in the room

After Gu Yan diagnosed the pulse, he put Junli's hand into the thin quilt.

Qin Shu hurriedly asked: "How is he?"

She clutched the skirt tightly with both hands, revealing her tension and fear at this time.

Gu Yan frowned, "It's more serious than I expected. He used more potent medicine because the effect is very fast, but the side effects are great and it is more harmful to the body. This is also because he was in a coma than I expected. Yes, it's a bit early."

Qin Shu looked at Junli on the bed. It didn't look like he was in a coma, but asleep. She looked at Gu Yan again, "Is there no other way to save it?"

"Toxins enter the lungs, and the body's functions are gradually deteriorating. With the addition of potent drugs, the already weak body cannot withstand his abuse. If I have been conditioned and carefully cultivated according to my prescription, it will be better than I expected Time, live longer."

After Gu Yan finished speaking, he looked at Junli on the bed and sighed inaudibly: "He is using drugs like this, obviously wasting the rest of the time. I can only do my best to extend the time, and I can't do anything else."

Gu Yan's words undoubtedly sentenced Junli to death.

Qin Shu sat there and didn't react for a long time.

After Ji Fei was ready, Gu Yan began to acupuncture Junli, and Qin Shu had to wait outside because of inconvenience.

In order not to disturb people, Ji Fei closed the door.

Qin Shu sat in the living room and waited. She ate a little for dinner. Because she was worried about Junli, her appetite was not very good.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and she hurriedly took out the phone to get the call.

As soon as I put it to my ear, I heard the man’s magnetic and gentle voice: "Boa, have you eaten yet?"

"Already eaten, how about you?"

"Remember to eat more, you are two of you now. I have eaten, now in the study. How is he?"

"He is still in a coma, Gu Yan said, he can't do anything." When he finished saying this, Qin Shu was already a little choked.

Fu Tingyu paused, hearing the hoarseness in the girl's voice, he whispered distressedly, "Boer..."

Qin Shu tried to restrain himself and not let the man worry: "I'm fine, that is, I don't know what to do to make him safe."

"Bo'er, just leave these things to Gu Yan, no matter how urgent it is, it's useless to do everything you need to do."

Fu Tingyu is also not very good at comforting people, but it is a pity that he is not by her side, otherwise he would definitely hold her to comfort him.

Qin Shu nodded: "I see, you should be busy, and I will send you a message before going to bed."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Shu held up the glass in front of him and took a sip of warm water.

Lan Qi has been sitting on the sofa not far away and staring at Qin Shu, wanting to speak, but dare not.

Qin Shu put away the phone, raised his eyes to look at Lan Qi, and when he saw that he was hesitant to speak, he asked, "Is there something to tell me?"

Lan Qi was a little surprised: "How do you know I have something to say?"

Qin Shu said: "You keep staring at me, your mouth is closed, but there is no word, don't you have something to say? I am also curious, how did we meet before? You actually know my name?"

Lan Qi said, "You don't remember anymore. I don't think it makes much sense. I'll tell you when you remember."

Qin Shu couldn't help but roll his eyes: "I remember, do you still need to speak?"

Uh! ! !

It seems to make sense.

Lan Qi glanced at Qin Shu, his eyes fell on her belly, still full of curiosity.

Qin Shu said again: "I am also curious, did Junli and I know each other before?"

It's no wonder that Qin Shu asks this, because she has lost a memory, and Lan Qi is very familiar with Junli, and President Ba, so she guessed that she and Junli know each other about nine times.

Lan Qi looked back, thinking of what Junli had warned, he could only say: "I don't know, you can ask him when Junli wakes up."

He threw the hot potato directly to Jun Li, and he decided not to tell him.

In the past, Lan Qi often played his temper because of Junli's calmness. Although he had been looking for Xiaobao, he vaguely felt that Junli was hiding something from him.

That's why there was a scene of leaving three years ago.

At this moment, Gu Yan walked out of the room, saw Qin Shu on the sofa, walked over and sat down opposite her.

He first poured himself a cup of warm water and took a few sips to moisturize his throat.

After Gu Yan put down the glass in his hand, Qin Shu asked, "Is he awake?"

Gu Yan said, "He is too weak. He will wake up tomorrow. Don't worry. It's too late. You should rest early, otherwise Ting Yu should feel distressed."

Finally, he did not forget to remind.

Speaking of Fu Tingyu, Qin Shu nodded: "Well, you have been busy for so long, so you should rest early."

"Well, don't think too much about it. Leave the treatment to me. I will try my best..." Let him live a little longer.

He did not say the last sentence.

After Qin Shu left, Lan Qi breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Gu Yan, "Is Junli seriously ill?"

Gu Yan looked sideways at the boy in front of him, his handsome face was still childish, and his eyes were bright, like the sky washed by water.

He nodded: "Yeah."

Lan Qi pursed his lips. In fact, he knew that Jun Li was seriously ill, but he never mentioned it in front of him.

The room Qin Shu sleeps in is also on the second floor, next to Junli, and next to her, Gu Yan lives.

After taking a shower, she went to bed in her dressing gown, picked up the phone, and sent a message to the man. After sending it, she put the phone back on the bedside table and closed her eyes to sleep.

Sleep during pregnancy is very important. It not only allows pregnant women to get enough sleep, but also promotes baby development.

So, worrying again, she tried to get herself to sleep as soon as possible.

Jiangcheng, Shengyuan

Fu Tingyu held the phone, his eyes fell on the phone screen, staring at the message sent by the girl.

[Boa: Husband, I took the baby to bed, you should go to bed earlier too, love you, huh]

The information content, the man looked at for a long time before returning to the desktop, saw the photo of him carrying the **** the desktop, and looked at it for a while.

I watched it for a long time this time.

Maybe because he missed it too much, the man suddenly moved the phone to his lips, and kissed the **** the cheek.

After the kiss, the man himself was shocked. The hand holding the phone paused in front of him and looked at the screen of the phone. The girl's smile was very sweet, especially the two little tiger teeth, which was especially sultry.

Imperial Capital

Junli Private Villa, Qizhuang

The breakfast was eaten by a few people, maybe because of Junli's affairs, everyone had their own concerns.

After Qin Shu had breakfast, he went to see Jun Li in the room with Gu Yan.

Gu Yan is going to check the pulse.

The door opened from the outside, and the two walked in one after another.

Junli's room was cleaned by Su Ying himself.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled a faint fragrance, a bit like the smell of a green apple after being cut.

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