Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 809: My Chinese cabbage has a dark belly

Seeing the man saying this seriously, Qin Shu couldn't help laughing.

Seeing the girl smiled, Fu Tingyu emphasized, "I'm serious."

Qin Shu couldn't help but choke at him: "At that meeting last year, I don't know who always said that I should give you a son."

Fu Tingyu felt guilty when he thought that he always wanted to have a son. He looked a little pale when he saw his wife. He said, "I didn't know it would hurt to have a child, so I gave birth to one. We won't give birth."

Fu Tingyu knew that giving birth to a child would be painful, but when he saw the girl when she gave birth, he realized that it was very different from what he imagined.

Qin Shu recalled the man's red eyes in the delivery room, and he knew why the man said that, "I'll talk about it later."

The man also felt it was not suitable to say this now. He thought of the porridge delivered by lemon, "I will bring you something to eat."

Just after giving birth, it is not suitable for sitting, so I can only lie down.

Fu Tingyu carried the millet porridge all night and fed her a spoonful.

Both father and son are the same, and both like to take care of his wife by himself.

After eating a bowl of millet porridge, Fu Tingyu wiped the corners of the girl's mouth with a tissue, "I will bring my son to show you."

Qin Shu smiled and nodded: "Well, in the delivery room, I only glanced at it, but didn't see it clearly."

Fu Tingyu put down the bowls and chopsticks, turned around and carried his son in the crib.

This was the first time he held him. He didn't dare to use both hands for fear of hurting his son, so he was awkward in his posture.

Qin Shu looked at the man holding his infant son. He was tall and slender, nearly 1.9 meters tall, holding such a tiny baby in his arms, and he felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked.

The man carefully hugged his son and sat down on the bed with his right hand slightly raised so that the girl could see clearly, "Wife, look, since I was born, I have been sleeping since I was born and drank a little milk."

Qin Shu stared at his son for a long time. The newborn child's eyes were tightly closed, like a thin slit, the eyebrows were lighter in color, and they didn't look long, but the facial features hadn't been opened yet, which was normal.

"I think my son looks a lot like you, especially this eyebrow."

The man couldn't help laughing. "They all said that."

Seeing the man happy, Qin Shu said again: "My son will definitely be a beauty who will bring harm to the country and the people."

The man still laughed at first, but his mouth twitched when he heard the next few words.

"Is the wife complimenting her son, or is she a husband, she is too beautiful to let her son inherit good genes?"

Qin Shu grinned, "Both."

The man suddenly approached her and laughed softly: "Do I have a beautiful wife?"

The heat that the man exhaled, sprayed on his cheeks, feeling a little itchy, "Anyone who is not blind can see it."

The man smiled helplessly, and stopped teasing her: "Would you like to sleep for a while? I will hold my son to my parents."

"Did you add a younger brother or younger sister?"

I've been talking about my sister before, and I haven't checked it, so I only know when I was born.

The man said: "It's my sister, my parents are so happy."

Seeing the man's expression, she knew, "You are happy too, you have added a younger sister."

The man smiled and expressed happiness.

Qin Shu picked up the phone next to the pillow and said, "Take a picture of my son."

"I'm coming." The man held his son in one hand and the phone in the girl's hand in the other, and gave him a close-up.

After the filming, he returned to his wife: "You go to bed first, I will go next door with my son."

Qin Shu nodded: "Well, I will send a few messages before going to bed."

The man paused, probably guessing who she was going to send the message to, and without saying anything, he hugged his son and went out.

After the man left, Qin Shu took the phone and began to edit the information and sent them to Han Xiao, Junli, Qin Feng, Hua Silent, and Ye Xue.

The content is roughly the same. They all say that she has given birth to a son, and a photo of her son is also included.

Soon, she received information from them.

[Han Xiao: Congratulations, I just gave birth to the baby, take more rest. Don't forget to send a wedding invitation when the full moon is wine. 】

[Qin Shu: Well, it will definitely be sent. 】

[Jun Li: I feel that time flies so fast. I saw you still having a stomach for seven months before, but in a blink of an eye, my son has already come out. I will go to Jiangcheng to see you, so you should pay more attention to rest and don't fall into confinement sickness. 】

[Qin Shu: Okay, welcome anytime. 】

[Qin Feng: Haha, I am upgrading to become an uncle. I am already on my way. I thought I could come back before you gave birth, but I was still one step too late. I heard that having a baby takes a lot of physical strength and energy, so you should rest more and visit you when you arrive in Jiangcheng. 】

[Qin Shu: I thought he would spend a few more days in his stomach, but he came out unexpectedly. Don't worry, be careful on the way. 】

[Hua Wuyan: I gave birth so soon, congratulations, it took a lot of hardship to have a baby. Your children have all given birth, why do I still have a kind of Chinese cabbage in my family [wuming novel]? But the child is really good-looking, not at all like Fu Tingyu's black belly. I want to hug him when I look at it. 】

Seeing the middle sentence, he didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry.

After this meeting, Hua Wuyan still didn't wait to see Fu Tingyu.

[Qin Shu: All right. If you want to hug, when the full moon is full of wine, you can. 】

[Ye Xue: Wow, you are all born, so fast, I was a little caught off guard. Your son is so cute that he can't help but want to kiss him. Tomorrow I will go to the hospital to see you and see your son's superb looks. 】

[Qin Shu: OK, waiting for you to come tomorrow. 】

After replying to everyone's messages, Qin Shu put down the phone and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the next ward

When Fu Tingyu came in holding his son, Mu Sheng saw him late and hurriedly waved to his son: "Son, come here and let me see my grandson."

Seeing his wife's excitement, his body almost sat up from the bed, Fu Beichen hurriedly said: "You have just given birth, don't move."

Mu Sheng night lay flat on the bed, "Isn't I anxious to see my grandson?"

Fu Beichen shook his head helplessly: "Isn't my son hugged him, and he can't run away."

"Mom, you should be careful." Fu Tingyu couldn't help saying just because he saw his wife's production process.

"Oh, I can't tell, I've become a father, and my tone of voice has changed."

He hugged his son and walked to the bed. In order to make it easier for the adults to watch, he squatted down and raised his right arm. "I was a new father. I saw the birth process and knew how much you gave birth to me and my brother. It’s not easy, it’s hard to eat a lot of bitterness."

Mu Shengwan listened to the warm heart, his son felt sorry for himself, and mothers would feel relieved.

Together with the elder son, he has been protecting her since childhood.

"I found out now that my son really grew up in this meeting, so you have to doubly treat Xiaoshu well."

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