Junli and the girl?

Jun Li didn't seem to be interested in the content of their chats at all. His eyes were on the little guy in the crib. The little guy slept extremely sweetly. The fat babies on both cheeks made him more adorable.

If the little guy is not asleep, he wants to hold him up and play for a while.

The few people on the table all looked at Qin Shu, as if waiting for her answer.

Qin Shu glanced at the few people in front of him, and moved the celadon tea cup away from his lips, "I also want to go back and have a look. I am curious about what Qishan is like, and what is the master you often mentioned?"

What is even more looking forward to is that she wants to quickly remember Qishan's going to martial arts.

Han Xiao paused, staring at Qin Shu for a while: "Then go back to Qishan again."

Qin Feng wanted to go back to Qishan for a long time, so he decided to go back to Qishan. He said: "It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day. How about tomorrow?"

Hua Wuyan smiled: "I'm free all this time, anytime."

Han Xiao: "I have no problem."

Hua Wuyan looked at Han Xiao, subconsciously looked at his legs, and stopped talking.

"I have no problem. I have always missed my time in Qishan learning martial arts. If I can see the master again, I will be very happy. The most important thing is..." Yan Shuang looked at Qin Shu, "It can restore Ling Bao's memory. That's the best."

Qin Shu looked at Yan Shuang, smiled, and did not answer.

Yan Shuang also smiled and looked at Fu Tingyu.

Fu Tingyu looked at the girl and looked forward to returning when he saw her, "Are you planning to go with me too?"

Qin Shu looked at the man, "You are all gone, why don't I follow?"

Fu Tingyu reminded: "What about the son?"

Qin Shu paused, only then did he think of his one-month-old son, "Then, take my son with him?"

Fu Tingyu: "Do you think it fits?"

Qin Shu thought for a while, and said: "Then let the lemon take care of it, don't bring it."

Seeing that his wife didn't understand what he meant, Fu Tingyu said straightforwardly: "I want to say, when we find Qishan, if we are lucky enough to see the master, you go again."

If it weren't for so many people watching, Qin Shuzhen wanted to give him a blank glance, obviously he didn't want her to go.

When there are only two people left...

Qin Shu stared at the man for a few seconds, "Didn't you say that there may be a formation near Qishan? Will you solve the formation?"

Fu Tingyu returned two words: "No."

Qin Shu was about to say that he knew a little bit, but before he spoke, he heard the man say: "So, I plan to go to my father later and learn how to break the formation."

Qin Shu: "..."

After Fu Tingyu left, Qin Shu sat in front of the crib and teased his son.

The little guy had just drunk some water, and a pair of dark eyes stared straight at her. If he looked like a man, it was probably these eyes, which looked very like a man.

In the room

Hua silently walked out of her room to the door of the next room, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a while, the door opened from the inside, and Xiao Xiao opened the door.

"Brother Han."

"Come in first."

Hua walked in silently, closing the door by the way.

"Brother Han, your legs..."

Before Hua said nothing, Han Xiao said: "It's okay."

Hua speechlessly continued: "But the doctor said, your leg can't be overstretched. Tomorrow is going to Qishan and walking is inevitable. I was thinking, when tomorrow arrives, you will live in the ancient city first, and I will be with them. Go up the mountain."

Han Xiao didn't care about Hua's speechless words, and walked to the sofa to sit down.

Only Hua Wuyan knew that Han Xiao could walk around at will, because the right leg had a power tool that could reduce the weight of the right leg, so that when he walked, he would be no different from ordinary people.

The power tool is wrapped in black suit trousers. The trousers are so loose that the power tool inside is not visible at all.

The right leg is the most injured, and the effect of Lanzhicao is only half, so the recovery of the right leg is not good. If there is no power tool, you have to walk on a cane.

Seeing Han Xiao ignored his own words, Hua Wushen couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He walked over and sat down opposite Han Xiao.

"Brother Han, haven't you let go?"

Han Xiao raised his eyes and looked at Hua for a few seconds, "What do you want to say?"

Hua Wuyan hesitated and said, "I'm thinking, do you want to erase the memory about the little things? Without that memory, I think you will be more relaxed."

Han Xiao coldly refused: "No need."

Knowing that Han Xiao was angry, Hua Wuyan didn't say any more: "I'm just suggesting, you can think about it."

Han Xiao: "Don't do this again in the future, I won't consider it."

Hua Wuyan was a little helpless, perhaps because she knew Han Xiao too much, so she didn't mention it again.

Night falls

When Jun Li walked out of the guest room, he saw a tall figure standing in the pavilion not far away. With the help of the light, he could see that the man was cold.

He stepped over.

This is the northwest corner of Shengyuan, which is also a guest room.

There is a garden in the middle of the guest room. From here to the opposite guest room, there is a stone arch bridge in the middle. Below the stone arch bridge is a lotus pond, and there is a hexagonal pavilion next to the lotus pond.

In the quiet night, there were occasional sounds of insects.

Jun Li walked into the pavilion, and there was a slight sound of footsteps, Han Xiao's figure moved, and then turned to look over, and saw that it was Jun Li, "Something?"

"I wanted to come out for a walk, and I just saw you, so I came to chat." With a smile, Jun Li walked to the stone table and sat down, looking at the lotus pond.

At this time, the lotus in the lotus pond is in full bloom, and the fragrance of the flowers diffuses in the pavilion with the night breeze. The fragrance is light, but it is not easy to be ignored.

Han Xiao stared at Jun Li for a while, then walked to the stone table and sat down.

In the imperial capital, the two were still teachers and students.

Now, it is because of Qin Shu that they are together.

Han Xiao asked: "Have you known her before?"

Jun Li did not deny either, "Well, but I recognize her before you."

Han Xiao paused, recalling that when I met with Qin Shu several times in Huafeng, I didn't recognize her, nor did he recognize her when I arrived in the imperial capital.

He couldn't help but wonder whether he really knew her, otherwise, how could he not recognize her?

Jun Li seemed to see through his inner thoughts and smiled: "She has changed so much that you didn't recognize it, and it is excusable."

Han Xiao didn't feel relieved by Jun Li's words, he asked back: "Then how do you recognize her?"

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